#' @title countReadsMara Internal function to find chimeric scaffold.
#' @description This function finds chimeric scaffold from underlying data.
#' @usage countReadsMara(scaffolds, G_RESULT2)
#' @param scaffolds Choice of scaffold.
#' @param G_RESULT2 G_RESULT file.
#' @details This function returns data from internal function to find chimeric scaffold.
#' @return Returns countReadsMara data.
#' @examples
#' data(G.RESULT)
#' @author AJ Vaestermark, JR Walters.
#' @references The "Zwyx" package, 2018 (in press).
countReadsMara <- function(scaffolds='DPSCF300001', G_RESULT2) {
# The following reads from the object, not the files...
SCAFFOLDS <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(scaffolds, "DPSCF30"))[2])
M1 <- unname(unlist(G_RESULT2[SCAFFOLDS]@unlistData@elementMetadata@listData[1]))
F1<- unname(unlist(G_RESULT2[SCAFFOLDS]@unlistData@elementMetadata@listData[2]))
M2<- unname(unlist(G_RESULT2[SCAFFOLDS]@unlistData@elementMetadata@listData[3]))
F2<- unname(unlist(G_RESULT2[SCAFFOLDS]@unlistData@elementMetadata@listData[4]))
M3<- unname(unlist(G_RESULT2[SCAFFOLDS]@unlistData@elementMetadata@listData[5]))
F3<- unname(unlist(G_RESULT2[SCAFFOLDS]@unlistData@elementMetadata@listData[6]))
M <- (M1+M2+M3)
F <- (F1+F2+F3)
PLOT <- log2(M/F)
PLOT[is.infinite(PLOT)] <- -1
PLOT[is.nan(PLOT)] <- -1
# The following reads from the object, not the files...
#' @title countCpt Function to calculate countCpt.
#' @description This function calculates countCpt.
#' @usage countCpt(temp.cpt)
#' @param temp.cpt temp.cpt file.
#' @details This function calculates countCpt.
#' @return Returns countCpt value for samples.
#' @examples
#' data(G.RESULT)
#' @author AJ Vaestermark, JR Walters.
#' @references The "Zwyx" package, 2018 (in press).
countCpt <- function(temp.cpt=temp.cpt) {
#scaling <- (300-32) / temp.cpt@cpts[length( temp.cpt@cpts)]
scaling <- (100-4) / temp.cpt@cpts[length( temp.cpt@cpts)]
temp.cpt@cpts <- append( temp.cpt@cpts, 0,after = 0)
temp.cpt@param.est$mean <- round(as.numeric(temp.cpt@param.est$mean))
temp.cpt@param.est$mean[ temp.cpt@param.est$mean > 0 ] <- "Z"
temp.cpt@param.est$mean[ temp.cpt@param.est$mean == 0 ] <- "a"
temp.cpt@param.est$mean[ temp.cpt@param.est$mean < 0 ] <- "W"
cat(' +------------+')
for(i in 1:(length(temp.cpt@cpts)-1)) {
for(j in 1:( ceiling((temp.cpt@cpts[i+1]-temp.cpt@cpts[i])*scaling) ) ) {
#' @title findChimericScaffold Wrapper function to find chimeric scaffold.
#' @description This function finds chimeric scaffold.
#' @usage findChimericScaffold(G__RESULT)
#' @param G__RESULT G_RESULT file.
#' @details This function finds chimeric scaffold.
#' @return Returns findChimericScaffold value for samples.
#' @examples
#' data(G.RESULT)
#' @author AJ Vaestermark, JR Walters.
#' @references The "Zwyx" package, 2018 (in press).
findChimericScaffold <- function(G__RESULT) {
for(i in 1:5397) {
j<-str_pad(j, 4, pad = "0")
yyx[i]<- paste0('DPSCF30',j)
temp1 <- foreach(i=1:10) %dopar% { countReadsMara(scaffolds=yyx[i], G__RESULT) }
txtplot(unlist(temp1[1]), width=100, height=40)
temp.cpt <- cpt.mean( unlist(temp1[1]) , method = "PELT", Q = 5, penalty= "SIC", minseglen = 5)
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