#' Remove condition from model
#' Remove a condition from a \code{\link{combinedMultiHMM}} object.
#' @param model A \code{\link{combinedMultiHMM}} object or file which contains such an object.
#' @param conditions A character vector with the condition(s) to be removed.
#' @return The input \code{\link{combinedMultiHMM}} object with specified conditions removed.
#' @export
#' @examples
#'## Get an example HMM
#'file <- system.file("data","combined_mode-differential.RData",
#' package="chromstaR")
#'model <- get(load(file))
#'## Print available conditions
#'## Remove condition SHR
#'new.model <- removeCondition(model, conditions='SHR')
removeCondition <- function(model, conditions) {
model <- loadHmmsFromFiles(model, check.class=class.combined.multivariate.hmm)[[1]]
### Check input ###
cond.setdiff <- setdiff(conditions, model$info$condition)
if (length(cond.setdiff) == length(conditions)) {
warning("Conditions ", paste0(cond.setdiff, collapse=', '), " could not be found. Doing nothing.")
if (length(cond.setdiff) > 0) {
warning("Conditions ", paste0(cond.setdiff, collapse=', '), " could not be found.")
conditions <- setdiff(conditions, cond.setdiff)
### Info ###
info <- model$info
mask <- !info$condition %in% conditions
info <- info[mask,]
model$info <- info
### Bins ###
# State
if (!is.null(model$bins$state)) {
ptm <- startTimedMessage("Recalculating states ...")
states <- model$bins$state
binstates <- dec2bin(states, colnames=model$info$ID)
removeconds <- paste0(paste0('-', conditions, '-'), collapse='|')
binstates <- binstates[, grep(removeconds, colnames(binstates), invert=TRUE)]
state <- factor(bin2dec(binstates))
model$bins$state <- state
# Combinations
ptm <- startTimedMessage("Selecting conditions ...")
removeconds <- paste0('combination.', conditions)
mcols(model$bins)[removeconds] <- NULL
# Counts
if (!is.null(model$bins$counts)) {
counts <- model$bins$counts.rpkm
removeconds <- paste0(paste0('-', conditions, '-'), collapse='|')
keepconds <- grep(removeconds, colnames(counts), invert=TRUE, value=TRUE)
counts <- counts[,keepconds]
if (!is(counts,'matrix')) {
counts <- matrix(counts, ncol=1, dimnames=list(NULL, keepconds))
model$bins$counts.rpkm <- counts
if (!is.null(model$bins$posteriors)) {
posteriors <- model$bins$posteriors
removeconds <- paste0(paste0('-', conditions, '-'), collapse='|')
keepconds <- grep(removeconds, colnames(posteriors), invert=TRUE, value=TRUE)
posteriors <- posteriors[,keepconds]
if (!is(posteriors,'matrix')) {
posteriors <- matrix(posteriors, ncol=1, dimnames=list(NULL, keepconds))
model$bins$posteriors <- posteriors
if (!is.null(model$bins$maxPostInPeak)) {
maxPostInPeak <- model$bins$maxPostInPeak
removeconds <- paste0(paste0('-', conditions, '-'), collapse='|')
keepconds <- grep(removeconds, colnames(maxPostInPeak), invert=TRUE, value=TRUE)
maxPostInPeak <- maxPostInPeak[,keepconds]
if (!is(maxPostInPeak,'matrix')) {
maxPostInPeak <- matrix(maxPostInPeak, ncol=1, dimnames=list(NULL, keepconds))
model$bins$maxPostInPeak <- maxPostInPeak
# Redo differential score
if (!is.null(model$bins$differential.score)) {
ptm <- startTimedMessage("Differential score ...")
model$bins$differential.score <- differentialScoreSum(model$bins$maxPostInPeak, model$info)
# Redo transition frequencies and groups
ptm <- startTimedMessage("Transition frequencies ...")
trans <- suppressMessages( transitionFrequencies(combined.hmm = model) )
model$bins$transition.group <- trans$per.bin$group
model$frequencies <- trans$table
bins <- model$bins
combs <- getCombinations(model$bins)
names(combs) <- sub('combination.', '', names(combs))
### Redo the segmentation for all conditions combined
ptm <- startTimedMessage("Redoing segmentation for all conditions combined ...")
segments <- suppressMessages( multivariateSegmentation(bins, column2collapseBy='state') )
names(mcols(segments))[grep("combination", names(mcols(segments)))] <- names(mcols(bins))[grep("combination", names(mcols(bins)))]
## Add differential score ##
ptm <- startTimedMessage("Adding differential score ...")
segments$differential.score <- differentialScoreSum(segments$maxPostInPeak, model$info)
## Maximum posterior in peaks ##
ptm <- startTimedMessage("Getting maximum posterior in peaks ...")
ind <- findOverlaps(bins, segments)
bins$maxPostInPeak <- segments$maxPostInPeak[subjectHits(ind), , drop=FALSE]
bins$differential.score <- segments$differential.score[subjectHits(ind)]
model$segments <- segments
model$bins <- bins
### Redo the segmentation for each condition separately ###
ptm <- startTimedMessage("Redoing segmentation for each condition separately ...")
segments.per.condition <- list()
for (cond in names(combs)) {
bins.cond <- bins
mcols(bins.cond) <- mcols(bins)[paste0('combination.',cond)]
df <- as.data.frame(bins.cond)
names(df)[6] <- cond
segments.cond <- suppressMessages( collapseBins(df, column2collapseBy=cond, columns2drop=c('width', grep('posteriors', names(df), value=TRUE))) )
segments.cond <- methods::as(segments.cond, 'GRanges')
names(mcols(segments.cond)) <- 'combination'
seqlengths(segments.cond) <- seqlengths(bins)[seqlevels(segments.cond)]
segments.per.condition[[cond]] <- segments.cond
model$segments.per.condition <- segments.per.condition
### Peaks ###
removeconds <- paste0(paste0('-', conditions, '-'), collapse='|')
peaks <- model$peaks[grep(removeconds, names(model$peaks), invert=TRUE)]
model$peaks <- peaks
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