mAPKL <-
function(trObj, classLabels, valObj=NULL, dataType=6, statTest="t",
permutations=1000, features=200, minClusters=2, maxClusters=50, FC="limma",
bimaxit=50, r=2) {
topGenes <- as.integer(features)
st.test <- as.character(statTest)
perm <- as.integer(permutations)
mAPKLObj <- new("mAPKLRes")
## Check whether the expression data are ordered according to class of '0' and
## '1' labels and if not a new ordered eset object is created
initCls <- pData(trObj)[,classLabels]
idx2 <- order(pData(trObj)[classLabels], decreasing="FALSE")
ordCls <- pData(trObj)[,classLabels] [idx2]
ordTrExprs <- exprs(trObj) [,idx2]
ordPhenoTr <- phenoData(trObj)[idx2]
if(identical(initCls, ordCls)) {
Data <- trObj
else {
Data <- ExpressionSet(assayData=ordTrExprs, phenoData=ordPhenoTr,
experimentData=experimentData(trObj), annotation=annotation(trObj))
message("eSet object was modified")
## Runing the MTP function from the "multtest" package to rank the genes
## according to the adjacent p-value
resT <- MTP(X=exprs(Data), Y=pData(Data)[classLabels], nulldist='perm',
method='sd.maxT', seed=99)
index <- order(abs(resT@statistic), decreasing ='TRUE')
mAPKLObj@statistic <- resT@statistic[index]
mAPKLObj@pVal <- resT@rawp[index]
mAPKLObj@adjp <- resT@adjp[index]
## Create the ordered gene intensities data frame
ordIntensities <- exprs(Data)[index,]
genesM <- featureNames(Data)[index]
ordTrainsetM <- data.frame(genesM, ordIntensities)
## Deciding on the number of clusters
ordIntensities_f <- ordIntensities[1:features,]
genes_f <- array(genesM, dim=c(features,1))
## We asked for num of clusters "ONLY IN THE DISEASE SAMPLES" among the top 200
## ranked genes during our study
## path : 6-ratio data without normalization or
## 7-interval or mixed (ratio & interval) data without normalization
## the minimum Cluster Number is: 2 and
## the maximum Cluster Number is: 50
## KL: is the Krzanowski & Lai index
## the clustering method is m5:k-medoids (PAM)
cls <- table(pData(Data)[classLabels])
start <- as.integer(cls[[1]] + 1)
end <- as.integer(cls[[1]] + cls[[2]])
path <- as.integer(dataType)
min.clu <- as.integer(minClusters)
max.clu <- as.integer(maxClusters)
message("Please wait! The (KL) cluster indexing may take several minutes...")
cluster_analysis <- cluster.Sim(ordIntensities_f[,start:end], path, min.clu,
max.clu, "KL", methods="m5")
KL <- as.integer(cluster_analysis$classes)
message(sprintf("Asking for %d number of clusters", KL))
## Select the exemplars "ONLY IN THE DISEASE SAMPLES" from the 200 ranked list
## according to the KL index
s <- negDistMat(ordIntensities_f[,start:end], r=r)
apres <- apclusterK(s, K=KL, prc=0, bimaxit=bimaxit,
exact=FALSE, verbose=FALSE)
exemplars <- names(apres@exemplars)
exemplIndex <- as.numeric(apres@exemplars)
mAPKLObj@exemplars <- apres@exemplars
mAPKLObj@clusters <- apres@clusters
if(FC == "limma") {
message("fc according to limma")
fc <- log2(2^( rowMeans(ordIntensities_f[exemplIndex,start:end]))
/ (2^(rowMeans(ordIntensities_f[exemplIndex,1:start-1]))))
fc <- round(fc, 3)
mAPKLObj@fc <- fc
else {
message("fc according to SAM")
fc <- 2^( rowMeans(ordIntensities_f[exemplIndex, 1:start-1])
- rowMeans(ordIntensities_f[exemplIndex, start:end]))
fc <- round(fc, 3)
mAPKLObj@fc <- fc
apData <- ExpressionSet(assayData=ordIntensities_f[exemplIndex,], phenoData=ordPhenoTr,
experimentData=experimentData(trObj), annotation=annotation(trObj))
mAPKLObj@rankedIntens <- ordIntensities_f[,start:end]
# exprs(Data) <- ordIntensities_f[exemplIndex,]
mAPKLObj@exemplTrain <- apData
if(!is.null(valObj)) {
idx3 <- order(pData(valObj)[classLabels], decreasing="FALSE")
ordPhenoTst <- phenoData(valObj)[idx3]
ordIntensTst <- exprs(valObj)[index,]
valData <- ExpressionSet(assayData=ordIntensTst[exemplIndex,], phenoData=ordPhenoTst,
experimentData=experimentData(valObj), annotation=annotation(valObj))
# exprs(valObj) <- ordIntensTst[exemplIndex,]
mAPKLObj@exemplTest <- valData
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