
.collapseDesc <- function (x){
    d <- description(x)
    d <- lapply(d, function(y) {
        if (length(y) == 0) 
            return(" ")
        else {
            if (is.matrix(y)) 
            else return(sub("^$", " ", y))
    d <- d[order(names(d))]
    spillName <- intersect(c("SPILL", "spillover"), names(d))
    if (length(spillName) > 0) {
        mat <- d[[spillName]]
        rNum <- as.character(nrow(mat))
        clNames <- paste(colnames(mat), sep = ",")
        vec <- paste(c(t(mat)), sep = ",", collapse = ",")
        d[spillName] <- paste(c(rNum, clNames, vec), sep = ",", 
            collapse = ",")
    paste("/", iconv(paste(names(d), "/", sapply(d, paste, 
        collapse = " "), "/", collapse = "", sep = ""), to = "latin1", 
        sub = " "), sep = "")

.writeFCSheader <- function(con, offsets){
    seek(con, 0)
    writeChar("FCS3.0    ", con, eos=NULL)
    len <- length(offsets)/2
    for (i in seq_len(len)) {
        indx <- 2*(i-1) +1;
        val1 <- offsets[indx]
        val2 <- offsets[indx+1];
        st1 <- 8 - nchar(val1)
        st2 <- 8 - nchar(val2)
        if( nchar(val1) > 8 || nchar(val2) > 8){
             val1 <- val2 <- 0
        writeChar(paste(paste(rep(" ", 8 - nchar(val1)), collapse=""), val1,
                        collapse="", sep=""), con, eos=NULL)
        writeChar(paste(paste(rep(" ", 8 - nchar(val2)), collapse=""), val2,
                        collapse="", sep=""), con, eos=NULL)

OPPtoFCSconversion <- function(opp.filelist, save.path = getCruisePath(opp.filelist),...){

	cruise <- basename(getCruisePath(opp.filelist))

	system(paste("mkdir ", save.path,cruise,"/",sep=""))
	days <- unique(basename(dirname(opp.filelist)))
	for(d in days) system(paste("mkdir ", save.path, cruise,"/",d,sep=""))

	for(opp.file in opp.filelist){

		## READ OPP file
		opp <- readSeaflow(opp.file, transform=F, add.yearday.file=TRUE) 
		## OMIT PULSE WIDTH, D1 and D2
		cleaned.opp <- opp[,c(1,5:10)] 
		x <- flowFrame(as.matrix(cleaned.opp))
		year.day <- flowPhyto:::.getYearDay(opp.file)
		filename <- basename(opp.file)
		filenumber <- getFileNumber(opp.file)
		total.event <- readSeaflow(sub('.opp','',opp.file), count.only=TRUE)
		last.modif <- file.info(opp.file)$ctime
		fcs.filename <- paste(cruise,".",year.day,".",filenumber,sep="")
		opp.join <- joinSDS(opp, flowPhyto:::.nv(opp.filelist,sapply(opp.filelist,getFileNumber)))
		lat <- mean(opp.join$lat, na.rm=T)
		long <- mean(opp.join$long, na.rm=T)
		temp <- mean(opp.join$temperature, na.rm=T)
		sal <- mean(opp.join$salinity, na.rm=T)
		fluo <- mean(opp.join$fluorescence, na.rm=T)
		red <- mean(opp.join$bulk.red, na.rm=T)
		flow.rate <- mean(opp.join$flow.rate, na.rm=T)
		event.rate <- mean(opp.join$event.rate, na.rm=T)
		acquisition <- unique(opp.join$time.UTC, na.rm=T)
		begTxt <- 58
		mk <- list(`$BEGINANALYSIS` = "0",
					`$BEGINDATA` = "0",
					`$BEGINSTEXT` = 0, 
        			`$BYTEORD` = "1,2,3,4",
        			`$DATATYPE` = "I",
        			`$ENDANALYSIS` = "0",
       				`$ENDDATA` = "0", 
      				`$ENDSTEXT` = "0",
        			`$MODE` = "L", 
        			`$NEXTDATA` = "0", 
        			`$PAR` = ncol(x), 
        			`$TOT` = nrow(x))
    	pnb <- as.list(rep(16, ncol(x)))
    	names(pnb) <- sprintf("$P%sB", 1:ncol(x))
    	mk <- c(mk, pnb)
      	pne <- as.list(rep("4,0", ncol(x)))
    	names(pne) <- sprintf("$P%sE", 1:ncol(x))
    	mk <- c(mk, pne)
    	pnr <- as.list(c(unlist(list(range(x[,1])))[2], rep(2^16, ncol(x)-1)))
    	names(pnr) <- sprintf("$P%sR", 1:ncol(x))
    	mk <- c(mk, pnr)
    	pnn <- colnames(x)
   	 	names(pnn) <- sprintf("$P%sN", 1:ncol(x))
    	mk <- c(mk, pnn)
    	description(x) <- mk
    	description(x) <- list( '$CYT'="SeaFlow",
 								'$INST'="University of Washington",
								'$LAB'="Armbrust Lab",
								'$TIME.UTC'= acquisition,
    	identifier(x) <- fcs.filename
    	ld <- length(exprs(x)) * 2
    	ctxt <- .collapseDesc(x)
    	endTxt <- nchar(ctxt) + begTxt - 1
    	endDat <- ld + endTxt
    	endTxt <- endTxt + (nchar(endTxt + 1) - 1) + (nchar(endDat) - 1)
  	 	endDat <- ld + endTxt
    	description(x) <- list(`$BEGINDATA` = endTxt + 1, `$ENDDATA` = endTxt +  ld)
    	ctxt <- .collapseDesc(x)
    	offsets <- c(begTxt, endTxt, endTxt + 1, endTxt + ld, 0, 0)
    	con <- file(paste(save.path,cruise,"/",year.day, "/", fcs.filename,".fcs",sep=""), open = "wb")
    	.writeFCSheader(con, offsets)
    	writeChar(ctxt, con, eos = NULL)
    	writeBin(as(t(exprs(x)), "integer"), con, size = 2, endian = 'little')
    	writeChar("00000000", con, eos = NULL)



armbrustlab/flowPhyto documentation built on May 10, 2019, 1:40 p.m.