.DBcon <- function(){
for(var in c('.db.driver','.db.user','.db.pass','.db.name','.db.host',
assign(var, get(var), envir=.GlobalEnv)
require(RPostgreSQL, quietly=T)
.loadCheck <- function(con, tab.nm, cruise.fkey.nm, cruise.id, update){
ct <- dbGetQuery(con, paste("SELECT count(*) FROM", tab.nm, "WHERE", cruise.fkey.nm, "=",cruise.id))[[1]]
if(ct > 0){
stop(paste("Found",ct,"prexisting", tab.nm, "records for this cruise. Try setting update to TRUE"))
dum <- dbGetQuery(con, paste("DELETE FROM", tab.nm, "WHERE", cruise.fkey.nm, "=",cruise.id))[[1]]
print(paste("deleted", ct, tab.nm, "records from the database"))
message(paste('Fresh', tab.nm, 'records for the database!'))
.unqCnstrntCheck <- function(df, clmns){
unqtgthr <- apply(df[,clmns], 1, function(r) gsub(' ','', paste(r, collapse='.')))
nuniq.recs <- length(unique(unqtgthr))
if(nuniq.recs != nrow(df)){
unqtgthr.xtab <- table(unqtgthr)
stop(paste("Unique constraint",paste(clmns,collapse='.'),"failed. \
record count", nuniq.recs,"doesn't match number of rows",nrow(df),"of table. \
Likely causes are the following records:",
paste(names(unqtgthr.xtab)[unqtgthr.xtab>1],collapse=', ')))
.loadStats <- function(cruise, update=FALSE, con=.DBcon()){
## assumes you've already constructed a database table. with proper column names and types
## if not, please run the SQL script to create this table
## find the cruise id fromt the cruise table
cruises <- dbReadTable(con, .db.cruise.tab.nm)
cruise.id <- cruises$id[cruises$name_dir==cruise]
.loadCheck(con, .db.stats.tab.nm, .db.cruise.fkey.nm, cruise.id, update)
## read in the actual table to import
stats.tab <- read.delim(paste(REPO.PATH, cruise ,'/stats.tab',sep=''), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
.unqCnstrntCheck(df=stats.tab, clmns=c('day','resamp','pop'))
# add something here to check for 2e+6 integers in evt
exact.millions <- stats.tab$evt %% 1e+6
if(sum(exact.millions==0) > 0)
warning('you have several evt cts that are multiples of 1 million. This causes a known bug in postgres loading. specifically, the lines below:')
print (1:nrow(stats.tab))[exact.millions==0]
## add the cruise id
stats.tab.names <- names(stats.tab)
stats.tab <- cbind.data.frame(stats.tab, as.integer(cruise.id))
names(stats.tab) <- c(stats.tab.names, .db.cruise.fkey.nm)
#add special db-only outlier identifier column
stats.tab$outlier <- FALSE
outliers.path <- paste(REPO.PATH, cruise ,'/outliers',sep='')
outliers <- read.delim(outliers.path, stringsAsFactors=FALSE, header=FALSE)
stats.tab[gsub(' ','',apply(stats.tab[,c('day','file')],1,paste, collapse=',')) %in% outliers[[1]],'outlier']<- TRUE
stats.tab[gsub(' ','',paste(stats.tab[, 'day' ],'*' , sep=',')) %in% outliers[[1]],'outlier']<- TRUE
message("loading statistics table to database")
dbWriteTable2(con, .db.stats.tab.nm, stats.tab, pg.update.seq=TRUE, append=TRUE)
.loadSDS <- function(cruise, update=FALSE, con=.DBcon()){
## assumes you've already constructed a database table. with proper column names and types
## if not, please run the SQL script to create this table
## find the cruise id fromt the cruise table
cruises <- dbReadTable(con, .db.cruise.tab.nm)
cruise.id <- cruises$id[cruises$name_dir==cruise]
ct <- dbGetQuery(con, paste("SELECT count(*) FROM", .db.sds.tab.nm, "WHERE", .db.cruise.fkey.nm, "=",cruise.id))[[1]]
.loadCheck(con, .db.sds.tab.nm, .db.cruise.fkey.nm, cruise.id, update)
## read in the actual table to import
SDSs <- read.delim(paste(REPO.PATH, cruise ,'/sds.tab',sep=''), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
.unqCnstrntCheck(df=SDSs, clmns=c('day','file'))
## add the cruise id
sds.names <- names(SDSs)
SDSs <- cbind.data.frame(SDSs, rep(as.integer(cruise.id),nrow(SDSs)))
names(SDSs) <- c(sds.names, .db.cruise.fkey.nm)
## remove the null columns
SDSs <- SDSs[,!(1:ncol(SDSs) %in% grep( 'NULL', names(SDSs)))]
names(SDSs) <- tolower(names(SDSs))
message("loading sds table to database")
dbWriteTable2(con, .db.sds.tab.nm, SDSs, pg.update.seq=TRUE, append=TRUE)
.quotize <- function(var.vect)
sapply(var.vect, function(x) paste("'",x,"'",sep=''))
.queryStats <- function(cruise, x.var='map',
y.vars = c('conc','fsc','chl'),
ranges = list(utc=c('2009-01-01','2030-01-01'),lat=c(-90,90),long=c(-180,180)),
populationsp = c('pico','ultra','nano','synecho','crypto')){
cruise <- 'Thompson'
x.var <- 'time'
y.vars <- c('conc','fsc','chl')
ranges <- list(utc=c('2009-11-07','2009-11-09'),lat=c(-90,90),long=c(-180,180)) # .00,24.
populations = c('pico','ultra','nano','synecho','crypto')
what <- paste("pop,", paste(y.vars,collapse=','))
if(x.var == 'map'){
what <- paste(what, ",lat,long")
what <- paste(what, " ,'", x.var,"'", sep='')
where <- paste(.db.stats.tab.nm,'.',.db.cruise.fkey.nm, '=',.db.cruise.tab.nm,".id AND name ='", cruise,"'", sep='')
where <- paste(where, 'AND pop IN (', paste(.quotize(populations), collapse=','),')')
for(range.name in names(ranges)){
range <- ranges[range.name][[1]]
if(all(sapply(range, is.character))) #range.name == 'utc'
range <- .quotize(range)
where <- paste(where, 'AND', range.name, 'BETWEEN (', paste(range, collapse=' AND '),')')
sql <- paste("SELECT", what ,"FROM", .db.stats.tab.nm,',',.db.cruise.tab.nm, "WHERE", where,';')
#rs <- dbSendQuery(con, sql)
#df <- fetch(rs)
bWriteTable2 <- function(con, table.name, df, fill.null = TRUE, add.id=TRUE, ...){
fields <- dbListFields(con, table.name)
## add id column if missing
last.id.list <- dbGetQuery(con, paste("SELECT id FROM", table.name,"ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1"))
n <- 0
n <- last.id.list[[1]]
df$id <- 1:nrow(df) + n
## look for unloadable columns in the df
clmn.match <- match(names(df), fields)
warning(paste("Found '",names(df)[is.na(clmn.match)], "' not in fields of '", table.name,"' table. Omiting.\n", sep=''))
## ADD! section here to check for NA values in columns mapped to NOT NULL fields
## add missing fields to df
field.match <- match(fields, names(df))
if(fill.null == TRUE){
nl <- as.list(rep(NA, sum(is.na(field.match))))
df <- cbind(df, nl)
names(df) <- c(fields[clmn.match],fields[is.na(field.match)])
## reorder df columns as per field order
reordered.names <- names(df)[match(fields, names(df))]
stop('Too many unmatched columns to database column list. Stopping')
df <- df[ ,reordered.names]
## check for na's which might prevent a load
r <- dbSendQuery(con, paste("SELECT * FROM", table.name,"ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1"))
null.OK <- nv(dbColumnInfo(r)$nullOK, dbColumnInfo(r)$name)
dummy <- fetch(r)
reqd.fields <- names(null.OK[!null.OK])
na.cols <- sapply(df, function(x) any(is.na(x)) )
req.miss <- na.cols[reqd.fields]
stop(paste("Didn't load your dataframe because required field(s)", names(req.miss)[req.miss],"contained missing values"))
## load table
print(paste("loading", table.name, "table to database"))
db.write <- dbWriteTable(con, table.name, df, ...)
# ADD! section in here for updating postgresql sequence
if(db.write & add.id)
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