.betabinomial.hmm <- function(x,y,alpha=c(5,1),beta=c(1,5),trans=matrix(0.5,2,2),Nit=39,Nerr=1e-3,Npara=1e-5)
n <- x+y
dnx <- .help.factorial(x)
dny <- .help.factorial(y)
dn <- .help.factorial(n)
T <- nrow(n)
m <- ncol(n)
logl <- numeric(Nit)
logl[c(1,2)] <- -1e5
N <- 2 # number of states
dens <- matrix(0,T,N)
J <- matrix(0,N,1)
H <- matrix(0,N,N)
forwrd <- matrix(0,T,N)
bckwrd <- matrix(0,T,N)
scale <- rbind(1,matrix(0,T-1))
postprob <- cbind(matrix(0,T,1),matrix(1,T,1))
alpha0 <- alpha
beta0 <- beta
trans0 <- trans
postprob0 <- postprob #before the first step caculation, initial postprob0 and nit0
nit0 <- 3 #initial t
for (nit in 3:Nit){
# 1: E-step to compute density
dens <- .help.postprob(dnx,dny,dn,x,y,alpha,beta)
# dens <- apply(dens,2,function(x) {x[x==0] <- .Machine$double.xmin; return (x)})
# 2: E-step forward recursion
forwrd[1,] <- dens[1,]/N
for (t in 2:T){
forwrd[t,] <- (forwrd[t-1,] %*% trans) * dens[t,]
#system scaling
scale[t] <- sum(forwrd[t,])
forwrd[t,] <- forwrd[t,] / scale[t]
#compute log-likelyhood
logl[nit] <- log(sum(forwrd[T,])) + sum(log(scale))
# message(sprintf('Iteration %d:\t%.3f', (nit-1), logl[nit]))
# break condition
if (logl[nit] > -20 | T < 10 | is.na(logl[nit])
| (logl[nit] - logl[nit-1]) < -50 ) {break}
#3: E-step backward recursion
bckwrd[T,] <- matrix(1,1,N)
for (t in (T-1):1){
bckwrd[t,] <- (bckwrd[t+1,] * dens[t+1,]) %*% t(trans)
bckwrd[t,] <- bckwrd[t,] / scale[t]
#4: M-step reestimate transition matrix
trans <- trans * (t(forwrd[1:(T-1),]) %*% (dens[2:T,] * bckwrd[2:T,] ))
trans <- trans / (apply(trans,1,sum)) %*% matrix(1,1,N)
#5: M-step reestimate parameters
postprob <- forwrd * bckwrd
postprob <- postprob / (apply(postprob,1,sum)) %*% matrix(1,1,N)
wght <- apply(postprob,2,sum)
par <- .help.initial(x,y,postprob)
alpha <- par$alpha
beta <- par$beta
c <- rbind(alpha[1],beta[1])
if( any(is.na(beta)) | any(is.na(alpha)) | any(beta <= 0) | any(alpha<= 0) ){break}
#6: M-step reestimate parameters using newton-raphson method for the first component
J[1] <- wght[1]*digamma(sum(c))*m - t(postprob[,1]) %*% (.help.digamma(as.matrix(n),sum(c))) + t(postprob[,1]) %*% (.help.digamma(as.matrix(x),c[1])) - wght[1]*digamma(c[1])*m
J[2] <- wght[1]*digamma(sum(c))*m - t(postprob[,1]) %*% (.help.digamma(as.matrix(n),sum(c))) + t(postprob[,1]) %*% (.help.digamma(as.matrix(y),c[2])) - wght[1]*digamma(c[2])*m
# J[1] <- wght[1]*digamma(sum(c)) - t(postprob[,1]) %*% (digamma(n+sum(c))) + t(postprob[,1]) %*% (digamma(x+c[1])) - wght[1]*digamma(c[1])
# J[2] <- wght[1]*digamma(sum(c)) - t(postprob[,1]) %*% (digamma(n+sum(c))) + t(postprob[,1]) %*% (digamma(y+c[2])) - wght[1]*digamma(c[2])
# J <- matrix(1,N) %*% (wght[1]*digamma(sum(c)) - t(postprob[,1]) %*% (digamma(n+sum(c)))) +
# t(cbind(digamma(x+c[1]),digamma(y+c[2]))) %*% postprob[,1] - wght[1] * rbind(digamma(c[1]),digamma(c[2]))
H[1,1] <- wght[1]*trigamma(sum(c))*m - t(postprob[,1]) %*% (.help.trigamma(as.matrix(n),sum(c))) + t(postprob[,1]) %*% (.help.trigamma(as.matrix(x),c[1])) - wght[1]*trigamma(c[1])*m
H[2,2] <- wght[1]*trigamma(sum(c))*m - t(postprob[,1]) %*% (.help.trigamma(as.matrix(n),sum(c))) + t(postprob[,1]) %*% (.help.trigamma(as.matrix(y),c[2])) - wght[1]*trigamma(c[2])*m
H[1,2] <- wght[1]*trigamma(sum(c))*m - t(postprob[,1]) %*% (.help.trigamma(as.matrix(n),sum(c)))
H[2,1] <- H[1,2]
# if H is singular, then break
errFlag = FALSE
errorHandler <- tryCatch({ # result from Gaussian elimination (H is singular)
tmp_step = -solve(H,J)
}, simpleError = function(e) { # only catch simpleErrors
errFlag = TRUE
if (errFlag) {break}
tmp <- c + tmp_step
while(any(tmp <= 0)){
warning(sprintf("Could not update the Newton step ...\n"))
tmp_step <- tmp_step / 20
tmp <- c + tmp_step
alpha[1] <- tmp[1]
beta[1] <- tmp[2]
#7: M-step reestimate parameters for the second component
c <- rbind(alpha[2],beta[2])
J[1] <- wght[2]*digamma(sum(c))*m - t(postprob[,2]) %*% (.help.digamma(as.matrix(n),sum(c))) + t(postprob[,2]) %*% (.help.digamma(as.matrix(x),c[1])) - wght[2]*digamma(c[1])*m
J[2] <- wght[2]*digamma(sum(c))*m - t(postprob[,2]) %*% (.help.digamma(as.matrix(n),sum(c))) + t(postprob[,2]) %*% (.help.digamma(as.matrix(y),c[2])) - wght[2]*digamma(c[2])*m
H[1,1] <- wght[2]*trigamma(sum(c))*m - t(postprob[,2]) %*% (.help.trigamma(as.matrix(n),sum(c))) + t(postprob[,2]) %*% (.help.trigamma(as.matrix(x),c[1])) - wght[2]*trigamma(c[1])*m
H[2,2] <- wght[2]*trigamma(sum(c))*m - t(postprob[,2]) %*% (.help.trigamma(as.matrix(n),sum(c))) + t(postprob[,2]) %*% (.help.trigamma(as.matrix(y),c[2])) - wght[2]*trigamma(c[2])*m
H[1,2] <- wght[2]*trigamma(sum(c))*m - t(postprob[,2]) %*% (.help.trigamma(as.matrix(n),sum(c)))
H[2,1] <- H[1,2]
# if H is singular, then break
errFlag = FALSE
errorHandler <- tryCatch({ # result from Gaussian elimination (H is singular)
tmp_step = -solve(H,J)
}, simpleError = function(e) { # only catch simpleErrors
errFlag = TRUE
if (errFlag) {break}
tmp <- c + tmp_step
while(any(tmp <= 0)){
warning(sprintf("Could not update the Newton step ...\n"))
tmp_step <- tmp_step / 20
tmp <- c + tmp_step
alpha[2] <- tmp[1]
beta[2] <- tmp[2]
# parameters backup
alpha0 <- alpha
beta0 <- beta
postprob0 <- postprob
trans0 <- trans
nit0 <- nit
#8: Break if conditions are satisfied
if ( ( (abs(logl[nit]-logl[nit-1]) + abs(logl[nit]-logl[nit-2]) ) <= 5*Nerr )
| (any(beta < Npara)) | (any(alpha < Npara)) ){
break; #if likelihood decrease less than nerr and alpha and beta are approximately to 0
# generalize the outputs like cpp and comphmm_plus
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