test.annotator.simple <- function() {
## Make a simple scattergram and check that we can annotate it
n <- 100
x <- rnorm(n)
y <- x + rnorm(n) * 0.1
fn <- tempfile(fileext = ".svg")
ids <- paste(sep="", "Reg", 1:n)
for(start in 1:2) {
## This is testing two cases. The case start=1 is the simplest one. I make 100 points and find them again.
## The case start=2 is a bug that came up. I make 100 points and tag the last 99. When the match was the suffix
## of the plot region node AND it was not the whole node then it was not getting tested
got <- annotate.analysis.page.svg(fn, x[start:n], y[start:n], ids[start:n]
## Both of these guys are nodes 0 .. 99
checkEquals(got, n)
doc <- xmlParse(fn)
xmlList <- xmlToList(doc)
## Handle two types of plots
## First try the newer R3 plots that my laptop makes
pp <- xmlList$g[(1+start):(n+1)]
## Next, if necessary, try the older type of plots that our server makes
if(any(sapply(pp, is.null)))
pp <- xmlList$g$g[start:n]
get.attr <- function(aname) sapply(pp, "[[", aname)
## this one might pass since getPlotPoints adds the class when it parses!
checkTrue(all(get.attr("class") == "plot-point"),
paste(sep="", "Provided class='plot-point' for ", start, ":", n))
checkTrue(all(get.attr("id") == paste(sep="", "Reg", start:n)),
paste(sep="", "Provided ids 'Reg", start, "', ..., 'Reg100'"))
## check that no match returns -1
plot(x, y)
got <- annotate.analysis.page.svg(fn, x, -y, ids)
## We turn this test off because it has extra outside dependencies we don't
## want to involve, but it is OK to have it around to run manually if necessary.
off.test.annotator.strip.plot <- function() {
## Use a more complicated plot, (made by ExpressionPlotting::strip.plot)
## and check that we can annotate it.
# library(SVGAnnotation)
data.dir <- system.file("testdata", package="AnalysisPageSVGAnnotator")
x <- readRDS(file.path(data.dir, "strip-plot-x.rds"))
y <- readRDS(file.path(data.dir, "strip-plot-y.rds"))
svg.file <- file.path(data.dir, "strip-plot.svg")
tf <- tempfile(fileext=".svg")
file.copy(svg.file, tf)
n <- length(x)
ids <- paste(sep="", "Reg", 1:n)
annotate.analysis.page.svg(tf, x, y,
ids = ids)
pps <- getPlotPoints(xmlParse(tf))
## getPlotPoints returns 2 nodes, first is parent of stripes and second is parent of plot points
## Open the .svg file and look at it if you are confused!
stopifnot(length(pps) == 2)
get.attr <- function(aname) unname(sapply(lapply(pps[[2]][1:n], xmlAttrs), "[", aname))
checkEquals(get.attr("class"), rep("plot-point", n))
checkEquals(get.attr("id"), ids)
## the next "PlotPoint" is part of a boxplot. It got the "plot-point" class because getPlotPoints
## does that whether you like it or not, but it should not an "id" attribute.
checkTrue(!"id" %in% xmlAttrs(pps[[2]][[n+1]]))
test.uniquify.ids <- function() {
orig.filename <- system.file("testdata/strip-plot.svg", package = "AnalysisPageServer")
orig.lines <- readLines(orig.filename)
svg.filename <- tempfile(fileext = ".svg")
file.copy(orig.filename, svg.filename) || stop("Couldn't copy")
got.lines <- readLines(svg.filename)
stopifnot(any(orig.lines != got.lines))
expected.lines <- function(orig.lines, word) {
elines <- orig.lines
elines <- sub("glyph", paste0("glyph_", word, "_"), elines)
elines <- sub("\"clip", paste0("\"clip_", word, "_"), elines)
elines <- sub("#clip", paste0("#clip_", word, "_"), elines)
exp.lines <- sub("#clip", "#clip_ABCD_", sub("\"clip", "\"clip_ABCD_", sub("glyph", "glyph_ABCD_", orig.lines)))
checkEquals(got.lines, expected.lines(orig.lines, "ABCD"),
"substitutions made as expected")
if(FALSE) {
system(paste("open -a /Applications/Safari.app", svg.filename))
## now try 2 files
svg1 <- tempfile(fileext = ".svg")
svg2 <- tempfile(fileext = ".svg")
writeLines(orig.lines, svg1)
writeLines(orig.lines, svg2)
uniquify.ids.in.svg.files(c(svg1, svg2))
words <- sapply(c(svg1, svg2), function(path)
substr(sub(".*glyph_", "", grep("glyph_", readLines(path), value = TRUE)[1]), 1, 6))
checkTrue(words[1] != words[2])
for(i in 1:2) {
got.lines <- readLines(c(svg1, svg2)[i])
exp.lines <- expected.lines(orig.lines, words[i])
test.annotator.heatmap <- function() {
mtx <- matrix(1:12, nrow = 4)
plotfile <- tempfile(fileext = ".svg")
df <- data.frame(x = rep(1:3, each = 4),
y = rep(1:4, 3),
M = as.vector(mtx))
before <- readLines(plotfile)
x = df$x,
y = df$y,
ids = paste0("R", 1:12))
after <- readLines(plotfile)
checkTrue(!identical(after, before))
test.double.annotation <- function() {
x <- seq(length = 20, 0, pi)
y <- sin(x)
z <- cos(x)
n <- length(x)
ids <- paste(sep="", "Reg", 1:n)
ids2 <- paste(sep="", "Reg", 1:n + n)
fn <- tempfile(fileext = ".svg")
svg(fn, height = 4, width = 8)
plot(x,y, xlab = "theta", ylab = "Sine(theta)", pch = 19)
plot(x,z, xlab = "theta", ylab = "Cos(theta)", pch = 19)
fn0 <- tempfile(fileext = ".svg")
file.copy(fn, fn0)
dfs <- list(data.frame(x = x, y = y, id = ids),
data.frame(x = x, y = z, id = ids2))
offset <- annotate.analysis.page.svg(fn,
x = rep(x, 2),
y = c(y,z),
ids = c(ids,ids2))
checkTrue(is.null(offset), "Can't annotate as a single block, return -1")
checkEquals(length(grep("plot-point", readLines(fn))), 0, "Can't annotate as a single block, no \"plot-point\" found in SVG file")
x = rep(x, 2),
y = c(y,z),
ids = c(ids,ids2),
group.lengths = n)
, "sum.group.lengths. = 20 but I am expecting 40")
offset <- annotate.analysis.page.svg(fn,
x = rep(x, 2),
y = c(y,z),
ids = c(ids,ids2),
group.lengths = c(n,n))
checkTrue(offset > 0, "some points were annotated (offset > 0)")
get.pp <- function() {
pp.lines <- grep("plot-point", readLines(fn), val = TRUE)
data.frame(t(sapply(lapply(pp.lines, xmlParse), xmlToList)), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
got.pp <- get.pp()
checkEquals(got.pp$id, c(ids,ids2))
checkEquals(got.pp$class, rep("plot-point", 40))
got.xy <- t(sapply(strsplit(sub(" C .*", "", sub("M ", "", got.pp$d)), " "), as.numeric))
checkEquals(diag(cor(got.xy[1:n,], cbind(x,-y))),
"first group correct")
checkEquals(diag(cor(got.xy[n + 1:n,], cbind(x,-z))),
"second group correct")
## check we can do repeated IDs---I don't see why we would not be able to.
file.copy(fn0, fn) ## reset the file to unannotated
offset <- annotate.analysis.page.svg(fn,
x = rep(x, 2),
y = c(y,z),
ids = c(ids,ids), ## This is the difference from the last call: repeated ids instead of ids2
group.lengths = c(n,n))
got.pp <- get.pp()
checkEquals(got.pp$id, c(ids, ids))
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