##' Test that an expression lives OK
##' Test that evaluating an expression lives OK (does not throw an exception)
##' @title lives.ok
##' @param call An expression to evaluate
##' @param testname A name for the test. Defaults to deparsing the call.
##' @return Runs one test. Returns the value of the evaluated expression
##' @author Brad Friedman
##' @export
##' @examples
##' lives.ok(3+5, "addition lives OK")
lives.ok <- function(call, testname) {
if(missing(testname)) testname <- deparse(substitute(call))
lived <- tryCatch({
value <- eval(call)
}, error=function(e) {
list(FALSE, e$message)
if(!lived[[1]]) cat(file=stderr(), "Error message for lives.ok: ", lived[[2]], "\n")
RUnit::checkTrue(lived[[1]], paste(sep=": ", testname, "lives OK"))
##' Test that an expression throws an error
##' Test that an expression throws an error.
##' @title dies.ok
##' @param call An expression to evaluate
##' @param regex A regular expression to match the error against. If omitted then don't test the exception text.
##' @param testname A name for the test. Defaults to deparsing the call.
##' @return Runs one or two tests (the second test to match the error message against regex, if it was provided and
##' if an error was successfully thrown).
##' @author Brad Friedman
##' @export
##' @examples
##' dies.ok(stop("foo"), "foo", "it stops")
dies.ok <- function(call, regex, testname) {
if(missing(testname)) testname <- deparse(substitute(call))
threw.error.and.message <- tryCatch({
list(FALSE, "") ## no error
}, error=function(e) {
list(TRUE, e$message)
threw.error <- threw.error.and.message[[1]]
error.message <- threw.error.and.message[[2]]
RUnit::checkTrue(threw.error, paste(testname, "threw an error"))
if(threw.error && !missing(regex)) {
RUnit::checkTrue(grepl(regex, error.message),
paste(sep="", testname, ": error message matches /", regex, "/: ", error.message))
start.catching <- function(signo) {
.C("R_start_catching", as.integer(signo),
PACKAGE = "AnalysisPageServer")
stop.catching <- function(signo) {
.C("R_stop_catching", as.integer(signo),
PACKAGE = "AnalysisPageServer")
last.catch <- function() {
got <- .C("R_last_catch", integer(1), integer(1),
PACKAGE = "AnalysisPageServer")
if(got[[1]] == 0) return(NULL)
##' Check if an expression results in a signal being delivered
##' Check if an expression results in a signal being delivered.
##' The signal will be caught: you can safely deliver a signal
##' such as SIGUSR1 that would normally cause the process to die.
##' @title check.signal
##' @param expr The expression to evaluate
##' @param signo The signal number (consider using constants
##' like SIGUSR1 from the tools package).
##' @param testname Name for this test. Default is to build from
##' signo argument.
##' @param no.signal Logical, to invert the sense of the test.
##' Default, FALSE, means to test that the signal was delivered.
##' TRUE means to test that the signal was not delivered.
##' @return The value of the evaluated expression, invisibly,
##' so you can do more testing if desired.
##' @author Brad Friedman - Regular
##' @export
check.signal <- function(expr, signo,
no.signal = FALSE) {
if(missing(testname)) {
signo.str <- deparse(substitute(signo))
sent <- if(no.signal) "not sent" else "sent"
testname <- paste("signal", signo.str, "was", sent)
got <- eval(expr)
caught.signo <- last.catch()
if(no.signal) {
RUnit::checkTrue(is.null(caught.signo), testname)
} else {
RUnit::checkEquals(caught.signo, signo, testname)
##' Run the RUnit test harness for this package
##' Run the RUnit test harness for this package
##' @title test.package
##' @return RUnitTestData
##' @author Brad Friedman, Cory Barr
##' @seealso \code{\link[RUnit]{runTestSuite}}, \code{\link[base]{require}}
##' @export
##' @param pattern String. Regular expression. Only filenames matching
##' @param package Name of package to test. Default: "AnalysisPageServer"
##' this expression will be included in the test harness. Default:
##' \code{"^test.*R$"}.
test.package <- function(pattern = "^test.*R$", package = "AnalysisPageServer") {
require(RUnit) || stop("Couldn't load package 'RUnit'")
## This next line makes it possible to just have the whole
## test driver be AnalysisPageServer::test.package("packagename")
require(package, character.only = TRUE) || stop("Couldn't load package '", package, "'")
if(missing(pattern)) {
argv <- commandArgs(trailingOnly=TRUE)
if(length(argv) > 0) {
pattern <- argv[1]
ends.in.dollar <- grepl("\\$$", pattern)
if(!ends.in.dollar) pattern <- paste(sep="", pattern, ".*R$")
.failure_details <- function(result) {
res <- result[[1L]]
if (res$nFail > 0 || res$nErr > 0) {
Filter(function(x) length(x) > 0,
function(fileRes) {
names(Filter(function(x) x$kind != "success",
} else list()
dir <- system.file("unitTests", package=package)
if (!length(dir))
stop("unable to find unit tests, no 'unitTests' dir")
RUnit_opts <- getOption("RUnit", list())
RUnit_opts$verbose <- 0L
RUnit_opts$silent <- TRUE
RUnit_opts$verbose_fail_msg <- TRUE
options(RUnit = RUnit_opts)
cat(sep="", "\nPattern = /", pattern, "/\n")
cat("\nMatching test files:\n", paste(collapse="\n ", paste(sep="/", dir, grep(pattern, dir(dir), value=TRUE))), "\n\n")
suite <- defineTestSuite(name=paste(package,"RUnit Tests"), dirs=dir,
result <- runTestSuite(suite, verbose=TRUE)
printTextProtocol(result, showDetails=FALSE)
if (length(details <- .failure_details(result)) >0) {
cat("\nTest files with failing tests\n")
for (i in seq_along(details)) {
cat("\n ", basename(names(details)[[i]]), "\n")
for (j in seq_along(details[[i]])) {
cat(" ", details[[i]][[j]], "\n")
stop("unit tests failed for package ", package)
.ignore.tags <- function(lines, tags) {
for(tag in tags) {
regex <- paste(sep="", " ", tag, "=\".*?\"")
lines <- gsub(regex, "", lines)
.concat <- function(lines) paste(collapse="", lines)
##' Transformer for ignoring id, class, type and some whitespace
##' This transformer strips all id, class and type tags, with one preceding space, from the SVG lines.
##' It also ignores what it thinks is space between tags, namely >\\s+<
##' This is meant primary as an argument for \code{transformer} in \code{\link{check.same.svgs}}.
##' Not exported---you should fully qualify it with \code{AnalysisPageServer:::ignore.lots.of.stuff} if you
##' want to use it.
##' All the lines will be concatenated, too, into a single character string.
##' @title ignore.lots.of.stuff
##' @param lines Character vector of lines from the SVG file.
##' @return Character vector. Same lines, with id and class tags transformed.
##' @seealso \code{\link{check.same.svgs}}
##' @author Brad Friedman
ignore.lots.of.stuff <- function(lines) {
one.line <- .concat(.ignore.tags(lines, c("id", "class", "type")))
one.line <- gsub(">\\s+<", "><", one.line)
##' Test that 2 SVG files have the same content
##' Test that 2 SVG files have the same content. Most differences in whitespace are ignored,
##' as are all "id", "class" and "type" tags.
##' @title check.same.svgs
##' @param got.lines Charvec of the lines of the SVG to test
##' @param exp.lines Charvec of the lines of the reference SVG
##' @param ... Passed through to \code{checkEquals} (such as test name).
##' @return As \code{\link[RUnit]{checkEquals}}
##' @author Brad Friedman
##' @export
check.same.svgs <- function(got.lines, exp.lines, ...) {
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