## not exported--- this is the "abstract" base constructor
## custom, if provided, is a named list, and gives more metadata.
## Each entry in the list is a charvec of HTML to render, and normally
## the whole thing should be rendered as more sections of the accordion
new.datanode <- function(type, name, value, label=name, description=label,
warnings = character(),
custom = NULL) {
retval <- list(type=type,
if(length(warnings) > 0) retval$warnings <- warnings
if(length(custom) > 0) retval$custom <- custom
class(retval) <- "AnalysisPageDataNode"
.validate.datanode <- function(node, prefix = "") {
.validate.type(node, "AnalysisPageDataNode", prefix)
.validate.list.with.names(node, c("type", "name", "label", "description", "value"),
optional.names = c("warnings", "custom"),
prefix = paste(prefix, "data node: "))
for(param in c("type", "name", "label", "description"))
.validate.string(node[[param]], paste(prefix, "$", param, ": "))
if(!is.null(node$warnings)) {
.validate.type(node$warnings, is.character)
.validate.type(node$warnings, is.vector)
.validate.custom(node$custom, paste0(prefix, "$custom: "))
type <- node$type
constructor.name <- paste(sep=".", "new.datanode", type)
exists(constructor.name) || stop(prefix, "data node is not of a known type: ", type)
validator.name <- paste(sep=".", ".validate.datanode", type)
## every constructor should have a companion validator or this is a structural issue
validator <- get(validator.name)
validator(node, prefix)
.validate.custom <- function(custom, prefix) {
.validate.type(custom, is.list, prefix)
if(length(custom) > 0)
.validate.type(names(custom), Negate(is.null), paste0(prefix, "names: "))
for(sectionName in names(custom)) {
section <- custom[[sectionName]]
sectionPrefix <- paste0(prefix, "$", sectionName, ": ")
.validate.type(section, is.character, sectionPrefix)
.validate.type(section, is.vector, sectionPrefix)
##' Construct a new simple-type data node
##' Construct a new simple-type data node. A simple data node must have either a NULL value
##' or a "scalar" value, which means length 1 atomic
##' @title new.datanode.simple
##' @param name Name of the node
##' @param value The value
##' @param ... Passed through to \code{new.datanode}, in particular \code{label} and \code{description}
##' @return AnalysisPageDataNode
##' @author Brad Friedman
##' @seealso \code{\link{is.atomic}}
##' @export
##' @examples
##' new.datanode.simple(name = "x", value = 100)
new.datanode.simple <- function(name, value, ...) new.datanode("simple", name, value, ...)
.validate.datanode.simple <- function(node, prefix) {
is.null(node) && return()
.validate.scalar(node$value, prefix)
##' Construct a new HTML-type data node
##' Construct a new HTML-type data node. An HTML-type data node is like a simple data node but
##' it has an HTML string or character vector as its value. It should be rendered as-is, but
##' with activated analysis-page-data-set containers.
##' @title new.datanode.html
##' @param name Name of the node
##' @param value The value, an HTML string or charvec.
##' @param ... Passed through to \code{new.datanode}, in particular \code{label} and \code{description}
##' @return AnalysisPageDataNode
##' @author Brad Friedman
##' @seealso \code{\link{is.atomic}}
##' @export
##' @examples
##' new.datanode.html(name = "shakespeare",
##' value = "<i>Shall I compute thee to a summer's data?</i>")
new.datanode.html <- function(name, value, ...) new.datanode("html", name, value, ...)
.validate.datanode.html <- function(node, prefix) {
is.null(node) && return()
.validate.type(node$value, "character", prefix)
##' Construct a new table-type data node
##' Construct a new table-type data node either from an \code{AnnotatedDataFrame}.
##' @title new.datanode.table
##' @param name Name of the node
##' @param data An \code{AnnotatedDataFrame}. Unless "label" is already available,
##' "labelDescription" in the \code{varMetadata} will be
##' changed to "label" to agree with the syntax we use in the rest of the AnalysisPage interface.
##' @param caption Caption for the table. Default: ""
##' @param ... Passed through to \code{new.datanode}, in particular \code{label} and \code{description}
##' @return AnalysisPageDataNode
##' @author Brad Friedman
##' @note Captions for plots are included implicitly in the table component of their responses.
##' @export
new.datanode.table <- function(name, data, caption="", ...) {
stopifnot(is(data, "AnnotatedDataFrame"))
## change "labelDescription" to "label" in meta-data (unless both are present)
vmd <- varMetadata(data)
if(!"label" %in% names(vmd) && "labelDescription" %in% names(vmd))
names(vmd)[names(vmd) == "labelDescription"] <- "label"
new.datanode("table", name,
list(data = data.frame.to.list(pData(data)),
meta = data.frame.to.list(vmd),
caption = caption),
.validate.datanode.table <- function(node, prefix) {
.validate.list.with.names(node$value, c("data", "meta", "caption"),
prefix = paste(prefix, "table datanode value: "))
.validate.type(node$value$caption, "character", paste(sep="$", "caption"))
if(length(node$value$data) >= 1) {
colnames.from.data <- names(node$value$data[[1]])
colnames.from.meta <- names(node$value$meta)
identical(colnames.from.data, colnames.from.meta) || stop(prefix, " colnames from meta and data don't agree:\n meta: ",
paste(collapse = " ", colnames.from.meta), "\n data: ",
paste(collapse = " ", colnames.from.data))
##' AnalysisPageFilterWidget object and system
##' The AnalysisPageFilterWidget object specifies a "filter widget" to be displayed
##' to the user. This is a grid of colored squares, each of which controls the filtering
##' of a subset of the samples based on the values of a pheno field.
##' This object specifies the dimension of the grid,
##' the colors of the squares, rollovers to appear for each square, and the subset
##' of samples that each square filters.
##' \code{new.filter.widget} is the constructor for this object. This should be used
##' when constructing an \code{AnalysisPageReponse} explicitly, with the return
##' value then passed to \code{\link{new.datanode.plot}}.
##' @param data.field Name of table field which should be used for filtering.
##' @param color Named character vector. Names should be values (or possible values)
##' that the data field could take on. Values are string specifying colors. These are
##' passed through directly to javascript so they should be valid colors there, whatever
##' that means.
##' @param cells Character matrix. This gives the layout of the filter grid. The values
##' should all be either taken from \code{names(color)} or else be NA values. The NA
##' values will be inactive (no rollover or click listeners).
##' @param inactive.color Color for inactive cells (that are the positions with
##' \code{is.na(cells)}). Default: "gray"
##' @param type Filter widget type. The only currently supported type is "filter_grid".
##' @return \code{new.filter.widget} returns an \code{AnalysisPageFilterWidget}
##' @author Brad Friedman
##' @export
##' @rdname filterWidget
new.filter.widget <- function(data.field,
inactive.color = "gray",
type = "filter_grid") {
stopifnot(is.character(data.field) && length(data.field) == 1 && is.vector(data.field))
stopifnot(is.character(color) && !is.null(names(color)) && is.vector(color))
data.values <- names(color)
stopifnot(is.matrix(cells) && is.character(cells))
stopifnot(all(is.na(cells) | cells %in% data.values))
stopifnot(is.character(inactive.color) &&
length(inactive.color) == 1 &&
## rjson encodes a matrix just as a vector, but we want it as a nested array.
## So we'll explicitly cast it to a list of (row)-vectors.
cellsAsList <- lapply(1:nrow(cells), function(i) cells[i,])
obj <- list(type = "filter_grid",
data_field = data.field,
color = color,
cells = cellsAsList,
inactive_color = inactive.color)
class(obj) <- "AnalysisPageFilterWidget"
##' Construct a new plot-type data node
##' Construct a new plot-type data node from a plot.file and an AnnotatedDataFrame.
##' Note: caption is included implicitly in the table object.
##' @title new.datanode.plot
##' @param name Name of the node
##' @param plot.file Path to plot file, relative to server tempdir.
##' @param table A table-type \code{AnalysisPageDataNode}
##' @param warnings Character vector of warnings, to be passed through to
##' \code{new.datanode}, possibly after appending the warning described above for
##' \code{filter.widget}. Default: \code{character()}
##' @param filter.widget If provided, then an AnalysisPageFilterWidget. See
##' \code{\link{new.filter.widget}} and \code{\link{setFilterWidget}}.
##' A check is made that \code{filter.widget$data_field} is an actual field
##' from the data table. If not, then the filter widget is omitted, with a warning.
##' NULL (default) means to not include this.
##' @param ... Passed through to \code{new.datanode}, in particular \code{label} and \code{description}
##' @return AnalysisPageDataNode
##' @author Brad Friedman
##' @export
new.datanode.plot <- function(name, plot.file, table,
warnings = character(),
filter.widget = NULL,
...) {
stopifnot(is.character(plot.file) && length(plot.file) == 1)
stopifnot(is(table, "AnalysisPageDataNode") && table$type == "table")
value <- list(plot = plot.file,
table = table)
if(!is.null(filter.widget)) {
stopifnot(is(filter.widget, "AnalysisPageFilterWidget"))
tableData <- table$value$data
if(length(tableData) > 0) {
## If the table is non-empty, check that filter.widget$data_field
## is one of the table fields
tableFields <- names(tableData[[1]])
if(filter.widget$data_field %in% tableFields) {
value$filter_widget <- filter.widget
} else {
missingDataFieldWarning <- paste0("No data field '",
"' in table. Not rendering filter widget")
warnings <- c(warnings, missingDataFieldWarning)
## If the table is empty then we can't do the check. But on the
## other hand there are no active points, so let's not bother
## even rendering the widget, or throwing a warning about it.
value = value,
warnings = warnings,
.validate.datanode.plot <- function(node, prefix) {
expected.names = c("plot", "table"),
optional.names = "filter_widget",
prefix = paste(prefix, "plot datanode value: "))
.validate.string(node$value$plot, paste(prefix, "$value$plot: "))
.validate.datanode.table(node$value$table, paste(prefix, "$value$table: "))
##' Construct a new array-type data node
##' Construct a new array-type data node from a list of \code{AnalysisPageDataNode}s
##' @title new.datanode.array
##' @param name Name of the node
##' @param children List of \code{AnalysisPageDataNode}s
##' @param ... Passed through to \code{new.datanode}, in particular \code{label} and \code{description}
##' @return AnalysisPageDataNode
##' @author Brad Friedman
##' @export
##' @examples
##' html.node <- example(new.datanode.html)$value
##' simple.node <- example(new.datanode.simple)$value
##' new.datanode.array(name = "arr", children = list(html.node, simple.node))
new.datanode.array <- function(name, children, ...) {
stopifnot(length(children) == 0 || sapply(children, is, "AnalysisPageDataNode"))
new.datanode("array", name, value=children, ...)
.validate.datanode.array <- function(node, prefix) {
.validate.type(node$value, "list", paste(prefix, "$value: "))
length(node$value) == 0 && return()
for(i in 1:length(node$value)) {
child <- node$value[[i]]
.validate.datanode(child, paste(prefix, "$value[", i, "]: "))
##' Create a list representation of a data.frame
##' We represent a data.frame as an hash of hashes.
##' Factors are first coerced into characters.
##' The outer hash is keyed by the rownames of your data.frame
##' The inner hash is keyed by the colnames of your data.frame
##' @title data.frame.to.json
##' @param df data.frame to represent as a list
##' @return list
##' @author Brad Friedman
##' @examples
##' df <- data.frame(A=1:3, B=3:1, C=factor(c("foo","bar","foo")), row.names = c("one", "two", "three"))
##' ## Should give the following
##' ## list(one=list(A=1, B=3, C="foo"),
##' ## two=list(A=2, B=2, C="bar"),
##' ## three=list(A=3, B=1, C="foo"))
##' data.frame.to.list(df)
##' @export
##' @examples
##' data.frame.to.list(head(cars))
data.frame.to.list <- function(df) {
if(nrow(df) == 0) {
## kind of hard to make an empty (length 0) named list.
empty.named.list <- list()
names(empty.named.list) <- character(0)
## We return an ARRAY of HASHES
## First cast factors to characters
if(ncol(df) > 0) for(i in 1:ncol(df)) if(is.factor(df[[i]])) df[[i]] <- as.character(df[[i]])
## drop = FALSE is important here because otherwise in the case where there is just
## 1 column the row will be demoted to a scalar thing without the column name
list.of.rows <- lapply(1:nrow(df), function(i) as.list(df[i,,drop=FALSE]))
names(list.of.rows) <- rownames(df)
.validate.data.frame.list <- function(dfl, prefix="") {
is.list(dfl) || stop(prefix, "data.frame.list must be a list: ", paste(collapse=" ", is(dfl)))
is.null(names(dfl)) && stop(prefix, "data.frame.list must have row names")
length(dfl) == 0 && return() # empty list---nothing else to validate
non.list <- !sapply(dfl, is.list)
sum(non.list) == 0 || stop(prefix, "entries in data.frame.list are not lists: ", paste(collapse=" ", which(non.list)))
unnamed <- sapply(dfl, function(x) is.null(names(x)))
sum(unnamed) == 0 || stop(prefix, "entries in data.frame.list are unnamed: ", paste(collapse=" ", which(non.list)))
is.list.of.scalars <- sapply(dfl, function(x) all(sapply(x, length) == 1) && all(sapply(x, is.atomic)))
sum(!is.list.of.scalars) == 0 || stop(prefix, "entries in data.frame.list are not lists of scalars: ", paste(collapse=" ", which(!is.list.of.scalars)))
if(length(dfl) > 1) {
cn <- names(dfl[[1]])
for(i in 2:length(dfl)) {
identical(cn, names(dfl[[i]])) || stop(prefix, "names of entry ", i, " do not agree with those of entry 1")
.validate.list.with.names <- function(l, expected.names, optional.names = character(), prefix="") {
.validate.type(l, is.list, prefix)
n.names <- length(expected.names)
identical(names(l)[1:n.names], expected.names) || stop(prefix, " names differ from expected.\n",
" expected: ", paste(collapse=" ", expected.names), "\n",
" got: ", paste(collapse=" ", names(l)))
unknown.names <- setdiff(names(l), c(expected.names, optional.names))
length(unknown.names) == 0 || stop(prefix, " unknown names: ", paste(collapse = " ", unknown.names))
## type can be character then do is(obj, type) or it can be a function like is.list then do type(obj).
## turns out that is(obj,"list") is slightly different than is.list(obj)
.validate.type <- function(obj, type, prefix="") {
if(is.function(type)) {
isname <- deparse(substitute(type))
type(obj) || stop(prefix, " object fails ", isname, "': ", paste(collapse=" ", is(obj)))
} else {
is(obj, type) || stop(prefix, "object is not '", type, "': ", paste(collapse=" ", is(obj)))
.validate.length <- function(obj, explen, prefix="") {
length(obj) == explen || stop(prefix, "object is not length ", explen, ": ", length(obj))
## string is a character of length 1
.validate.string <- function(obj, prefix="") {
.validate.type(obj, "character", prefix)
.validate.length(obj, 1, prefix)
.validate.atomic <- function(obj, prefix="") {
is.atomic(obj) || stop(prefix, "is not atomic: ", paste(collase=" ", is(obj)))
## a scalar is an atomic of length 1
.validate.scalar <- function(obj, prefix="") {
.validate.atomic(obj, prefix)
.validate.length(obj, 1, prefix)
## turns LETTERS into "A B C ..." and anything n or shorter just concatenate
.head.string <- function(vec, n=3) {
first.few <- if(length(vec) > n) {
c(head(vec, n), "...")
} else {
head(vec, n)
paste(collapse=" ", first.few)
.validate.unnamed <- function(obj, prefix="") {
length(obj) == 0 || is.null(names(obj)) || stop(prefix, "has length > 0 but has names: ", .head.string(obj))
.validate.named <- function(obj, prefix="") {
is.null(names(obj)) && stop(prefix, "has no names")
##' JSON-Encode an AnalysisPageDataNode for the front end
##' JSON-Encode an AnalysisPageDataNode for the front end.
##' This just calls \code{toJSON}, but before doing so
##' it makes sure that \code{$warnings} will be sent
##' as an array.
##' Mostly this function is only called once, from
##' the \code{$analysis} method of an \code{AnalysisPageRAapacheApp}.
##' @param datanode AnalysisPageDataNode or other object
##' @return JSON-encoded string
##' @author Brad Friedman
encode.datanode <- function(datanode) {
## Make sure this is sent as an array, not a scalar
if(is(datanode, "AnalysisPageDataNode") && !is.null(datanode$warnings))
datanode$warnings <- as.list(datanode$warnings)
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.