## This file contains function to help build custom HTML that embeds AnalysisPageServer elements
##' Default stylesheets for HTML headers
##' Default stylesheets for HTML headers
##' @title default.stylesheets
##' @return character vector
##' @author Brad Friedman
default.stylesheets <- function() {
getScriptName(filename = "bundle.css", type= c('apss'))
##' Generate HTML for custom headers to load AnalysisPageServer CSS and viewport
##' Generate HTML for custom headers to load AnalysisPageServer CSS and viewport.
##' To be honest I don't understand how all this works. The main thing is that it you put this stuff
##' up top, in the header section. The only argument you should consider touching is \code{libbase.prefix},
##' if you are going to put your common libraries in a shared area instead making a copy next to each
##' dataset.
##' @title custom.html.headers
##' @param libbase.prefix Prefix where your shared CSS files will be located. Default: \code{get.APS.libbase.prefix()}.
##' @param viewport Default: "width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0". This will be used in a \code{<meta name="viewport">} tag.
##' @param stylesheets Charvec of stylesheets to load. Default is \code{default.stylesheets()}.
##' @param ep.svg.styles ep-svg-styles stylesheet. Default: NULL.
##' @return HTML string to be included in \code{<head>} section.
##' @author Brad Friedman
##' @export
custom.html.headers <- function(libbase.prefix = get.APS.libbase.prefix(),
viewport = "width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0",
stylesheets = default.stylesheets(),
ep.svg.styles = NULL) {
meta.viewport <- paste0('<meta name="viewport" content="', viewport, '">')
stylesheets.html <- paste0('<link href="', libbase.prefix, stylesheets, '" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />')
if(!is.null(ep.svg.styles)) {
stylesheets.html <- c(stylesheets.html,
paste0('<link id="ep-svg-styles" href="', libbase.prefix, ep.svg.styles, '" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet">'))
script.name.1 <- getScriptName(filename = "config.js", type= c('apss'))
script.name.2 <- getScriptName(filename = "bundle.js", type= c('apss'))
main.scripts <- paste0('<script id="ep-entry-script" src="', libbase.prefix, script.name.1, '"></script>', '\n',
'<script id="ep-entry-script" src="', libbase.prefix, script.name.2, '"></script>')
return(paste(c(meta.viewport, stylesheets.html, main.scripts), collapse= "\n"))
# Get script name from rev-manifest.json
getScriptName <- function(filename, type= c('aps', 'apss')){
stopifnot(length(filename) == 1)
if(missing(filename)) stop('filename is missing')
type <- match.arg(type)
type.path <- if(type == 'apss') 'dist-apss' else 'dist-aps'
rev.manifest <- rjson::fromJSON(file = file.path(
'htdocs', 'client', type.path,
if(filename %in% names(rev.manifest))
filename <- rev.manifest[[filename]]
##' Create HTML for a div element to contain one AnalysisPageServer data set
##' Create HTML for a div element to contain one AnalysisPageServer data set.
##' This function does not created, modify, or even check for existance of
##' the SVG and JSON files. You provide paths and this function just includes
##' those paths, however awful, in the HTML returned.
##' @title aps.one.dataset.div
##' @param svg.path Path (could be relative to index.html) to (annotated) SVG file. NULL
##' to only have data table and no picture.
##' @param data.path Path (could be relative to index.html) to JSON file containing data set.
##' NULL to only have SVG and no table
##' @param show.sidebar Boolean. If TRUE (default) then show sidebar. If FALSE then omit it.
##' @param show.table Boolean. If TRUE (default) then show sidebar. If FALSE then omit it.
##' @param allow.zoom If TRUE (default) then allow zooming and panning. IF FALSE then
##' do not allow it.
##' @param plot.height If NULL (default) then do not specify 'data-plot-height' attribute.
##' Otherwise, use this number as 'data-plot-height' attribute, which will specify
##' the plot height (in pixels)
##' @param div.width If NULL (default) then do not specify div width in style.
##' Otherwise, supply a valid CSS width (e.g. "200px" or "60%")
##' and this will be rolled into the inline-style
##' @param style String specifying inline style of this div or NULL (default).
##' If NULL then and \code{div.width}
##' is also NULL then do not specfiy any inline style. If NULL and \code{div.width} is
##' non-NULL then create a centered div of \code{div.width} pixels wide with
##' \code{style="width:100px; margin:0 auto"} (or whatever div.width is, instead of "100px").
##' If non-NULL then use the string directly as the style attribute of the div.
##' @param num.table.rows Number of table rows to show. Default: 10
##' @param extra.html.class Thesee are extra classes to add to the div. This could be used for
##' whatever extended purpose you want, like extra styling or logic. Should be an unnamed charvec.
##' Default is \code{character()}, just use the basic required for APS.
##' @param extra.div.attr These are extra attributes to add to the div. For example you could
##' add an \code{id} attribute. It should be a named charvec, or NULL (default) to not anything
##' extra beyond that required for APS.
##' @return HTML string
##' @author Brad Friedman
##' @seealso \code{\link{aps.dataset.divs}}, a convenience wrapper for this
##' function to create multple divs at once.
##' @export
aps.one.dataset.div <- function(svg.path = NULL,
data.path = NULL,
show.sidebar = TRUE,
show.table = TRUE,
allow.zoom = TRUE,
plot.height = NULL,
div.width = NULL,
style = NULL,
num.table.rows = 10,
extra.html.class = character(),
extra.div.attr = NULL) {
basic.html.class <- c("ep-analysis-page-data-set","container-fluid")
class.string <- paste(collapse= " ", c(basic.html.class, extra.html.class))
length(extra.div.attr) == 0 || (is.character(extra.div.attr) && is.vector(extra.div.attr) && !is.null(names(extra.div.attr))) || stop("extra.div.attr must be NULL or a named charvec")
stopifnot(!is.null(svg.path) || !is.null(data.path))
if(is.null(data.path)) show.table <- FALSE
div.attr <- c(class = class.string,
`data-sidebar-visible` = if(show.sidebar) "yes" else "no",
`data-table-visible` = if(show.table) "yes" else "no",
div.attr["data-table-rows"] <- as.character(num.table.rows)
div.attr["data-plot-zoomable"] <- "no"
div.attr["data-plot-height"] <- plot.height
div.attr["data-svg"] <- svg.path
div.attr["data-set"] <- data.path
if(is.null(style) && !is.null(div.width))
style <- paste0("width:", div.width, "; margin:0 auto")
div.attr["style"] <- style
quoted.div.attr <- paste0("\"", div.attr, "\"")
div.attr.str <- paste(names(div.attr), quoted.div.attr, sep = "=", collapse= "\n ")
div.html <- paste0("<div ", div.attr.str, "></div>")
##' Generate HTML for multiple DIV elements corresponding to a paths list
##' This function is meant to work with the return value of \code{\link{static.analysis.page}}
##' That function returns an object with a \code{$paths.list} element which
##' contains the relative paths to each of the plots and datasets. You pass that
##' through as the first argument to this function and it will make divs corresponding
##' to those plots. The other arguments are either vectors or lists of corresponding
##' lengths to pass through to \code{\link{aps.one.dataset.div}}.
##' @title aps.dataset.divs
##' @param paths.list List of lists. The outer list corresponds to data sets
##' and the inner lists have names in \code{$plot} and \code{$data}, giving
##' relative paths to the SVG and JSON files (OK to omit one). Or a list
##' with a \code{$paths.list} element, which would be used (this lets you
##' pass the return value of \code{static.analysis.page} directly to this function).
##' @param show.sidebar Logical vector of same length as \code{paths.list} to
##' pass through corresponding elements to \code{\link{aps.one.dataset.div}}.
##' Default: all TRUE.
##' @param show.table Logical vector of same length as \code{paths.list} to
##' pass through corresponding elements to \code{\link{aps.one.dataset.div}}.
##' Default: all TRUE.
##' @param num.table.rows Number of table rows to show. Default: 10.
##' Recycled to \code{length(paths.list)}.
##' @param extra.html.class List (of charvecs) of same length as \code{paths.list} to
##' pass through corresponding elements to \code{\link{aps.one.dataset.div}}.
##' Default: All empty charvec.
##' @param extra.div.attr List (of named charvecs or NULLs) of same length as \code{paths.list} to
##' pass through corresponding elements to \code{\link{aps.one.dataset.div}}.
##' Default: all NULL.
##' @param ... Passed through to \code{\link{aps.one.dataset.div}}
##' @return Charvec of HTML divs corresponding to datasets in \code{paths.list}.
##' @author Brad Friedman
##' @export
aps.dataset.divs <- function(paths.list,
show.sidebar = rep(TRUE, length(paths.list)),
show.table = rep(TRUE, length(paths.list)),
num.table.rows = 10,
extra.html.class = rep(list(character()), length(paths.list)),
extra.div.attr = rep(list(NULL), length(paths.list)),
...) {
if("paths.list" %in% names(paths.list))
paths.list <- paths.list$paths.list
stopifnot(names(unlist(paths.list)) %in% c("plot", "data"))
n.ds <- length(paths.list)
show.sidebar <- rep(show.sidebar, length = n.ds)
show.table <- rep(show.table, length = n.ds)
extra.html.class <- rep(extra.html.class, length = n.ds)
extra.div.attr <- rep(extra.div.attr, length = n.ds)
num.table.rows <- rep(num.table.rows, length = n.ds)
divs <- sapply(1:n.ds, function(i.ds) {
aps.one.dataset.div(svg.path = paths.list[[i.ds]]$plot,
data.path = paths.list[[i.ds]]$data,
show.sidebar = show.sidebar[i.ds],
show.table = show.table[i.ds],
num.table.rows = num.table.rows[i.ds],
extra.html.class = extra.html.class[[i.ds]],
extra.div.attr = extra.div.attr[[i.ds]],
##' Return custom attributes required for body element
##' This attribute must be included in the <body> element.
##' @title custom.body.attr
##' @return Name charvec of attributes for body
##' @author Brad Friedman
##' @export
custom.body.attr <- function() {
c(`data-env` = "analysis-page-server")
##' Generate a <body> HTML line including attributes for APS
##' Generate a <body> HTML line including attributes for APS.
##' Your <body> element must have the special attribute returned by
##' the \code{\link{custom.body.attr}()}. This function
##' makes a line of HTML code containing that, and any other
##' attributes you want to include. It just opens the
##' <body> element, but does not close it.
##' @title custom.body.html
##' @param extra.attr Other attributes, provided in a named charvec.
##' @return One line of HTML with a <body> element opening tag.
##' @author Brad Friedman
##' @export
custom.body.html <- function(extra.attr = NULL) {
attr <- c(custom.body.attr(), extra.attr)
quoted.attr <- paste0("\"", attr, "\"")
attr.str <- paste(names(attr), quoted.attr, sep = "=", collapse= "\n ")
html <- paste0("<body ", attr.str, ">")
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.