## Copyright 2018 Philip Morris Products, S.A.
## Quai Jeanrenaud 5, 2000 Neuchatel, Switzerland
#' Get precomputed matrix for fast NPA computations
#' @param Model A R list object with slot model containing nodes and edges
#' data.frame
#' @param verbose A logical. Default is \code{TRUE}, messages will be displayed
#' during the function execution
#' @param pattern.gene A character vector. Regular expression for filtering
#' downstrean genes
#' @return A R list object with computed metric like L2, L3 matrices,
#' Qbackbone, ...
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(Hs__CFA__Apoptosis__0__0__1)
#' # Hs__CFA__Apoptosis__0__0__1 <- getLQ(
#' # Hs__CFA__Apoptosis__0__0__1, verbose = TRUE)
getLQ <- function(Model, verbose = TRUE, pattern.gene = "^EXP\\(") {
# model$edges
sourcenode.index <- 1
targetnode.index <- 3
signedge.index <- 2
neg.rel <- c(
perm <- function(x) {
sample(x, length(x), replace = FALSE)
permL3 <- function(L3, seed = 145) {
L3perm <- L3
ltmp <- L3perm
diag(ltmp) <- 0
diagL <- diag(L3perm) - rowSums(abs(ltmp))
diag(L3perm) <- 0
L3perm[upper.tri(L3perm)] <- 0
## Removed, this should be done outside the function
# set.seed(seed)
L3perm[lower.tri(L3perm)] <- perm(L3perm[lower.tri(L3perm)])
L3perm <- L3perm + t(L3perm)
for (k in which(rowSums(abs(L3perm)) == 0)) {
## Removed, this should be done outside the function
# set.seed(seed + 12 * k)
add <- sample(c(1:nrow(L3perm))[-k], 1)
L3perm[k, add] <- 1
L3perm[add, k] <- 1
} #ensure no isolated nodes
diag(L3perm) <- rowSums(abs(L3perm)) + diagL
all(L3perm == t(L3perm))
getSym <- function(a) {
d0 <- diag(a)
a <- a + t(a)
# a[abs(a) > 1] = 1
diag(a) <- d0
getSignedAdj <- function(E1, symmetric = TRUE) {
nds <- sort(unique(as.vector(E1[, c(1, 2)])))
A <- tapply(as.numeric(E1[, 3]), list(
factor(E1[, 1], levels = nds),
factor(E1[,2], levels = nds)),
A[is.na(A)] <- 0
A[abs(A) > 1] <- sign(A[abs(A) > 1])
if (symmetric == TRUE & !all(A == t(A))) {
A <- getSym(A)
# Some time some nodes are downstream, but not EXP()
Model$startNodeDown <- lapply(Model$startNodeDown, function(x) {
y <- x[grep(pattern.gene, as.character(x$nodeLabel), perl = TRUE), ]
y <- y[y$Direction != 0, ]
# Check no EXP() in the backbone
geneinback <- grep(pattern.gene, unique(as.vector(as.matrix(
Model$model$edges[,c(sourcenode.index, targetnode.index)]))),
perl = TRUE)
if (length(geneinback) > 0) {
stop(paste("Some backbone nodes are genes", pattern.gene))
# Get signed backbone edges
Ebackbone <- Model$model$edges[, c(sourcenode.index, signedge.index,
dire <- rep(1, nrow(Ebackbone))
dire[Ebackbone[, 2] %in% neg.rel] <- -1
Ebackbone <- data.frame(Ebackbone[, c(1, 3)], Direction = dire)
Ebackbone <- Ebackbone[order(Ebackbone[, 2]), ]
Ebackbone <- Ebackbone[order(Ebackbone[, 1]), ]
Ebackbone <- unique(Ebackbone) #if duplicated edges...
# Get edges from functional layer to transcriptional layer
dhyp <- NULL
Ehyp <- NULL
for (k in 1:length(Model$startNodeDown)) {
Ehyp <- rbind(Ehyp, cbind(rep(names(Model$startNodeDown)[k],
dhyp <- c(dhyp,
#normalize edges to transcript
Edown <- cbind(Ehyp, Direction = dhyp)
colnames(Edown) <- colnames(Ebackbone)
E00 <- rbind(Ebackbone, Edown)
Ad <- getSignedAdj(as.matrix(E00), symmetric = TRUE)
if (verbose == TRUE) {
message(paste("Graph size=", nrow(Ad)))
L <- diag(rowSums(abs(Ad))) - Ad
# Q = diag(rowSums(abs(Ad)))+ Ad
#not needed:save memory Get indices of transript layer
downgene <- grep(pattern.gene, rownames(L), perl = TRUE)
# Get key matrices
L2 <- L[downgene, -downgene]
L3 <- L[-downgene, -downgene]
L3inv <- try(solve(L3))
if (is(class(L3inv), "try-error")) {
svL3 <- svd(L3)
lambdainv <- rep(0, length(svL3$d))
lambdainv[abs(svL3$d) > 1e-13] <- 1/svL3$d[abs(svL3$d) > 1e-13]
L3inv <- svL3$v %*% diag(lambdainv) %*% t(svL3$u)
rownames(L3inv) <- rownames(L3)
colnames(L3inv) <- colnames(L3)
L3invtL2 <- L3inv %*% t(L2)
notDown <- which(rownames(L) %in% rownames(L3))
if (!all(sort(c(notDown, downgene)) == 1:nrow(L))) {
stop("wrong indexes...")
# Q
Qbackbone <- -L3 #Q[notDown, notDown]
# Recompute the diag:
if (length(notDown) == 1) {
Qbackbone <- matrix(Qbackbone, ncol = 1)
rownames(Qbackbone) <- colnames(Qbackbone) <- rownames(L)[notDown]
diag(Qbackbone) <- 0
diag(Qbackbone) <- rowSums(abs(Qbackbone))
if (nrow(Qbackbone) == 1) {
diag(Qbackbone) <- 1
NetSize <- nrow(Ebackbone)
# Prepare for K-stat
sqrtMat <- function(A) {
sv <- svd(A)
if (!all(sv$d > 0)) {
stop("Matrix not positive definite")
Asqrt <- sv$u %*% sqrt(diag(sv$d)) %*% t(sv$v)
Qb.sqrt <- sqrtMat(Qbackbone)
b <- 500
## Removed, this should be done outside the function
# set.seed(2674)
QbL3inv.perm <- lapply(1:b, function(i) {
l3 <- permL3(L3, seed = i + 858)
ql3inv <- try(-Qb.sqrt %*% solve(l3), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(ql3inv, "try-error")) {
ql3inv <- matrix(NA, nrow(L3), ncol(L3))
Qbackbone = Qbackbone,
L3invtL2 = L3invtL2,
L2 = L2,
L3 = L3,
QbL3inv.perm = QbL3inv.perm,
sgn = Ebackbone[, 3],
NetSize = NetSize,
backbone = Ebackbone[, c(1, 3, 2)],
startNodeDown = Model$startNodeDown,
g = Model$g))
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