## Functions related to the Param class and sub-classes.
#' @include DataClasses.R
#' @description Extract all slot values and put them into a list, names being
#' the slot names. If a slot \code{addParams} exist its content will be
#' appended to the returned list.
#' @param x A Param class.
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @noRd
.param2list <- function(x) {
## Get all slot names, skip those matching the provided pattern.
sNames <- slotNames(x)
skipSome <- grep(sNames, pattern = "^\\.")
if(length(skipSome) > 0)
sNames <- sNames[-skipSome]
## handle a slot called "addParams" differently: this is thougth to contain
## ... arguments thus we have to skip this one too.
if (any(sNames == "addParams")) {
sNames <- sNames[sNames != "addParams"]
addP <- x@addParams
} else {
addP <- list()
if(length(sNames) > 0){
resL <- vector("list", length(sNames))
for(i in 1:length(sNames))
resL[[i]] <- slot(x, name = sNames[i])
names(resL) <- sNames
resL <- c(resL, addP)
## Just get the name of the algorithm for each Parameter class.
.param2string <- function(x) {
if (is(x, "CentWaveParam"))
if (is(x, "MatchedFilterParam"))
if (is(x, "MassifquantParam"))
if (is(x, "MSWParam"))
if (is(x, "CentWavePredIsoParam"))
return("centWave with predicted isotope ROIs")
if (is(x, "PeakDensityParam"))
return("chromatographic peak density")
if (is(x, "MzClustParam"))
if (is(x, "NearestPeaksParam"))
return("nearest peaks")
if (is(x, "PeakGroupsParam"))
return("peak groups")
if (is(x, "ObiwarpParam"))
## GenericParam
#' @return The \code{GenericParam} function returns a \code{GenericParam}
#' object.
#' @param fun \code{character} representing the name of the function.
#' @param args \code{list} (ideally named) with the arguments to the function.
#' @rdname GenericParam
GenericParam <- function(fun = character(), args = list()) {
return(new("GenericParam", fun = fun, args = args))
#' @return The \code{CentWaveParam} function returns a \code{CentWaveParam}
#' class instance with all of the settings specified for chromatographic
#' peak detection by the centWave method.
#' @rdname findChromPeaks-centWave
CentWaveParam <- function(ppm = 25, peakwidth = c(20, 50), snthresh = 10,
prefilter = c(3, 100), mzCenterFun = "wMean",
integrate = 1L, mzdiff = -0.001, fitgauss = FALSE,
noise = 0, verboseColumns = FALSE, roiList = list(),
firstBaselineCheck = TRUE, roiScales = numeric()) {
return(new("CentWaveParam", ppm = ppm, peakwidth = peakwidth,
snthresh = snthresh, prefilter = prefilter,
mzCenterFun = mzCenterFun, integrate = as.integer(integrate),
mzdiff = mzdiff, fitgauss = fitgauss, noise = noise,
verboseColumns = verboseColumns, roiList = roiList,
firstBaselineCheck = firstBaselineCheck, roiScales = roiScales))
#' @return The \code{MatchedFilterParam} function returns a
#' \code{MatchedFilterParam} class instance with all of the settings
#' specified for chromatographic detection by the \emph{matchedFilter}
#' method.
#' @rdname findChromPeaks-matchedFilter
MatchedFilterParam <- function(binSize = 0.1, impute = "none",
baseValue = numeric(), distance = numeric(),
fwhm = 30, sigma = fwhm / 2.3548,
max = 5, snthresh = 10, steps = 2,
mzdiff = 0.8 - binSize * steps, index = FALSE) {
return(new("MatchedFilterParam", binSize = binSize, impute = impute,
baseValue = baseValue, distance = distance, fwhm = fwhm,
sigma = sigma, max = max, snthresh = snthresh, steps = steps,
mzdiff = mzdiff, index = index))
#' Convert the impute method to the old-style method name (e.g. for profMat
#' calls)
#' @noRd
.impute2method <- function(x) {
if (impute(x) == "none")
if (impute(x) == "lin")
if (impute(x) == "linbase")
#' @return The \code{MassifquantParam} function returns a
#' \code{MassifquantParam} class instance with all of the settings
#' specified for chromatographic peak detection by the \emph{massifquant}
#' method.
#' @rdname findChromPeaks-massifquant
MassifquantParam <- function(ppm = 25, peakwidth = c(20, 50), snthresh = 10,
prefilter = c(3, 100), mzCenterFun = "wMean",
integrate = 1L, mzdiff = -0.001, fitgauss = FALSE,
noise = 0, verboseColumns = FALSE,
criticalValue = 1.125, consecMissedLimit = 2,
unions = 1, checkBack = 0, withWave = FALSE) {
return(new("MassifquantParam", ppm = ppm, peakwidth = peakwidth,
snthresh = snthresh, prefilter = prefilter,
mzCenterFun = mzCenterFun, integrate = as.integer(integrate),
mzdiff = mzdiff, fitgauss = fitgauss, noise = noise,
verboseColumns = verboseColumns, criticalValue = criticalValue,
consecMissedLimit = as.integer(consecMissedLimit),
unions = as.integer(unions), checkBack = as.integer(checkBack),
withWave = withWave))
#' @inheritParams findChromPeaks-centWave
#' @param scales Numeric defining the scales of the continuous wavelet
#' transform (CWT).
#' @param nearbyPeak logical(1) whether to include nearby peaks of
#' major peaks.
#' @param peakScaleRange numeric(1) defining the scale range of the
#' peak (larger than 5 by default).
#' @param ampTh numeric(1) defining the minimum required relative
#' amplitude of the peak (ratio of the maximum of CWT coefficients).
#' @param minNoiseLevel numeric(1) defining the minimum noise level
#' used in computing the SNR.
#' @param ridgeLength numeric(1) defining the minimum highest scale
#' of the peak in 2-D CWT coefficient matrix.
#' @param peakThr numeric(1) with the minimum absolute intensity
#' (above baseline) of peaks to be picked. If provided, the smoothing
#' function \code{\link{sav.gol}} function (in the \code{MassSpecWavelet})
#' package is called to estimate the local intensity.
#' @param tuneIn logical(1) whther to tune in the parameter
#' estimation of the detected peaks.
#' @param ... Additional parameters to be passed to the
#' \code{\link{identifyMajorPeaks}} and
#' \code{\link{sav.gol}} functions from the
#' \code{MassSpecWavelet} package.
#' @return The \code{MSWParam} function returns a \code{MSWParam}
#' class instance with all of the settings specified for peak detection by
#' the \emph{MSW} method.
#' @rdname findPeaks-MSW
MSWParam <- function(snthresh = 3, verboseColumns = FALSE,
scales = c(1, seq(2, 30, 2), seq(32, 64, 4)),
nearbyPeak = TRUE, peakScaleRange = 5,
ampTh = 0.01, minNoiseLevel = ampTh / snthresh,
ridgeLength = 24, peakThr = NULL, tuneIn = FALSE,
... ) {
addParams <- list(...)
if (is.null(peakThr))
peakThr <- numeric()
return(new("MSWParam", snthresh = snthresh, verboseColumns = verboseColumns,
scales = scales, nearbyPeak = nearbyPeak,
peakScaleRange = peakScaleRange, ampTh = ampTh,
minNoiseLevel = minNoiseLevel, ridgeLength = ridgeLength,
peakThr = peakThr, tuneIn = tuneIn, addParams = addParams))
#' @return The \code{CentWavePredIsoParam} function returns a
#' \code{CentWavePredIsoParam} class instance with all of the settings
#' specified for the two-step centWave-based peak detection considering also
#' isotopes.
#' @rdname findChromPeaks-centWaveWithPredIsoROIs
CentWavePredIsoParam <- function(ppm = 25, peakwidth = c(20, 50), snthresh = 10,
prefilter = c(3, 100), mzCenterFun = "wMean",
integrate = 1L, mzdiff = -0.001, fitgauss = FALSE,
noise = 0, verboseColumns = FALSE, roiList = list(),
firstBaselineCheck = TRUE, roiScales = numeric(),
snthreshIsoROIs = 6.25, maxCharge = 3, maxIso = 5,
mzIntervalExtension = TRUE, polarity = "unknown") {
return(new("CentWavePredIsoParam", ppm = ppm, peakwidth = peakwidth,
snthresh = snthresh, prefilter = prefilter,
mzCenterFun = mzCenterFun, integrate = as.integer(integrate),
mzdiff = mzdiff, fitgauss = fitgauss, noise = noise,
verboseColumns = verboseColumns, roiList = roiList,
firstBaselineCheck = firstBaselineCheck, roiScales = roiScales,
snthreshIsoROIs = snthreshIsoROIs, maxIso = as.integer(maxIso),
maxCharge = as.integer(maxCharge),
mzIntervalExtension = mzIntervalExtension, polarity = polarity))
#' @return The `PeakDensityParam` function returns a
#' `PeakDensityParam` class instance with all of the settings
#' specified for chromatographic peak alignment based on peak densities.
#' Note that argument `sampleGroups` is mandatory and should represent
#' either the sample grouping in the experiment. It's length has to match
#' the number of sample in the experiments.
#' @md
#' @rdname groupChromPeaks-density
PeakDensityParam <- function(sampleGroups = numeric(), bw = 30,
minFraction = 0.5, minSamples = 1,
binSize = 0.25, maxFeatures = 50) {
if (length(sampleGroups) == 0 | any(is.na(sampleGroups)))
stop("Argument 'sampleGroups' has to be defined. It should not ",
"contain 'NA's")
new("PeakDensityParam", sampleGroups = sampleGroups, bw = bw,
minFraction = minFraction, minSamples = minSamples,
binSize = binSize, maxFeatures = maxFeatures)
#' @return
#' The `MzClustParam` function returns a `MzClustParam` class instance with
#' all of the settings specified for high resolution single spectra peak
#' alignment.
#' @md
#' @rdname groupChromPeaks-mzClust
MzClustParam <- function(sampleGroups = numeric(), ppm = 20, absMz = 0,
minFraction = 0.5, minSamples = 1) {
return(new("MzClustParam", sampleGroups = sampleGroups, ppm = ppm,
absMz = absMz, minFraction = minFraction,
minSamples = minSamples))
#' @return The \code{NearestPeaksParam} function returns a
#' \code{NearestPeaksParam} class instance with all of the settings
#' specified for peak alignment based on peak proximity.
#' @rdname groupChromPeaks-nearest
NearestPeaksParam <- function(sampleGroups = numeric(), mzVsRtBalance = 10,
absMz = 0.2, absRt = 15, kNN = 10) {
return(new("NearestPeaksParam", sampleGroups = sampleGroups,
mzVsRtBalance = mzVsRtBalance, absMz = absMz, absRt = absRt,
kNN = kNN))
#' @return The \code{PeakGroupsParam} function returns a
#' \code{PeakGroupsParam} class instance with all of the settings
#' specified for retention time adjustment based on \emph{house keeping}
#' features/peak groups.
#' @rdname adjustRtime-peakGroups
PeakGroupsParam <- function(minFraction = 0.9, extraPeaks = 1,
smooth = "loess", span = 0.2,
family = "gaussian",
peakGroupsMatrix = matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 0),
subset = integer(),
subsetAdjust = c("average", "previous")) {
subsetAdjust <- match.arg(subsetAdjust)
new("PeakGroupsParam", minFraction = minFraction,
extraPeaks = extraPeaks, smooth = smooth, span = span,
family = family, peakGroupsMatrix = peakGroupsMatrix,
subset = as.integer(subset), subsetAdjust = subsetAdjust)
#' @return The \code{ObiwarpParam} function returns a
#' \code{ObiwarpParam} class instance with all of the settings
#' specified for obiwarp retention time adjustment and alignment.
#' @rdname adjustRtime-obiwarp
ObiwarpParam <- function(binSize = 1, centerSample = integer(), response = 1L,
distFun = "cor_opt", gapInit = numeric(),
gapExtend = numeric(), factorDiag = 2, factorGap = 1,
localAlignment = FALSE, initPenalty = 0,
subset = integer(),
subsetAdjust = c("average", "previous")) {
subsetAdjust <- match.arg(subsetAdjust)
new("ObiwarpParam", binSize = binSize,
centerSample = as.integer(centerSample),
response = as.integer(response), distFun = distFun,
gapInit = gapInit, gapExtend = gapExtend, factorDiag = factorDiag,
factorGap = factorGap, localAlignment = localAlignment,
initPenalty = initPenalty, subset = as.integer(subset),
subsetAdjust = subsetAdjust)
#' @return The \code{FillChromPeaksParam} function returns a
#' \code{FillChromPeaksParam} object.
#' @rdname fillChromPeaks
FillChromPeaksParam <- function(expandMz = 0, expandRt = 0, ppm = 0,
fixedMz = 0, fixedRt = 0) {
new("FillChromPeaksParam", expandMz = expandMz, expandRt = expandRt,
ppm = ppm, fixedMz = fixedMz, fixedRt = fixedRt)
#' @rdname fillChromPeaks
fixedRt <- function(object) object@fixedRt
#' @rdname fillChromPeaks
fixedMz <- function(object) object@fixedMz
#' @return The `CalibrantMassParam` function returns an instance of
#' the `CalibrantMassParam` class with all settings and properties set.
#' @md
#' @rdname calibrate-calibrant-mass
CalibrantMassParam <- function(mz = list(), mzabs = 0.0001, mzppm = 5,
neighbors = 3, method = "linear") {
if (!is.list(mz))
mz <- list(mz)
mz <- lapply(mz, sort)
new("CalibrantMassParam", mz = mz, mzabs = mzabs, mzppm = mzppm,
neighbors = as.integer(neighbors), method = method)
.mzabs <- function(x)
.mzppm <- function(x)
.neighbors <- function(x)
.method <- function(x)
.mz <- function(x)
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