
Defines functions kstest

Documented in kstest

#' Two-sided Kolmogorov–Smirnov test
#' @param n.x The length of a ranked list
#' @param y A vector of positions in the ranked list
#' @param weights Weights for weighted score (Subramanian et al.)
#' @param weights.pwr Exponent for weights (Subramanian et al.)
#' @param absolute Takes max-min score rather than the max deviation from null
#' @param plotting Use true to generate plot
#' @return A list of data and plots
#' @export
kstest <- function(n.x,
                    plotting=FALSE) {

    n.y <- length(y)
    err = list(score=0, pval=1, plot=ggempty())
    if (n.y < 1 ) return(err)
    if (any(y > n.x)) return(err)
    if (any(y < 1)) return(err)

    x.axis <- y.axis <- NULL
    # If weights are provided
    if (!is.null(weights)) {
        weights <- abs(weights[y])^weights.pwr
        Pmis <- rep(1, n.x); Pmis[y] <- 0; Pmis <- cumsum(Pmis); Pmis <- Pmis/(n.x-n.y)
        Phit <- rep(0, n.x); Phit[y] <- weights; Phit <- cumsum(Phit); Phit <- Phit/Phit[n.x]
        z <- Phit-Pmis
        score <- if (absolute) max(z)-min(z) else z[which.max(abs(z))]
        x.axis <- 1:n.x
        y.axis <- z
    # Without weights
    } else {
        y <- sort(y)
        n <- n.x*n.y/(n.x + n.y)
        hit <- 1/n.y
        mis <- 1/n.x
        Y <- sort(c(y-1, y))
        Y <- Y[diff(Y) != 0]
        y.match <- match(y, Y)
        D <- rep(0, length(Y))
        D[y.match] <- (1:n.y)
        zero <- which(D == 0)[-1]
        D[zero] <- D[zero-1]
        z <- D*hit-Y*mis
        score <- if (absolute) max(z)-min(z) else z[which.max(abs(z))]
        x.axis <- Y
        y.axis <- z
        if (Y[1] > 0) {
            x.axis <- c(0, x.axis)
            y.axis <- c(0, y.axis)
        if (max(Y) < n.x) {
            x.axis <- c(x.axis, n.x)
            y.axis <- c(y.axis, 0)
    # One-sided Kolmogorov–Smirnov test
    results <- suppressWarnings(ks.test(1:n.x, y, alternative="less"))
    results$statistic <- score # Use the signed statistic

    # Enrichment plot
    plot.title <- paste("p =", signif(results$p.value, 3))
    p <- if (plotting) ggeplot(n.x, y, x.axis, y.axis, plot.title) else ggempty()
anfederico/bieulergy documentation built on Feb. 5, 2025, 4:20 p.m.