
Defines functions ramwas6annotateTopFindings ramwasAnnotateLocations

Documented in ramwas6annotateTopFindings ramwasAnnotateLocations

# Annotate findings with BioMaRt
ramwasAnnotateLocations = function(param, chr, pos){

    maxrequest = 500;

        param$biflank = 0;

    # Sanity check
    if(any(pos > 1e9L))
        stop("Annotation error: chromosome positions must be <= 1e9")

    # BiomaRt likes 1-22,X,Y, not chr1-chr22,chrX,chrY
    if(is.character(chr) || is.factor(chr)){
        nochr = gsub("^chr","",chr);
    } else {
        nochr = chr;

    # Call biomaRt
        # library(biomaRt)
        gene_ensembl = useMart(
                            biomart = param$bimart,
                            host = param$bihost,
                            dataset = param$bidataset)

        if(length(nochr) > maxrequest){

            step1 = maxrequest;
            runto = length(nochr);
            nsteps = ceiling(runto/step1);
            collect = vector("list",nsteps)
            for( part in seq_len(nsteps) ){ # part = 1
                message("BiomaRt request: ", part, " of ", nsteps, "\n");
                fr = (part-1)*step1 + 1;
                to = min(part*step1, runto);

                collect[[part]] = getBM(
                    mart = gene_ensembl,
                    attributes = unique(c(
                    filters = c(list(
                        chromosomal_region =paste0(
                            pos[fr:to] - param$biflank,":",
                            pos[fr:to] + param$biflank + 1L)),
            rm(part, step1, runto, nsteps, fr, to);

            combine.data.frames = function(li){
                rs = list();
                nms = names(li[[1]]);
                for( i in seq_along(nms) ){
                    rs[[nms[i]]] = unlist(lapply(li, function(x){x[,nms[i]]}));
                return(data.frame(rs, check.names = FALSE));

            bioresp = combine.data.frames(collect);
        } else {
            bioresp = getBM(
                mart = gene_ensembl,
                attributes = unique(c(
                filters = c(list(
                    chromosomal_region = paste0(
                        pos - param$biflank,":",
                        pos + param$biflank + 1L)),

    if(nrow(bioresp) == 0){
        rez = rep(list(rep("", length(chr))), length(param$biattributes))
        names(rez) = param$biattributes;
        return( data.frame(rez, stringsAsFactors = FALSE));
    # Match Biomart response to chr/pos locations
        # Transform chr/pos into single number coordinates
        chrunique = unique(nochr);

        tablepos = match(nochr, chrunique, nomatch = 0L) * 1e9 + pos;
        respchrn = match(bioresp$chromosome_name, chrunique, nomatch = 0L);
        resppos1 = respchrn * 1e9 + bioresp$start_position - param$biflank;
        resppos2 = respchrn * 1e9 + bioresp$end_position   + param$biflank;

        # Order CpGs by location
        ord = sort.list(tablepos);
        # tablepos[ord]

        ### Find CpGs which match each returned gene
        ### CpGs [fi1+1 : fi2] for each gene
        # offset by 1 for G in CpG, another 1 for strict inequality
        fi1 = findInterval( resppos1, tablepos[ord]+2)
        fi2 = findInterval( resppos2, tablepos[ord])

        ## Enumerate all CpG-gene pairs
        ## xx - CpG index (among sorted), factored for "split" call
        ## yy - Gene index (within biomart response)
        xx = unlist(lapply(
                        X = which(fi1<fi2),
        levels(xx) = paste0(seq_along(tablepos));
        class(xx) = "factor";
        yy = rep(seq_along(fi1), times = fi2-fi1)

        spl = split(yy, xx)

        result = vector("list",length(param$biattributes));
        names(result) = param$biattributes;

        for( attr in param$biattributes){ # attr = param$biattributes[1]
            z = bioresp[[attr]]
            result[[attr]] =
                vapply(spl, function(x){ paste0(z[x], collapse = "/") }, "")

        ord1 = seq_along(ord);
        ord1[ord] = ord1;

        # result2 = data.frame( chr, pos, lapply(result, `[`, ord1) )

        genes = data.frame(#chr = chr,
            #pos = pos,
            lapply(result, `[`, ord1),
            stringsAsFactors = FALSE);

ramwas6annotateTopFindings = function(param){
    # library(filematrix)
    param = parameterPreprocess(param);

    message("Working in: ", param$dirmwas);

    message("Loading MWAS results");
    mwas = getMWASandLocations(param);

    message("Finding top MWAS hits");
    keep = findBestNpvs(mwas$`p-value`, param$toppvthreshold);
    # keep = which(mwas[,3] < param$toppvthreshold);
    ord = keep[sort.list(abs(mwas[[5]][keep]), decreasing = TRUE)];

    toptable = mwas[ord,];

    # saveRDS(file = paste0(param$dirmwas,"/Top_tests.rds"), object = toptable);

    if( !is.null(param$biattributes) && (nrow(toptable)>0L) ){
        message("Annotating top MWAS hits");
        bio = ramwasAnnotateLocations(
                    param = param,
                    chr = toptable$chr,
                    pos = toptable$start);
        toptable = data.frame(toptable, bio);

    message("Saving top MWAS hits");
        file = paste0(param$dirmwas, "/Top_tests.txt"),
        sep = "\t",
        quote = FALSE,
        row.names = FALSE,
        x = toptable
andreyshabalin/ramwas documentation built on Sept. 27, 2021, 7:25 p.m.