
.expChisq <- function(geno, snpID, batch, correct=TRUE, male=FALSE) {
  # expected values
  exp.batch <- sort(unique(batch))
  nbatch <- length(exp.batch)
  nsnp <- length(snpID)
  nA <- matrix(0, nrow=nsnp, ncol=nbatch)
  nB <- matrix(0, nrow=nsnp, ncol=nbatch)
  for (i in 1:nbatch) {
    thisbatch <- batch == exp.batch[i]
    nA[,i] <- rowSums(geno[,thisbatch], na.rm=TRUE)
    nB[,i] <- rowSums(ifelse(male, 1, 2) - geno[,thisbatch], na.rm=TRUE)

  # get chisq
  if (nbatch == 2) {
    exp.chisq <- rep(NA, nsnp)
    for (i in 1:nsnp) {
      tbl <- matrix(c(nA[i,1], nB[i,1], nA[i,2], nB[i,2]), nrow=2, ncol=2)
        chisq <- chisq.test(tbl, correct=correct)
        exp.chisq[i] <- chisq[["statistic"]]
    exp.chisq[pmin(rowSums(nA), rowSums(nB)) == 0] <- NA
    exp.ave <- rep(mean(exp.chisq, na.rm=TRUE), 2)
    exp.lam <- rep(median(exp.chisq, na.rm=TRUE) / qchisq(0.5, 1), 2)
  } else { 
    exp.chisq <- matrix(NA, nrow=nsnp, ncol=nbatch, dimnames=list(snpID, exp.batch))
    for (i in 1:nsnp) {
      for (j in 1:nbatch) {
        tbl <- matrix(c(nA[i,j], nB[i,j], sum(nA[i,-j]), sum(nB[i,-j])),
                      nrow=2, ncol=2)
          chisq <- chisq.test(tbl, correct=correct)
          exp.chisq[i,j] <- chisq[["statistic"]]
    exp.chisq[pmin(rowSums(nA), rowSums(nB)) == 0,] <- NA
    exp.ave <- rep(NA, nbatch)
    exp.lam <- rep(NA, nbatch)
    for (i in 1:nbatch) {
      exp.ave[i] <- mean(exp.chisq[,i], na.rm=TRUE)
      exp.lam[i] <- median(exp.chisq[,i], na.rm=TRUE) / qchisq(0.5, 1)
  exp.chisq[!is.finite(exp.chisq)] <- NA
  names(exp.ave) <- exp.batch
  names(exp.lam) <- exp.batch
  list(ave=exp.ave, lam=exp.lam, chisq=exp.chisq)

check2batches <- function(nc) {
  # define batches - only 2
  scanID <- 1:20
  batch <- rep(paste("batch", 1:2, sep=""), 10)
  sex <- c(rep("M", 10), rep("F", 10))
  scandf <- data.frame(scanID=scanID, sex=sex, batch=batch)
  scanAnnot <- ScanAnnotationDataFrame(scandf)
  data <- GenotypeData(nc, scanAnnot=scanAnnot)

  # expected values
  geno <- getGenotype(data)
  snpID <- getSnpID(data)
  exp <- .expChisq(geno, snpID, batch)
  # test function
  res <- batchChisqTest(data, batchVar="batch",
  checkEquals(exp$ave, res$mean.chisq)
  checkEquals(exp$lam, res$lambda)
  checkEquals(exp$chisq, res$chisq[,1], tolerance=1e-7, checkNames=FALSE)
  checkEquals(exp$chisq, res$chisq[,2], tolerance=1e-7, checkNames=FALSE)

check4batches <- function(nc) {
  # define batches - 4
  scanID <- 1:20
  batch <- rep(paste("batch", 1:4, sep=""), 5)
  sex <- c(rep("M", 10), rep("F", 10))
  scandf <- data.frame(scanID=scanID, sex=sex, batch=batch)
  scanAnnot <- ScanAnnotationDataFrame(scandf)
  data <- GenotypeData(nc, scanAnnot=scanAnnot)

  # expected values
  geno <- getGenotype(data)
  snpID <- getSnpID(data)
  exp <- .expChisq(geno, snpID, batch)
  # test function
  res <- batchChisqTest(data, batchVar="batch",
  checkEquals(exp$ave, res$mean.chisq)
  checkEquals(exp$lam, res$lambda)
  checkEquals(exp$chisq, res$chisq, tolerance=1e-7)

# test without Yates correction
checkNoYates <- function(nc) {
  # define batches - 4
  scanID <- 1:20
  batch <- rep(paste("batch", 1:4, sep=""), 5)
  sex <- c(rep("M", 10), rep("F", 10))
  scandf <- data.frame(scanID=scanID, sex=sex, batch=batch)
  scanAnnot <- ScanAnnotationDataFrame(scandf)
  data <- GenotypeData(nc, scanAnnot=scanAnnot)

  # expected values
  geno <- getGenotype(data)
  snpID <- getSnpID(data)
  exp <- .expChisq(geno, snpID, batch, correct=FALSE)
  # test function
  res <- batchChisqTest(data, batchVar="batch",, correct=FALSE)
  checkEquals(exp$ave, res$mean.chisq)
  checkEquals(exp$lam, res$lambda)
  checkEquals(exp$chisq, res$chisq, tolerance=1e-7)

# test autosomes only
checkAuto <- function(nc) {
  # define batches - 4
  scanID <- 1:20
  batch <- rep(paste("batch", 1:4, sep=""), 5)
  sex <- c(rep("M", 10), rep("F", 10))
  scandf <- data.frame(scanID=scanID, sex=sex, batch=batch)
  scanAnnot <- ScanAnnotationDataFrame(scandf)
  data <- GenotypeData(nc, scanAnnot=scanAnnot)

  # expected values
  chr <- getChromosome(data)
  geno <- getGenotype(data)[chr <= 22,]
  snpID <- getSnpID(data)[chr <= 22]
  exp <- .expChisq(geno, snpID, batch)
  # test function
  res <- batchChisqTest(data, batchVar="batch",
  checkEquals(exp$ave, res$mean.chisq)
  checkEquals(exp$lam, res$lambda)
  checkEquals(exp$chisq, res$chisq, tolerance=1e-7)

# test X and Y chroms for males
checkXYM <- function(nc) { 
  # define batches - 4
  scanID <- 1:20
  batch <- rep(paste("batch", 1:4, sep=""), 5)
  sex <- c(rep("M", 10), rep("F", 10))
  scandf <- data.frame(scanID=scanID, sex=sex, batch=batch)
  scanAnnot <- ScanAnnotationDataFrame(scandf)
  data <- GenotypeData(nc, scanAnnot=scanAnnot)

  # expected values
  chr <- getChromosome(data)
  geno <- getGenotype(data)[chr %in% c(23,25), sex == "M"]
  snpID <- getSnpID(data)[chr %in% c(23,25)]
  # recode
  geno[geno == 1] <- NA
  geno[geno == 2] <- 1
  exp <- .expChisq(geno, snpID, batch[sex == "M"], male=TRUE)
  # test function
  res <- batchChisqTest(data, batchVar="batch",,
                        chrom.include=c(23,25), sex.include="M")
  checkEquals(exp$ave, res$mean.chisq)
  checkEquals(exp$lam, res$lambda)
  checkEquals(exp$chisq, res$chisq, tolerance=1e-7)

# test X chrom for females
checkXF <- function(nc) { 
  # define batches - 4
  scanID <- 1:20
  batch <- rep(paste("batch", 1:4, sep=""), 5)
  sex <- c(rep("M", 10), rep("F", 10))
  scandf <- data.frame(scanID=scanID, sex=sex, batch=batch)
  scanAnnot <- ScanAnnotationDataFrame(scandf)
  data <- GenotypeData(nc, scanAnnot=scanAnnot)

  # expected values
  chr <- getChromosome(data)
  geno <- getGenotype(data)[chr == 23, sex == "F"]
  snpID <- getSnpID(data)[chr == 23]
  exp <- .expChisq(geno, snpID, batch[sex == "F"])

  # test function
  res <- batchChisqTest(data, batchVar="batch",,
                        chrom.include=23, sex.include="F")
  checkEquals(exp$ave, res$mean.chisq)
  checkEquals(exp$lam, res$lambda)
  checkEquals(exp$chisq, res$chisq, tolerance=1e-7)

# test X and Y for males and females combined (should be error)
checkXYMF <- function(nc) {
  # define batches - 4
  scanID <- 1:20
  batch <- rep(paste("batch", 1:4, sep=""), 5)
  sex <- c(rep("M", 10), rep("F", 10))
  scandf <- data.frame(scanID=scanID, sex=sex, batch=batch)
  scanAnnot <- ScanAnnotationDataFrame(scandf)
  data <- GenotypeData(nc, scanAnnot=scanAnnot)
  checkException(batchChisqTest(data, batchVar="batch", chrom.include=23))

checkExclude <- function(nc) {
  # define batches - 4
  scanID <- 1:20
  batch <- rep(paste("batch", 1:4, sep=""), 5)
  sex <- c(rep("M", 10), rep("F", 10))
  scandf <- data.frame(scanID=scanID, sex=sex, batch=batch)
  scanAnnot <- ScanAnnotationDataFrame(scandf)
  data <- GenotypeData(nc, scanAnnot=scanAnnot)
  scan.exclude <- c(1,2,10)

  # expected values
  snpID <- getSnpID(data)
  geno <- getGenotype(data)[, !(scanID %in% scan.exclude)]
  batch <- batch[!(scanID %in% scan.exclude)]
  exp <- .expChisq(geno, snpID, batch)
  # test function
  res <- batchChisqTest(data, batchVar="batch",,
  checkEquals(exp$ave, res$mean.chisq)
  checkEquals(exp$lam, res$lambda)
  checkEquals(exp$chisq, res$chisq, tolerance=1e-7)

checkSnpInclude <- function(nc) {
  # define batches - 4
  scanID <- 1:20
  batch <- rep(paste("batch", 1:4, sep=""), 5)
  sex <- c(rep("M", 10), rep("F", 10))
  scandf <- data.frame(scanID=scanID, sex=sex, batch=batch)
  scanAnnot <- ScanAnnotationDataFrame(scandf)
  data <- GenotypeData(nc, scanAnnot=scanAnnot)
  snpID <- getSnpID(data)
  snp.include <- sample(snpID, 10)

  # expected values
  geno <- getGenotype(data)[snpID %in% snp.include,]
  exp <- .expChisq(geno, sort(snp.include), batch)
  # test function
  res <- batchChisqTest(data, batchVar="batch",,
  checkEquals(exp$ave, res$mean.chisq)
  checkEquals(exp$lam, res$lambda)
  checkEquals(exp$chisq, res$chisq, tolerance=1e-7)

checkNoSnp <- function(nc) {
  # define batches - 4
  scanID <- 1:20
  batch <- rep(paste("batch", 1:4, sep=""), 5)
  sex <- c(rep("M", 10), rep("F", 10))
  scandf <- data.frame(scanID=scanID, sex=sex, batch=batch)
  scanAnnot <- ScanAnnotationDataFrame(scandf)
  data <- GenotypeData(nc, scanAnnot=scanAnnot)

  # test function
  res <- batchChisqTest(data, batchVar="batch",
  checkEquals(2, length(res))
  checkIdentical(c("mean.chisq", "lambda"), names(res))

test_batchChisqTest <- function() {
  # simulate data - autosomes only
  ncfile <- tempfile()
  simulateGenotypeMatrix(n.snps=10, n.chromosomes=22,
                           n.samples=20, filename=ncfile)
  nc <- GdsGenotypeReader(ncfile)

  # run tests

  # clean up

  # simulate data - 26 chroms
  ncfile <- tempfile()
  simulateGenotypeMatrix(n.snps=10, n.chromosomes=26,
                           n.samples=20, filename=ncfile)
  nc <- GdsGenotypeReader(ncfile)

  # run tests

  # clean up
amstilp/GWASTools documentation built on May 10, 2019, 1:08 a.m.