test_geneAction <- function() {
geno <- matrix(sample(c(0,1,2,NA), 100, replace=TRUE), nrow=10, ncol=10)
checkEquals(geno, GWASTools:::.transformGenotype(geno, "additive"))
dom <- GWASTools:::.transformGenotype(geno, "dominant")
checkEquals(geno == 0, dom == 0)
checkEquals(geno %in% c(1,2), dom %in% 2)
rec <- GWASTools:::.transformGenotype(geno, "recessive")
checkEquals(geno == 2, rec == 2)
checkEquals(geno %in% c(1,0), rec %in% 0)
test_monomorphic <- function() {
geno <- matrix(c(0,0,0,NA,
NA,2,2,2), nrow=3, byrow=TRUE)
checkEquals(c(TRUE,FALSE,TRUE), GWASTools:::.monomorphic(geno, outcome="", model.type=""))
## case/control
geno <- matrix(c(0,0,1,NA,
NA,1,2,2), nrow=3, byrow=TRUE)
checkEquals(c(TRUE,FALSE,TRUE), GWASTools:::.monomorphic(geno, outcome=c(0,0,1,1), model.type="logistic"))
.regModelData <- function(type=c("logistic", "linear", "poisson"), nsamp=100) {
type <- match.arg(type)
linear=rnorm(nsamp, mean=10, sd=2),
poisson=c(sample(1:20, 80, replace=TRUE), sample(21:40, 20, replace=TRUE))),
covar=sample(letters[1:3], nsamp, replace=TRUE),
genotype=sample(c(0,1,2), nsamp, replace=TRUE))
test_runReg_linear <- function() {
mod <- "outcome ~ covar + genotype"
dat <- .regModelData(type="linear")
tmp <- GWASTools:::.runRegression(mod, dat, "linear",
CI=0.95, robust=FALSE, LRtest=FALSE)
checkIdentical(names(tmp), c("Est", "SE", "LL", "UL", "Wald.Stat", "Wald.pval"))
fit <- lm(as.formula(mod), data=dat)
checkEquals(summary(fit)$coef["genotype",1:2], tmp[1:2], checkNames=FALSE)
test_runReg_logistic <- function() {
mod <- "outcome ~ covar + genotype"
dat <- .regModelData(type="logistic")
tmp <- GWASTools:::.runRegression(mod, dat, "logistic",
CI=0.95, robust=FALSE, LRtest=FALSE)
checkIdentical(names(tmp), c("Est", "SE", "LL", "UL", "Wald.Stat", "Wald.pval"))
fit <- glm(as.formula(mod), data=dat, family=binomial())
checkEquals(summary(fit)$coef["genotype",1:2], tmp[1:2], checkNames=FALSE)
test_runReg_poisson <- function() {
mod <- "outcome ~ covar + genotype"
dat <- .regModelData(type="poisson")
tmp <- GWASTools:::.runRegression(mod, dat, "poisson",
CI=0.95, robust=FALSE, LRtest=FALSE)
checkIdentical(names(tmp), c("Est", "SE", "LL", "UL", "Wald.Stat", "Wald.pval"))
fit <- glm(as.formula(mod), data=dat, family=poisson())
checkEquals(summary(fit)$coef["genotype",1:2], tmp[1:2], checkNames=FALSE)
test_runReg_CI <- function() {
mod <- "outcome ~ covar + genotype"
dat <- .regModelData(type="linear")
tmp <- GWASTools:::.runRegression(mod, dat, "linear",
CI=0.95, robust=FALSE, LRtest=FALSE)
tmp2 <- GWASTools:::.runRegression(mod, dat, "linear",
CI=0.90, robust=FALSE, LRtest=FALSE)
checkTrue(tmp["LL"] < tmp2["LL"])
checkTrue(tmp["UL"] > tmp2["UL"])
test_runReg_robust <- function() {
mod <- "outcome ~ covar + genotype"
dat <- .regModelData(type="linear")
tmp <- GWASTools:::.runRegression(mod, dat, "linear",
CI=0.95, robust=TRUE, LRtest=FALSE)
fit <- lm(as.formula(mod), data=dat)
checkEquals(sqrt(vcovHC(fit, type="HC0")["genotype", "genotype"]),
tmp[2], checkNames=FALSE)
test_runReg_LR <- function() {
mod <- "outcome ~ covar + genotype"
dat <- .regModelData(type="linear")
tmp <- GWASTools:::.runRegression(mod, dat, "linear",
CI=0.95, robust=FALSE, LRtest=TRUE)
checkIdentical(names(tmp), c("Est", "SE", "LL", "UL", "Wald.Stat", "Wald.pval",
"LR.Stat", "LR.pval"))
dat <<- dat
fit <- lrtest(lm(as.formula(mod), data=dat), "genotype")
checkEquals(unlist(fit[2, 4:5]), tmp[7:8], checkNames=FALSE)
test_runReg_GxE <- function() {
mod <- "outcome ~ covar + covar:genotype + genotype"
dat <- .regModelData(type="linear")
tmp <- GWASTools:::.runRegression(mod, dat, "linear",
CI=0.95, robust=FALSE, LRtest=FALSE)
gxe.cols <- c("Est", "SE", "LL", "UL", "Wald.Stat", "Wald.pval",
"GxE.Est", "GxE.SE", "GxE.Stat", "GxE.pval",
"Joint.Stat", "Joint.pval")
checkIdentical(names(tmp), gxe.cols)
checkTrue(all(![c(1:6, 9:12)])))
checkTrue(all([7:8]))) # covar has 3 levels
fit <- lm(as.formula(mod), data=dat)
gxe <- grep(":genotype", names(coef(fit)))
x <- coef(fit)[gxe]
checkEquals(as.numeric(t(x) %*% solve(vcov(fit)[gxe,gxe]) %*% x),
tmp["GxE.Stat"], checkNames=FALSE)
joint <- grep("genotype", names(coef(fit)))
x <- coef(fit)[joint]
checkEquals(as.numeric(t(x) %*% solve(vcov(fit)[joint,joint]) %*% x),
tmp["Joint.Stat"], checkNames=FALSE)
dat$covar <- sample(letters[1:2], nrow(dat), replace=TRUE)
tmp <- GWASTools:::.runRegression(mod, dat, "linear",
CI=0.95, robust=FALSE, LRtest=FALSE)
checkIdentical(names(tmp), gxe.cols)
fit <- lm(as.formula(mod), data=dat)
checkEquals(summary(fit)$coef[4,1:2] ,tmp[7:8], checkNames=FALSE)
test_runFirth <- function() {
mod <- "outcome ~ covar + genotype"
dat <- .regModelData()
tmp <- GWASTools:::.runFirth(mod, dat, CI=0.95, PPLtest=FALSE)
checkIdentical(names(tmp), c("Est", "SE", "LL", "UL", "Wald.Stat", "Wald.pval"))
fm <- logistf(as.formula(mod), data=dat, pl=FALSE)
checkEquals(tmp["Est"], coef(fm)["genotype"], checkNames=FALSE)
checkEquals(tmp["LL"], fm$ci.lower["genotype"], checkNames=FALSE)
checkEquals(tmp["UL"], fm$ci.upper["genotype"], checkNames=FALSE)
checkEquals(tmp["Wald.pval"], fm$prob["genotype"], checkNames=FALSE)
checkEquals(GWASTools:::.waldTest(tmp["Est"], (tmp["SE"])^2),
tmp[c("Wald.Stat", "Wald.pval")], checkNames=FALSE)
test_runFirth_CI <- function() {
mod <- "outcome ~ covar + genotype"
dat <- .regModelData(type="linear")
tmp <- GWASTools:::.runFirth(mod, dat, CI=0.95, PPLtest=FALSE)
checkEquals(GWASTools:::.CI(tmp["Est"], tmp["SE"], 0.95),
tmp[c("LL", "UL")], checkNames=FALSE)
tmp2 <- GWASTools:::.runFirth(mod, dat, CI=0.90, PPLtest=FALSE)
checkTrue(tmp["LL"] < tmp2["LL"])
checkTrue(tmp["UL"] > tmp2["UL"])
test_runFirth_PPL <- function() {
mod <- "outcome ~ covar + genotype"
dat <- .regModelData()
ind <- which(colnames(model.matrix(as.formula(mod), dat)) == "genotype")
tmp <- GWASTools:::.runFirth(mod, dat, CI=0.95, PPLtest=TRUE, geno.index=ind)
checkIdentical(names(tmp), c("Est", "SE", "LL", "UL", "Wald.Stat", "Wald.pval",
"PPL.Stat", "PPL.pval"))
fm <- logistf(as.formula(mod), data=dat, pl=TRUE, plconf=ind)
checkEquals(tmp["Est"], coef(fm)["genotype"], checkNames=FALSE)
checkEquals(tmp["LL"], fm$ci.lower["genotype"], checkNames=FALSE)
checkEquals(tmp["UL"], fm$ci.upper["genotype"], checkNames=FALSE)
checkEquals(tmp["PPL.pval"], fm$prob["genotype"], checkNames=FALSE)
.regGenoData <- function(nsnp=100, nsamp=50, chromosome=NULL) {
if (is.null(chromosome)) {
chromosome <- rep(c(1L,23L), each=nsnp/2)
} else {
chromosome <- rep(as.integer(chromosome), nsnp)
geno <- matrix(sample(c(0,1,2,NA), nsnp*nsamp, replace=TRUE), nrow=nsnp, ncol=nsamp)
geno[1,] <- 0 ## make one monomorphic
mgr <- MatrixGenotypeReader(geno, snpID=1:nsnp, scanID=1:nsamp,
scanAnnot <- ScanAnnotationDataFrame(data.frame(scanID=1:nsamp,
sex=sample(c("M","F"), nsamp, replace=TRUE),
age=round(rnorm(nsamp, mean=40, sd=10)),
site=sample(letters[1:3], nsamp, replace=TRUE),
trait=rnorm(nsamp, mean=10, sd=2)))
GenotypeData(mgr, scanAnnot=scanAnnot)
test_blocks <- function() {
outcome <- "trait"
model.type <- "linear"
genoData <- .regGenoData()
assoc1 <- assocRegression(genoData,
outcome = outcome,
model.type = model.type)
assoc2 <- assocRegression(genoData,
outcome = outcome,
model.type = model.type,
checkEquals(assoc1, assoc2)
test_snps <- function() {
outcome <- "trait"
model.type <- "linear"
genoData <- .regGenoData()
assoc1 <- assocRegression(genoData,
outcome = outcome,
model.type = model.type)
assoc2a <- assocRegression(genoData,
outcome = outcome,
model.type = model.type,
snpStart=1, snpEnd=50)
assoc2b <- assocRegression(genoData,
outcome = outcome,
model.type = model.type,
snpStart=51, snpEnd=100)
checkEquals(assoc1, rbind(assoc2a, assoc2b))
test_logistic <- function() {
outcome <- "status"
model.type <- "logistic"
covar <- c("age","sex")
genoData <- .regGenoData()
scan.exclude <- sample(getScanID(genoData), 10)
assoc <- assocRegression(genoData,
outcome = outcome,
model.type = model.type,
covar = covar,
scan.exclude = scan.exclude)
test_linear <- function() {
outcome <- "trait"
model.type <- "linear"
covar <- c("age","sex")
genoData <- .regGenoData()
scan.exclude <- sample(getScanID(genoData), 10)
assoc <- assocRegression(genoData,
outcome = outcome,
model.type = model.type,
covar = covar,
scan.exclude = scan.exclude)
test_GxE <- function() {
outcome <- "trait"
model.type <- "linear"
covar <- c("age","sex")
ivar <- "sex"
genoData <- .regGenoData()
assoc <- assocRegression(genoData,
outcome = outcome,
model.type = model.type,
covar = covar,
ivar = ivar)
test_firth <- function() {
outcome <- "status"
model.type <- "firth"
covar <- c("age","sex","site")
PPLtest <- TRUE
genoData <- .regGenoData()
scan.exclude <- sample(getScanID(genoData), 10)
assoc <- assocRegression(genoData,
outcome = outcome,
model.type = model.type,
covar = covar,
scan.exclude = scan.exclude,
PPLtest = PPLtest)
test_effectAllele <- function() {
outcome <- "trait"
model.type <- "linear"
covar <- c("age","sex")
genoData <- .regGenoData()
assoc1 <- assocRegression(genoData,
outcome = outcome,
model.type = model.type,
covar = covar,
checkEquals(assoc1$EAF, assoc1$MAF)
assoc2 <- assocRegression(genoData,
outcome = outcome,
model.type = model.type,
covar = covar,
checkTrue(all(assoc2$effect.allele == "A"))
Bmin <- assoc2$EAF != assoc2$MAF
checkEquals(assoc1$Est[Bmin], -assoc2$Est[Bmin])
checkEquals(assoc1$Est[!Bmin], assoc2$Est[!Bmin])
test_Ychr <- function() {
genoData <- .regGenoData(chromosome=25)
scan.exclude <- getScanID(genoData)[getSex(genoData) == "F"]
outcome <- "trait"
model.type <- "linear"
assoc1 <- assocRegression(genoData,
outcome = outcome,
model.type = model.type)
assoc2 <- assocRegression(genoData,
outcome = outcome,
model.type = model.type,
checkEquals(assoc1, assoc2)
outcome = outcome, covar="sex",
model.type = model.type))
test_sampleSize <- function() {
outcome <- "status"
model.type <- "logistic"
covar <- c("age","sex","site")
genoData <- .regGenoData()
scan.exclude <- sample(getScanID(genoData), 10)
assoc <- assocRegression(genoData,
outcome = outcome,
model.type = model.type,
covar = covar,
scan.exclude = scan.exclude)
checkEquals(assoc$n, assoc$n0 + assoc$n1)
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