# ped file format is: follwing values per line,
# Family ID
# Individual ID
# Father ID
# Mother ID
# sex (1=male, 2=female, other=unknown)
# phenotype (-9=missing, 0=missing, 1=unaffected, 2=affected)
# genotypes (both alleles e.g. A A for all SNPs ordered according to the map file order
# return genotype matrix or vector in plink format
.getPlinkGenotype <- function(genoData, scan.start, scan.count,
scan.chromosome.filter = NULL) {
geno <- getGenotype(genoData, snp=c(1,-1), scan=c(scan.start,scan.count),
# plink uses "A B" instead of "A/B"
geno <- gsub("/", " ", geno)
# apply scan-chromosome filter
if (!is.null(scan.chromosome.filter)) {
if (length(dim(geno)) < 2) {
geno <- matrix(geno, ncol=1)
filt <- scan.chromosome.filter[scan.start:(scan.start+scan.count-1),,drop=FALSE]
chr <- getChromosome(genoData, char=TRUE)
for (c in colnames(scan.chromosome.filter)) {
badscans <- which(!filt[,c])
if (length(badscans) > 0) {
geno[chr == c, badscans] <- NA
if (ncol(geno) == 1) {
geno <- as.vector(geno)
# plink missing is "0 0"
geno[is.na(geno)] <- "0 0"
# return sample data frame in plink format
.getPlinkFam <- function(genoData, family.col="family", individual.col="scanID", father.col="father", mother.col="mother", phenotype.col=NULL) {
scan.df <- getScanVariable(genoData, c(family.col, individual.col, father.col, mother.col))
names(scan.df) <- c("family", "individual", "father", "mother")
scan.df$sex <- 0
sex <- getSex(genoData)
scan.df$sex[sex %in% "M"] <- 1
scan.df$sex[sex %in% "F"] <- 2
if (!is.null(phenotype.col)) {
scan.df$phenotype <- getScanVariable(genoData, phenotype.col)
} else {
scan.df$phenotype <- -9
# return map data frame in plink format
.getPlinkMap <- function(genoData, rs.col="rsID", mapdist.col=NULL) {
map.df <- getSnpVariable(genoData, c(rs.col, "position"))
chrom <- getChromosome(genoData, char=TRUE)
# PLINK chromosome coding
chrom[chrom == "X"] <- 23
chrom[chrom == "Y"] <- 24
chrom[chrom == "XY"] <- 25
chrom[chrom == "M"] <- 26
chrom[chrom == "U"] <- 0
map.df$chromosome <- as.integer(chrom)
if (!is.null(mapdist.col)) {
map.df$mapdist <- getSnpVariable(genoData, mapdist.col)
} else {
map.df$mapdist <- 0
map.df <- map.df[,c("chromosome", rs.col, "mapdist", "position")]
plinkWrite <- function(genoData, pedFile="testPlink",
family.col="family", individual.col="scanID", father.col="father", mother.col="mother", phenotype.col=NULL,
rs.col="rsID", mapdist.col=NULL,
scan.exclude=NULL, scan.chromosome.filter=NULL, blockSize=100,
# name of the output_file. This will create two files: output_file.ped and output_file.map
pedfile <- paste(pedFile,"ped",sep=".")
mapfile <- paste(pedFile,"map",sep=".")
# Creating map file
map.df <- .getPlinkMap(genoData, rs.col, mapdist.col)
# free memory
# Creating ped file
nsample <- nscan(genoData)
nsnp <- nsnp(genoData)
scan.df <- .getPlinkFam(genoData, family.col, individual.col, father.col, mother.col, phenotype.col)
scanID <- getScanID(genoData)
# This loop retrives each individuals genotypes from the .nc files and writes them in the ped file. One individual per line
nBlock <- ceiling(nsample / blockSize)
lastB <- nsample %% blockSize
i <- 1
app <- FALSE
for(j in 1:nBlock){
bsize <- blockSize
if(j==nBlock) bsize <- lastB
if (verbose) message("writing block ",j," of ",nBlock,": scans ",i,"-",i+bsize-1)
rdf <- matrix(nrow=bsize, ncol=6+nsnp)
rdf[,1:6] <- as.matrix(scan.df[i:(i+bsize-1),])
geno <- .getPlinkGenotype(genoData, scan.start=i, scan.count=bsize,
# transpose since PLINK has scans as rows and snps as columns
rdf[,7:(6+nsnp)] <- t(geno)
# exclude scans
keep <- !(scanID[i:(i+bsize-1)] %in% scan.exclude)
rdf <- rdf[keep,,drop=FALSE]
write.table(rdf, pedfile, quote=FALSE, row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, append=app)
app <- TRUE
i <- i + bsize
plinkCheck <- function(genoData, pedFile, logFile="plinkCheck.txt",
family.col="family", individual.col="scanID", father.col="father", mother.col="mother", phenotype.col=NULL,
rs.col="rsID", map.alt=NULL,
check.parents=TRUE, check.sex=TRUE,
scan.exclude=NULL, scan.chromosome.filter=NULL, verbose=TRUE) {
# return value - set to FALSE if an error is encountered
retval <- TRUE
# open log file
con <- file(logFile, "w")
# name of the plink files
pedfile <- paste(pedFile,"ped",sep=".")
mapfile <- paste(pedFile,"map",sep=".")
# check SNPs
if (verbose) message("Checking SNPs against map file")
writeLines("Checking SNPs against map file...", con)
map <- read.table(mapfile, as.is=TRUE, comment.char="")
if (ncol(map) > 3) map <- map[,c(1,2,4)] # skip map distance
names(map) <- c("chromosome", "rsID", "position")
# convert chromosome to integer (PLINK coding)
map$chromosome[map$chromosome == "X"] <- 23
map$chromosome[map$chromosome == "Y"] <- 24
map$chromosome[map$chromosome == "XY"] <- 25
map$chromosome[map$chromosome == "MT"] <- 26
snp.plink <- paste(map$chromosome, map$rsID, map$position)
if (is.null(map.alt)) {
map.df <- .getPlinkMap(genoData, rs.col=rs.col)
map.df <- map.df[,c("chromosome", rs.col, "position")]
names(map.df) <- c("chromosome", "rsID", "position")
} else {
snpID <- getSnpID(genoData)
map.df <- map.alt[match(snpID, map.alt$snpID),
c("chromosome", "rsID", "position")]
snp.gd <- paste(map.df$chromosome, map.df$rsID, map.df$position)
mismatch.plink <- setdiff(snp.plink, snp.gd)
mismatch.gd <- setdiff(snp.gd, snp.plink)
if (length(c(mismatch.plink, mismatch.gd)) > 0 ) {
p.df <- cbind("file"=rep("pedFile", length(mismatch.plink)), "snp"=mismatch.plink)
n.df <- cbind("file"=rep("genoData", length(mismatch.gd)), "snp"=mismatch.gd)
mismatch <- rbind(p.df, n.df)
writeLines("SNPs are not identical", con)
write.table(mismatch, con, quote=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, row.names=FALSE)
retval <- FALSE
} else {
writeLines("OK", con)
snp.match <- match(snp.plink, snp.gd)
# sample data
scan.df <- .getPlinkFam(genoData, family.col, individual.col, father.col, mother.col, phenotype.col)
# exclude some samples
scanID <- getScanID(genoData)
keep <- !(scanID %in% scan.exclude)
# read each line of PLINK file and compare with netcdf
if (verbose) message("Checking sample data and genotypes in each line of ped file")
writeLines("Checking sample data and genotypes in each line of ped file...", con)
ped <- file(pedfile, "r")
line <- 1
# keep track of the scans we've found
scanlist <- vector()
while(TRUE) {
x <- scan(ped, what="", nlines=1, quiet=TRUE)
if (length(x) == 0) break
if (verbose & line%%100 == 0) message("checking line ",line)
# find matching sample in genoData
ind <- which(scan.df[,"individual"] == x[2] & keep)
scanlist <- c(scanlist, x[2])
if (length(ind) == 0) {
writeLines(paste("sample", x[2], "at line", line, "not found in genoData"), con)
retval <- FALSE
} else if (length(ind) > 1) {
writeLines(paste("sample", x[2], "at line", line, "has multiple entries in genoData"), con)
retval <- FALSE
# compare sample data
if (!allequal(scan.df[ind,"family"], x[1])) {
writeLines(c(paste("family mismatch for sample", x[2], "at line", line),
paste("pedFile:", paste(x[1], collapse=" ")),
paste("genoData:", paste(scan.df[ind,"family"], collapse=" "))), con)
retval <- FALSE
if (check.parents) {
if (!allequal(scan.df[ind,c("father","mother")], x[3:4])) {
writeLines(c(paste("parent mismatch for sample", x[2], "at line", line),
paste("pedFile:", paste(x[3:4], collapse=" ")),
paste("genoData:", paste(scan.df[ind,c("father","mother")], collapse=" "))), con)
retval <- FALSE
if (check.sex) {
if (!allequal(scan.df[ind,"sex"], x[5])) {
writeLines(c(paste("sex mismatch for sample", x[2], "at line", line),
paste("pedFile:", paste(x[5], collapse=" ")),
paste("genoData:", paste(scan.df[ind,"sex"], collapse=" "))), con)
retval <- FALSE
if (!is.null(phenotype.col)) {
if (!allequal(scan.df[ind,"phenotype"], x[6])) {
writeLines(c(paste("phenotype mismatch for sample", x[2], "at line", line),
paste("pedFile:", x[6]),
paste("genoData:", scan.df[ind,"phenotype"])), con)
retval <- FALSE
# compare genotypes
geno <- .getPlinkGenotype(genoData, scan.start=ind, scan.count=1,
geno <- geno[snp.match]
# sort allele by character
a <- x[seq(7,length(x),2)]
b <- x[seq(8,length(x),2)]
geno.plink <- pasteSorted(a, b, sep=" ")
# only check genotypes with matching SNPs
if (length(mismatch.plink > 0)) geno.plink[snp.plink %in% mismatch.plink] <- NA
if (length(geno.plink) != length(geno)) {
writeLines(c("numbers of SNPs do not match",
paste("pedFile:", length(geno.plink)),
paste("genoData:", length(geno))), con)
retval <- FALSE
if (!allequal(geno, geno.plink)) {
badind <- which(geno != geno.plink)
writeLines(c(paste("genotype mismatch for sample", x[2], "at line", line, " snp", badind[1]),
paste("pedFile:", paste(head(geno.plink[badind]), collapse=" "), "..."),
paste("genoData:", paste(head(geno[badind]), collapse=" "), "...")), con)
retval <- FALSE
line <- line + 1
if (retval) writeLines("OK", con)
# check that all scans were found
writeLines("Checking that all samples were found in ped file...", con)
missing <- setdiff(scan.df[keep,"individual"], scanlist)
if (length(missing > 0)) {
writeLines("samples not found in pedFile:", con)
for (i in missing) {
writeLines(as.character(i), con)
retval <- FALSE
} else {
writeLines("OK", con)
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