#' Simulate RNA-seq experiment based on abundances from a data set
#' Create fasta files representing reads from a two-group experiment, where
#' abundances and differential expression are estimated from a real data set
#' @param bg Ballgown object containing estimated transcript abundances in FPKM.
#' Reads will be simulated for the same number of replicates that are in
#' \code{bg}. Must provide exactly one of \code{bg} and \code{fpkmMat}.
#' @param fpkmMat transcript-by-sample matrix containing abundances (in FPKM)
#' estimated from a real data set. MUST have row names identifying
#' transcripts. The number of columns is the number of samples that will be
#' simulated.
#' @param mean_rps Number of reads per sample to use in converting FPKM
#' measurements to counts. Should be somewhat close to the number of reads
#' per sample in the experiment that generated the estimated FPKMs. Defaults
#' to 5 million (5e6).
#' @param grouplabels vector indicating the group labels for each replicate
#' in the experiment. Must be convertible to a factor with exactly 2 levels.
#' @param decut A transcript will be recorded as truly differentially expressed
#' if its fold change between the two groups is more extreme than
#' \code{decut}, in either direction.
#' @param outdir character, path to folder where simulated reads should be
#' written, without a slash at the end of the folder name. By default, reads
#' written to the working directory.
#' @param ... Additional arguments to pass to simulate_experiment_countmat
#' @importFrom limma lmFit
#' @export
#' @return No return, but reads are written to \code{outdir}.
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' library(ballgown)
#' data(bg)
#' bg = subset(bg, "chr=='22'")
#' # load gtf file:
#' gtfpath = system.file('extdata', 'bg.gtf.gz', package='polyester')
#' gtf = subset(gffRead(gtfpath), seqname=='22')
#' # load/download chromosome sequence (just for this example)
#' system('wget https://www.dropbox.com/s/04i6msi9vu2snif/chr22seq.rda')
#' load('chr22seq.rda')
#' names(chr22seq) = '22'
#' # simulate reads based on this experiment's FPKMs
#' simulate_experiment_empirical(bg, grouplabels=pData(bg)$group, gtf=gtf,
#' seqpath=chr22seq, mean_rps=5000, outdir='simulated_reads_3', seed=1247)
simulate_experiment_empirical = function(bg=NULL, fpkmMat=NULL,
mean_rps=5e6, grouplabels=NULL, decut=1.5, outdir='.', ...){
if(!xor(is.null(bg), is.null(fpkmMat))){
stop('must provide exactly one of bg or fpkmMat')
if(!('all' %in% bg@meas | !'FPKM' %in% bg@meas)){
stop('bg does not contain transcript FPKMs')
fpkmMat = ballgown::texpr(bg, 'FPKM')
rownames(fpkmMat) = ballgown::texpr(bg, 'all')$t_name
stop('fpkmMat must have row names identifying transcripts')
# get correct ordering + transcript lengths
extras = list(...)
if('fasta' %in% names(extras)){
tt = readDNAStringSet(extras$fasta)
if(!('gtf' %in% names(extras) & 'seqpath' %in% names(extras))){
stop('must provide either fasta or gtf + seqpath')
tt = seq_gtf(extras$gtf, extras$seqpath)
fastanames = names(tt)
matrixnames = rownames(fpkmMat)
if(length(fastanames) != length(matrixnames)){
stop(.makepretty('fasta and provided ballgown object/matrix must
annotate the same number of transcripts'))
if(any(sort(fastanames) != sort(matrixnames))){
stop(.makepretty(paste0('ballgown object/FPKM matrix does not
contain the same transcripts as fasta. fasta example: ',
sort(fastanames)[1], '; bg/fpkmMat example: ',
o = match(fastanames, matrixnames)
fpkmMat = fpkmMat[o,]
stopifnot(all(rownames(fpkmMat) == names(tt))) #should never be reached
tlengths = width(tt)
countmat = fpkm_to_counts(mat=fpkmMat, tlengths=tlengths, mean_rps=mean_rps)
logcountmat = log2(countmat+1)
stopifnot(length(unique(grouplabels)) == 2)
x = model.matrix(~grouplabels)
fit = lmFit(logcountmat, x)
truebetas = 2^(fit$coefficients[,2])
refcat = levels(as.factor(unique(grouplabels)))[1]
coefcat = levels(as.factor(unique(grouplabels)))[2]
print(paste0('fold change direction: ', coefcat, '/', refcat))
# prep output directory
sysoutdir = gsub(' ', '\\\\ ', outdir)
if(.Platform$OS.type == 'windows'){
shell(paste('mkdir', sysoutdir))
system(paste('mkdir -p', sysoutdir))
# write table of transcript statuses
isDE = truebetas > decut | truebetas < (1/decut)
sim_info = data.frame(transcriptid=rownames(countmat),
foldchange=as.numeric(truebetas), DEstatus=isDE)
write.table(sim_info, quote=FALSE, row.names=FALSE, sep='\t',
file=paste0(outdir, '/sim_tx_info.txt'))
# write table of sample information
rep_info = data.frame(
rep_id=paste0('sample_', sprintf('%02d', 1:ncol(fpkmMat))),
write.table(rep_info, row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE, sep='\t',
file=paste0(outdir, '/sim_rep_info.txt'))
simulate_experiment_countmat(readmat=countmat, outdir=outdir, ...)
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