
Defines functions getGenes

Documented in getGenes

#' label assembled transcripts with gene names
#' @param gtf path to a GTF file containing locations of annotated transcripts
#' @param assembled GRangesList object, with each set of ranges representing 
#'   exons of an assembled transcript.
#' @param UCSC set to \code{TRUE} if you're using a UCSC gtf file. (Requires
#'   some extra text processing).
#' @param attribute set to attribute name in \code{gtf} that gives desired gene
#'   identifiers. Default \code{"gene_id"}; another commone one is
#'   \code{"gene_name"} (for the gene symbol).
#' @return an \code{IRanges CharacterList} of the same length as
#'   \code{assembled}, providing the name(s) of the gene(s) that overlaps each
#'   transcript in \code{assembled}.
#' @details chromosome labels in \code{gtf} and \code{assembled} should match.
#'   (i.e., you should provide the path to a gtf corrsponding to the same
#'   annotation you used when constructing \code{assembled})
#' @author Alyssa Frazee, Andrew Jaffe
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(bg)
#' gtfPath = system.file('extdata', 'annot.gtf.gz', package='ballgown')
#' geneoverlaps = getGenes(gtfPath, structure(bg)$trans, UCSC=FALSE)

getGenes = function(gtf, assembled, UCSC=TRUE, attribute = "gene_id"){
    # read in annotation and split by gene:
    annot = gffReadGR(gtf)
    annotEx = annot[mcols(annot)$type=="exon"]
    col_index = which(names(mcols(annotEx)) == attribute)
    annotEx$gene_id = mcols(annotEx)[,col_index]
        # strip quotes off of gene names
        annotEx$gene_id = substr(annotEx$gene_id, 2, nchar(annotEx$gene_id)-1)
    geneLocs = split(annotEx, annotEx$gene_id)

    # find which transcripts overlap which genes:
    ol = findOverlaps(assembled, geneLocs)
    split_ol = split(names(geneLocs[subjectHits(ol)]), queryHits(ol)) 
        #^^to deal with transcripts overlapping >1 gene
    split_ol = sapply(split_ol, function(x) paste(x, collapse="; "))
    gene_id = rep("", length(assembled))
    gene_id[as.numeric(names(split_ol))] = as.character(split_ol)

    gene_id = CharacterList(strsplit(gene_id,"; "))

alyssafrazee/ballgown documentation built on Sept. 3, 2021, 7:15 p.m.