
Defines functions make_integrated_pseudo_bulk calculate_pseudo_bulk prepare_muscat_sce aggregate_by_ident .make_pseudo_bulk make_pseudo_bulk

Documented in calculate_pseudo_bulk make_integrated_pseudo_bulk make_pseudo_bulk prepare_muscat_sce

#' Make pseudo-bulk RNA-Seq from scRNA-Seq.
#' @param data_folders A vector of Rhapsody WTA results folder path.
#' @param normalization Normalization methods to apply. Available values
#'    are same as \code{Seurat::NormalizeData} plus "SCTransform".
#' @param method Pseudo-bulk method to apply. Available values
#'    are \code{avg} and \code{sum} .
#' @param ... pass to normalization functions.
#' @return A data.frame containing pseudo-bulk RNA-Seq expression data.
#' @export
make_pseudo_bulk <- function(
  normalization = "LogNormalize",
  method = "avg",
) {
  names(data_folders) <- basename(data_folders)
  mat_list <- lapply(data_folders, function(base_dir) {
    expr_matrix <- read_rhapsody_wta(base_dir, TRUE)
    seurat_obj <- Seurat::CreateSeuratObject(
      counts = expr_matrix, project = basename(base_dir))
    seurat_obj$sample <- basename(base_dir)
    # Normalization
    if (normalization == "SCTransform") {
      seurat_obj <- Seurat::SCTransform(
        seurat_obj, do.scale = FALSE, ...)
    } else {
      seurat_obj <- Seurat::NormalizeData(
        seurat_obj, normalization.method = normalization, ...)
    # Return normalized data

  .make_pseudo_bulk(mat_list, method)

.make_pseudo_bulk <- function(
  method = "avg") {

  method_to_apply <- switch(method,
    avg = Matrix::rowMeans,
    sum = Matrix::rowSums,

  # A list of named vector which contains expression data
  expr_list <- lapply(cell_gene_matrix_list, function(mat) {
    # Gene average expression. (row = genes, col = cells)
    # `expm1` is used in Seurat::AverageExpression
    expr <- log1p(method_to_apply(expm1(mat)))
    stopifnot(expr >= 0L)


  # Union of genes from all sample
  all_genes <- Reduce(union, lapply(expr_list, names))

  data_list <- lapply(expr_list, function(expr) {

    # Fill NA with zero
    expr[setdiff(all_genes, names(expr))] <- 0
    stopifnot(length(all_genes) == length(expr))

    # Re-order expression data by gene names

  df <- as.data.frame(
    data_list, row.names = all_genes, check.names = FALSE)


aggregate_by_ident <- function(object, features, stat_fun = mean) {
  Seurat::DefaultAssay(object) <- "RNA"
  data <- Seurat::FetchData(
    object, vars = c("ident", features), slot = "data")

  data <- tidyr::gather(
    data, tidyselect::any_of(features), key = "gene", value = "expr")

  aggregated <- data %>%
    dplyr::group_by(gene, ident) %>%
    dplyr::summarise(value = stat_fun(expr))


#' Prepare SingleCellExperiment object for muscat package.
#' @param seurat_object Seurat object after integrated analysis.
#' The \code{sample} and \code{group} infromation must exist in
#' \code{seurat_object@meta.data} slot.
#' @param sample_make_names Apply \code{make.names} on \code{sample}.
#' @param group_make_names Apply \code{make.names} on \code{group}
#' @return A SingleCellExperiment object.
#' @export
prepare_muscat_sce <- function(
  seurat_object, sample_make_names = FALSE, group_make_names = FALSE) {
    inherits(seurat_object, "Seurat"),

  # Prepare SingleCellExperiment object
  sce <- Seurat::as.SingleCellExperiment(seurat_object, assay = "RNA")

  if (sample_make_names)
    sce$sample <- make.names(sce$sample)
  if (group_make_names)
    sce$group <- make.names(sce$group)

  # muscat data preparation
  sce <- muscat::prepSCE(sce,
    kid = "ident", # subpopulation assignments
    gid = "group", # group IDs (ctrl/stim)
    sid = "sample", # sample IDs (ctrl/stim.1234)
    drop = TRUE


#' Calculate pseudo-bulk RNA-Seq data from scRNA-Seq.
#' @param sce A SingleCellExperiment object. The following
#' cell metadata (\code{colData}) columns have to be provided:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\code{sample_id}}{unique sample identifiers}
#'   \item{\code{cluster_id}}{subpopulation (cluster) assignments}
#'   \item{\code{group_id}}{experimental group/condition}
#' }
#' @param type Value type of pseudo-bulk data.
#' @param fun Function used to calculate pseudobulk, mean or sum. If
#' \code{fun} is not specified, it will be chosen according \code{type}
#' @param ... Args passed to \code{muscat::aggregateData}
#' @return A SingleCellExperiment object.
#' @export
calculate_pseudo_bulk <- function(sce,
  type = c("counts", "logcounts", "cpm", "vstresiduals"),
  fun = NULL,
) {
    inherits(sce, "SingleCellExperiment"),
    all(c("cluster_id", "sample_id", "group_id") %in% names(sce@colData))

  # Normalization
  type <- match.arg(type)
  SummarizedExperiment::assay(sce, type) <- switch(type,
    counts = SingleCellExperiment::counts(sce),
    logcounts = {
      sce %>%
        scater::computeLibraryFactors() %>%
    cpm = {
      # Don't compute library factor before CPM, because calculateCPM will
      # normalize counts by itself.
      sce %>%
        SingleCellExperiment::counts() %>%
    vstresiduals = {
        strategy = "multicore",
        workers = parallelly::availableCores()
      # `min_cells = 1` corresponds to QC step "remove undetected genes"
      sce %>%
        SingleCellExperiment::counts() %>%
        sctransform::vst(min_cells = 1, verbosity = TRUE) %>%

  if (is.null(fun)) {
    fun <- switch(type,
      counts = "sum",
      logcounts = "mean",
      cpm = "sum",
      vstresiduals = "mean"

  scale <- switch(type, cpm = if (fun == "sum") TRUE else FALSE, FALSE)

  pb <- muscat::aggregateData(sce, type, fun = fun, scale = scale, ...)


#' Make pseudo-bulk RNA-Seq data from a Seurat object.
#' @inheritParams prepare_muscat_sce
#' @inheritParams calculate_pseudo_bulk
#' @return An array with three dimensions. The three dimensions represent
#'  genes (rownames), samples (colnames), and cell subpopulation, respectively.
#' @export
make_integrated_pseudo_bulk <- function(
  type = c("counts", "logcounts", "cpm", "vstresiduals")
) {
  type <- match.arg(type)
  sce <- prepare_muscat_sce(seurat_object)
  pb <- calculate_pseudo_bulk(sce, type)

  abind::abind(as.list(pb@assays@data), along = 3)
altairwei/rhapsodykit documentation built on Feb. 1, 2023, 8:52 a.m.