#' Cluster the synteny network using the Infomap algorithm
#' @param network A network represented as an edge list, which is a 2-column
#' data frame with node 1 in the first column and node 2 in the second column.
#' In a synteny network, node 1 and node are the anchor pairs.
#' @param clust_function Function to be used to cluster the network. It must
#' be one the functions from the \strong{cluster_*} family in
#' the \strong{igraph} package (e.g., cluster_infomap, cluster_leiden, etc).
#' Default: igraph::cluster_infomap.
#' @param clust_params A list with additional parameters (if any) to be passed
#' to the igraph clustering function. Default: NULL (no additional parameters).
#' @return A 2-column data frame with the following variables:
#' \describe{
#' \item{Gene}{Gene ID.}
#' \item{Cluster}{Cluster ID as identified by infomap.}
#' }
#' @importFrom igraph graph_from_data_frame cluster_infomap simplify
#' @export
#' @rdname cluster_network
#' @examples
#' data(network)
#' clusters <- cluster_network(network[1:500, ])
cluster_network <- function(network = NULL,
clust_function = igraph::cluster_infomap,
clust_params = NULL) {
# Create a graph and remove loops
graph <- igraph::graph_from_data_frame(network, directed = FALSE)
graph <- igraph::simplify(graph)
# Cluster the graph
cparams <- c(
list(graph = graph), clust_params
clusters <- do.call(clust_function, cparams)
# Create a data frame of genes and their corresponding clusters
clusters_df <- data.frame(
Gene = clusters$names,
Cluster = clusters$membership
#' Perform phylogenomic profiling for synteny network clusters
#' @param clusters A 2-column data frame with variables \strong{Gene} and
#' \strong{Cluster} as returned by \code{cluster_network}.
#' @return A matrix of i rows and j columns containing
#' the number of genes in cluster i for each species j. The number of rows
#' is equal to the number of clusters in \strong{clusters}, and
#' the number of columns is equal to the number of species
#' in \strong{clusters}.
#' @export
#' @rdname phylogenomic_profile
#' @examples
#' data(clusters)
#' profiles <- phylogenomic_profile(clusters)
phylogenomic_profile <- function(clusters = NULL) {
# Add species info
clusters$Species <- vapply(
strsplit(clusters$Gene, "_"), `[`, 1, FUN.VALUE = character(1)
# Create a profile matrix
profile_matrix <- table(clusters$Cluster,clusters$Species)
profile_matrix <- matrix(
profile_matrix, ncol = ncol(profile_matrix),
dimnames = dimnames(profile_matrix)
#' Find group-specific clusters based on user-defined species classification
#' @param profile_matrix A matrix of phylogenomic profiles obtained
#' with \code{phylogenomic_profile}.
#' @param species_annotation A 2-column data frame with species IDs in
#' the first column (same as column names of profile matrix), and species
#' annotation (e.g., higher-level taxonomic information) in the second column.
#' @param min_percentage Numeric scalar with the minimum percentage of species
#' in a group to consider group specificity. For instance,
#' if a given cluster is present in only 1 group of species, but in less
#' than \strong{min_percentage} of the species for this group, it will not
#' be considered a group-specific cluster. This filtering criterion is useful
#' to differentiate group-specific clusters (e.g., family-specific) from
#' subgroup-specific clusters (e.g., genus-specific). Default: 50.
#' @return A data frame with the following variables:
#' \describe{
#' \item{Group}{To which group of species the cluster is specific.}
#' \item{Percentage}{Percentage of species from the group that are
#' represented by the cluster.}
#' \item{Cluster}{Cluster ID.}
#' }
#' @importFrom stats reshape
#' @export
#' @rdname find_GS_clusters
#' @examples
#' data(clusters)
#' profile_matrix <- phylogenomic_profile(clusters)
#' # Species annotation
#' species_order <- c(
#' "vra", "van", "pvu", "gma", "cca", "tpr", "mtr", "adu", "lja",
#' "Lang", "car", "pmu", "ppe", "pbr", "mdo", "roc", "fve",
#' "Mnot", "Zjuj", "hlu", "jcu", "mes", "rco", "lus", "ptr"
#' )
#' species_annotation <- data.frame(
#' Species = species_order,
#' Family = c(rep("Fabaceae", 11), rep("Rosaceae", 6),
#' "Moraceae", "Ramnaceae", "Cannabaceae",
#' rep("Euphorbiaceae", 3), "Linaceae", "Salicaceae")
#' )
#' gs_clusters <- find_GS_clusters(profile_matrix, species_annotation)
find_GS_clusters <- function(profile_matrix = NULL,
species_annotation = NULL,
min_percentage = 50) {
if(!is.data.frame(species_annotation)) {
stop("Species annotation must be a 2-column data frame.")
diff <- setdiff(colnames(profile_matrix), species_annotation$Species)
if(length(diff) != 0) {
diffname <- paste0(diff, collapse = "\n")
message("Could not find annotation for species: \n", diffname)
names(species_annotation) <- c("Species", "Group")
freq_by_group <- as.data.frame(table(species_annotation$Group))
n <- length(unique(species_annotation$Group))
# Reshape to long format
bmat <- as.data.frame(profile_matrix)
bmat[bmat > 0] <- 1
bmat_long <- reshape(bmat, idvar = "Cluster", ids = rownames(bmat),
times = names(bmat), timevar = "Species",
varying = list(names(bmat)), direction = "long")
names(bmat_long) <- c("Species", "Presence", "Cluster")
# Add group information
prof_grouped <- merge(bmat_long, species_annotation)
# Look for group-specific clusters
prof_list <- split(prof_grouped, prof_grouped$Cluster)
gs_df <- Reduce(rbind, lapply(seq_along(prof_list), function(x) {
gs <- NULL
filt_df <- prof_list[[x]][prof_list[[x]]$Presence == 1, ]
group_count <- as.data.frame(table(filt_df$Group))
group_count <- merge(freq_by_group, group_count, by = "Var1",
all.x = TRUE)
group_count$perc <- (group_count$Freq.y / group_count$Freq.x) * 100
group_count[is.na(group_count)] <- 0
# How many groups have 0% of species?
perc_zero <- sum(group_count$perc == 0)
if(perc_zero == n - 1) {
# How many families are represented by >x% of the genes?
fgroup_count <- group_count[group_count$perc >= min_percentage, ]
if(nrow(fgroup_count) == 1) {
gs <- fgroup_count[, c("Var1", "perc")]
gs$Cluster <- names(prof_list)[x]
if(is.data.frame(gs_df)) {
names(gs_df) <- c("Group", "Percentage", "Cluster")
gs_df$Percentage <- round(gs_df$Percentage, 2)
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