#----Load data------------------------------------------------------------------
# Simulate data
## Expression data
exp <- matrix(
rnorm(1000, mean = 10, sd = 2), nrow = 100, ncol = 100, byrow = TRUE
rownames(exp) <- paste0("Gene", seq_len(nrow(exp)))
colnames(exp) <- paste0("Sample", seq_len(ncol(exp)))
## Correlation matrix
cormat <- abs(cor(t(exp)))
rownames(cormat) <- paste0("Gene", 1:100)
colnames(cormat) <- paste0("Gene", 1:100)
## Sample metadata
col_metadata <- data.frame(
row.names = colnames(exp),
Class = paste0("Class", sample(1:5, size = ncol(exp), replace = TRUE))
## Gene metadata
row_metadata <- data.frame(
row.names = rownames(exp),
Pathway = paste0("Pathway", sample(1:5, size = nrow(exp), replace = TRUE))
## SummarizedExperiment object
se <- SummarizedExperiment::SummarizedExperiment(
exp, colData = col_metadata
# Infer GCN to avoid repetition many test chunks
gcn <- exp2gcn(filt.se, SFTpower = 18, cor_method = "pearson")
#----Start tests----------------------------------------------------------------
test_that("SFT_fit() performs SFT fit test and returns a list with", {
sft <- suppressWarnings(SFT_fit(se, cor_method = "pearson"))
sft2 <- suppressWarnings(SFT_fit(se, cor_method = "biweight"))
sft3 <- suppressWarnings(SFT_fit(se, cor_method = "spearman"))
suppressWarnings(SFT_fit(se, cor_method = "error"))
expect_equal(class(sft), "list")
expect_equal(length(sft), 2)
expect_true("patchwork" %in% class(sft$plot))
expect_true("ggplot" %in% class(sft$plot))
expect_equal(class(sft$power), "numeric")
expect_equal(class(sft2), "list")
expect_equal(class(sft3), "list")
expect_equal(length(sft2), 2)
expect_equal(length(sft3), 2)
test_that("exp2gcn() returns a list and get_hubs_gcn() finds hubs", {
# exp2gcn()
gcn <- exp2gcn(
filt.se[1:100, ], SFTpower = 18, cor_method = "pearson", verbose = TRUE,
return_cormat = FALSE
gcn2 <- exp2gcn(filt.se[1:100, ], SFTpower = 3, cor_method = "spearman")
gcn3 <- exp2gcn(filt.se[1:100, ], SFTpower = 18, cor_method = "biweight")
b1 <- exp2gcn_blockwise(filt.se, SFTpower = 18, cor_method = "pearson")
b2 <- exp2gcn_blockwise(filt.se, SFTpower = 18, cor_method = "biweight")
exp2gcn_blockwise(filt.se, SFTpower = 18, cor_method = "error")
exp2gcn_blockwise(filt.se, cor_method = "error")
exp2gcn(filt.se, cor_method = "pearson")
exp2gcn(filt.se[1:100, ], SFTpower = 3, cor_method = "error")
expect_equal(class(gcn), "list")
expect_equal(length(gcn), 7)
expect_equal(class(gcn2), "list")
expect_equal(class(gcn3), "list")
expect_equal(class(b1), "list")
# get_hubs_gcn()
hubs <- get_hubs_gcn(filt.se[1:100, ], gcn)
hubs2 <- get_hubs_gcn(filt.se[1:100, ], gcn2)
hubs3 <- get_hubs_gcn(filt.se[1:100, ], gcn3)
expect_equal(ncol(hubs), 3)
expect_equal(class(hubs), "data.frame")
expect_equal(colnames(hubs), c("Gene", "Module", "kWithin"))
expect_equal(class(hubs2), "data.frame")
expect_equal(class(hubs3), "data.frame")
expect_equal(ncol(hubs2), 3)
expect_equal(ncol(hubs3), 3)
test_that("plot_eigengene_network() plots eigengene networks", {
p <- plot_eigengene_network(gcn)
expect_equal(attr(class(p), "package"), "ComplexHeatmap")
test_that("plot_dendro_and_colors() plots dendro and colors", {
p <- plot_dendro_and_colors(gcn)
expect_true("ggplot" %in% class(p))
test_that("module_stability() recomputes network with n resamplings", {
p <- module_stability(exp = filt.se[1:50, ], net = gcn, nRuns = 1)
expect_true("ggplot" %in% class(p))
test_that("module_trait_cor() and plot_module_trait_cor() work", {
# module_trait_cor() ----
mod_trait <- module_trait_cor(filt.se, MEs = gcn$MEs)
# plot_module_trait_cor() -----
p <- plot_module_trait_cor(mod_trait)
p2 <- plot_module_trait_cor(mod_trait, transpose = TRUE)
expect_equal(class(mod_trait), "data.frame")
expect_equal(ncol(mod_trait), 5)
expect_equal(names(mod_trait), c("ME", "trait", "cor", "pvalue", "group"))
expect_equal(attr(class(p), "package"), "ComplexHeatmap")
expect_equal(attr(class(p2), "package"), "ComplexHeatmap")
test_that("gene_significance() returns a data frame of gene-trait cors", {
gs <- gene_significance(filt.se)
gs2 <- gene_significance(
filt.se, genes = rownames(filt.se)[1:5], use_abs = FALSE
p <- plot_gene_significance(gs)
expect_equal(class(gs), "data.frame")
expect_equal(ncol(gs), 5)
expect_equal(class(gs2), "data.frame")
expect_equal(ncol(gs2), 5)
expect_equal(attr(class(p), "package"), "ComplexHeatmap")
test_that("enrichment_analysis() performs overrepresentation analysis", {
# Simulated annotation with 1 class
annotation <- data.frame(
Gene = rownames(row_metadata),
Class = row_metadata$Pathway
# Simulated annotation with 2 classes
annotation2 <- data.frame(
Gene = rownames(row_metadata),
Class1 = row_metadata$Pathway,
Class2 = row_metadata$Pathway
genes <- annotation$Gene[1:10]
background_genes <- annotation$Gene
# ora()
genesets <- split(annotation, annotation$Class)
pe <- ora(genes, genesets, background_genes)
# enrichment_analysis()
e1 <- enrichment_analysis(genes, background_genes, annotation, p = 1)
e2 <- enrichment_analysis(
genes, background_genes, annotation, column = 2, p = 0.001
e3 <- enrichment_analysis(
genes, background_genes, annotation2,
column = c("Class1", "Class2"), p = 1
e4 <- enrichment_analysis(
genes, background_genes, annotation2,
column = c("Class1", "Class2"), p = 0.0001
expect_equal(class(pe), "data.frame")
expect_equal(class(e1), "data.frame")
expect_equal(ncol(e1), 6)
expect_true(nrow(e2) < 1)
expect_equal(class(e3), "data.frame")
expect_equal(ncol(e3), 6)
expect_true(nrow(e4) < 1)
test_that("module_enrichment() performs ORA for all modules", {
# Filter GCN to increase speed
gcn2 <- gcn
gcn2$genes_and_modules <- gcn2$genes_and_modules[
gcn2$genes_and_modules$Modules == "black",
background <- rownames(filt.se)
me1 <- module_enrichment(
net = gcn2, background_genes = background,
annotation = zma.interpro, p = 1
me2 <- module_enrichment(
net = gcn2, background_genes = background,
annotation = zma.interpro, p = 0.000000001
expect_equal(class(me1), "data.frame")
test_that("get_neighbors() returns a list of neighbors for each gene", {
genes <- rownames(filt.se)[1:10]
gcn2 <- gcn
gcn2$params$net_type <- "unsigned"
neighbors <- get_neighbors(genes, gcn)
neighbors2 <- get_neighbors(genes, gcn2)
expect_equal(class(neighbors), "list")
expect_equal(length(neighbors), 10)
expect_equal(class(neighbors2), "list")
test_that("get_edge_list() generates an edge list as a 3-column data frame", {
genes <- paste0("Gene", 1:100)
net <- list(correlation_matrix = cormat)
n <- ncol(exp)
edges_nofilter <- get_edge_list(net, genes = genes, filter = FALSE)
edges_filter_optimalsft <- get_edge_list(
net, genes = genes, filter = TRUE, r_optimal_test = c(0,1, by = 0.02)
edges_filter_pval <- get_edge_list(
net, genes = genes, filter = TRUE, method = "pvalue", nSamples = n
edges_filter_Z <- get_edge_list(
net, genes = genes, filter = TRUE, method = "Zscore"
edges_filter_mincor <- get_edge_list(
net, genes = genes, filter = TRUE, method = "min_cor", rcutoff = 0.1
net, genes = genes, filter = TRUE, method = "pvalue"
net, genes = genes, filter = TRUE, method = "error", nSamples = n
expect_equal(ncol(edges_nofilter), 3)
expect_equal(ncol(edges_filter_optimalsft), 3)
expect_equal(ncol(edges_filter_pval), 3)
expect_equal(ncol(edges_filter_Z), 3)
expect_equal(ncol(edges_filter_mincor), 3)
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