#' RTAM Nomalization Function
#' @description RTAM1/2 normalization designed for but not limited to scRNA-seq data
#' @note Please refer to the reference and supplemental materials described in the README for additional details.
#' @param mat The raw data matrix has genes as rows and cells as columns
#' @param Genes are annotated with their genomic location (start and end locations)
#' @param Order_Matrix is the original order of genes in the raw data
#' @param MinNumGenes is a threshold used to exclude poor QC cells that have few detectable genes (default= minimum of 250 genes).
#' @param OptNumGenes is the number of genes that when employed for RTAM normalization will optimally minimize the variance across cells of gene-set average expression
#' @author Ali Mahdipour-Shirayeh, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, University of Toronto
#' @return The output is RTAM1 or 2 normalzied data at higher sensitivity, specificity and acuracy for all transcriptions (at loqwe, intermediate and higher levels)
#' @examples
#' CV_for_RTAM1 <- RTAM_normalization(mat=raw_data, method="RTAM2", Min_nGn=250, Optimizing=FALSE)
#' @export
RTAM_normalization <- function(mat, # Raw scRNA-seq data
method, # either RTAM1 or RTAM 2
Min_nGn, # minimum number of genes per cell, below which cells are excluded.
# Defines the smallest least complex allowable cell. (default = 250 genes per cell)
Optimizing # True or FALSE options specify whether to run an optional optimization code
if( is.na(method) ){
method <- c("RTAM2")
sprintf("The considered normalization method is %s", method)
if(! (method %in% c("RTAM1", "RTAM2")) ){
stop( "The chosen normalization method is not valid.")
#if( (Optimizing=="TRUE") & (! is.na(Nt))
# ){
# stop("Error, Nt (the number of top-ranked genes) can be specified only if Optimizing = FALSE")
if( is.na(Optimizing) ){
Optimizing = "FALSE"
if( Optimizing == "FALSE" ){
Nt <- Min_nGn
#if ( (!is.na(Nt) ) & ( Nt > Min_nGn ) ){
# stop("Error, Nt is required to be not greater than Min_nGn")
general <- as.matrix(mat) #[ , -1])
rownames(general) <- rownames(mat) #mat[ , 1]
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# Initial "TPM" normalization
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
matrix <- as.matrix(general)
norm_mat <- matrix %*% diag(1/colSums(matrix))
norm_mat <- norm_mat*1e5
normlog_mat <- log2(norm_mat+1)
rownames(normlog_mat) <- rownames(general)
colnames(normlog_mat) <- colnames(general)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# Data Organization
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
## Saving the original order of genes
Order_Matrix <- matrix(0, ncol = ncol(normlog_mat), nrow = nrow(normlog_mat))
for(l in 1:ncol(normlog_mat)){
Order_Matrix[ , l] <- as.matrix(order(normlog_mat[ , l] , decreasing=TRUE) )
## Ranking genes by expression values in each cell
nGene <- matrix(0, ncol=ncol(normlog_mat), nrow= 1)
nonzero <- function(x) sum(x != 0)
## Ranked matrix is called ranked_mat
ranked_mat <- matrix(0, ncol=ncol(normlog_mat), nrow= nrow(normlog_mat))
for(w in 1:ncol(normlog_mat)){
SS <- as.matrix(sort(normlog_mat[ ,w], decreasing=TRUE))
LS <- dim(SS)[1]
for(i in 1:LS){
ranked_mat[ i,w] <- SS[i,1]
colnames(ranked_mat) <- colnames(normlog_mat)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# RTAM normalization
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
for(i in 1:ncol(ranked_mat)){ nGene[ ,i] <- nonzero(ranked_mat[,i]) }
colnames(nGene) <- colnames(normlog_mat)
if ( method == c("RTAM2")){
G_mtrx <- as.matrix(norm_mat)
if( is.na(Min_nGn) ){
Min_nGene <- 250
} else {
Min_nGene <- max(250, min(nGene), Min_nGn)
if( Min_nGene > min(nGene) ){
KK <- t(as.matrix(which(t(as.matrix(nGene)) < Min_nGene) ))
ranked_mat <- as.matrix( ranked_mat[ , -KK ] )
colnames(ranked_mat) <- colnames(general[, -KK])
normlog_mat <- as.matrix( normlog_mat[ , -KK ] )
rownames(normlog_mat) <- rownames(general)
colnames(normlog_mat) <- colnames(general[, -KK])
Order_Matrix <- as.matrix( Order_Matrix[ , -KK ] )
if ( method == c("RTAM2")){
G_mtrx <- as.matrix( G_mtrx[ , -KK ] )
############## Ranked matrix of colum-sum normalized data for RTAM2 method
if ( method == c("RTAM2")){
## Asigning GG matrix as a ranked matrix of colum-sum normalized data
GG <- matrix(0, ncol=ncol(ranked_mat), nrow= nrow(ranked_mat))
for(w in 1:ncol(G_mtrx)){
SS <- as.matrix(sort(G_mtrx[ ,w], decreasing=TRUE))
LLS <- dim(SS)[1]
for(i in 1:LLS){
GG[ i,w] <- SS[i,1]
colnames(GG)<- colnames(ranked_mat)
############# Asigning R_mat to ranked matrix of ordered gene expressions in each cell
} else if ( method == c("RTAM1")){
R_mtrx <- matrix(0,ncol=ncol(ranked_mat),nrow=nrow(ranked_mat))
for( j in 1:ncol(ranked_mat)){
LLL <- nGene[1,j]
for(i in 1:LLL){
if(!(i %in% CC) ){
if(i == nrow(ranked_mat)){
R_mtrx[i,j] <- i
}else if(i < nrow(ranked_mat)){
if(ranked_mat[i,j]>ranked_mat[i+1,j] ){
R_mtrx[i,j] <- i
}else if(ranked_mat[i,j]==ranked_mat[i+1,j]){
Equal_list <- as.matrix(which( ranked_mat[,j] == ranked_mat[i,j] ) )
Length <- length( as.matrix(Equal_list) )
Equal_value <- sum( seq(min(Equal_list),max(Equal_list),1) )/Length
R_mtrx[ Equal_list , j ] <- Equal_value
if( (i + Length-1) <= nrow(ranked_mat)){
CC <- seq(min(Equal_list),max(Equal_list),1)
## Finding the optimal number of genes for RTAM normalization (to yield minimum variance in average geneset expression across the matrix)
if( Optimizing == "TRUE" ) {
SEQ <- seq(Min_nGene-floor(Min_nGene/2), Min_nGene, 5)
Dispersion <- rep("NA", length(SEQ))
if ( method == "RTAM2"){
Dispersion[1:length(SEQ)] <- parallel::mclapply( 1:length(SEQ) , function(i){
Opt_MeanSD_RTAM2(Normalized_log = normlog_mat,
Order_Matrix = Order_Matrix,
G_mtrx = G_mtrx,
nGene = nGene,
Min_nGene = Min_nGene,
gene_cutoff = SEQ[i])
}, mc.cores = 4)
Dispersion[1:length(SEQ)] <- parallel::mclapply( 1:length(SEQ) , function(i){
Opt_MeanSD_RTAM1(Normalized_log = normlog_mat,
Order_Matrix = Order_Matrix,
nGene = nGene,
Min_nGene = Min_nGene,
gene_cutoff = SEQ[i])
}, mc.cores = 4)
Dispersion <- as.numeric(Dispersion)
Nt <- SEQ[which(Dispersion == min(Dispersion))]
} else {
Nt <- Min_nGene
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# RTAM2 - differential normalization main step
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
if ( method == c("RTAM2")){
## Defining top_mat as the sub-matrix of top-expressed genes per cell
Y <- seq(1, Nt, 1)
top_mat <- matrix(0, ncol = ncol(ranked_mat) , nrow= Nt )
top_mat <- as.matrix(ranked_mat[Y, ])
pSum <- matrix(0, ncol = ncol(ranked_mat), nrow = 1)
ratio <- matrix(0, ncol = ncol(ranked_mat), nrow = 1)
Scaled_Normalized_log <- matrix(0, ncol = ncol(ranked_mat), nrow = nrow(ranked_mat))
HH <- matrix(0, ncol = ncol(ranked_mat), nrow = 1)
pSum[1,] <- as.matrix( colSums(top_mat))
MIN_intesnse <- mean( pSum)
for(j in 1:ncol(G_mtrx)){
hh <- 0
for( i in 1:Nt){
hh <- hh + (GG[ 1,j] - GG[ i,j] +1)
HH[1 , j] <- hh
h_mtrx <- matrix(0, ncol = ncol(ranked_mat), nrow = nrow(ranked_mat))
for(j in 1:ncol(ranked_mat)){
for(i in 1:nrow(as.matrix(GG[ , j][GG[ , j]>0]))){
h_mtrx[i ,j] <- (MIN_intesnse - pSum[1,j])*(GG[ 1,j] - GG[ i,j]+1)/(HH[1,j] )
## Normalization limitations to prevent:
## (i) changes in the expression-based ranking of expressed genes
## (ii) negative expression values
for(j in 1:ncol(ranked_mat)){
if( h_mtrx[ Nt, j] >= (GG[ 1,j] + 1 - GG[ Nt, j])/((GG[ 1,j] + 1)*log(2, base=exp(1)))){
h_mtrx[,j] <- h_mtrx[ ,j]*(GG[ 1,j] + 1 - GG[ Nt, j])/((GG[ 1,j] + 1)*log(2,
base=exp(1))*h_mtrx[ Nt, j])
h_mtrx_min <- min(h_mtrx[ ,j])
GG_min <- min(log2(GG[ , j ][GG[ , j ] > 0 ] + 1))
if( h_mtrx_min <= - GG_min ){
h_mtrx[,j] <- h_mtrx[ ,j]*(-GG_min/h_mtrx_min )
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# RTAM1 -differential normalization main step
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
else if ( method == c("RTAM1")){
## Using the optimized or specified number of top-expressed genes
Y <- seq(1, Nt, 1)
top_mat <- matrix(0, ncol = ncol(ranked_mat) , nrow = Nt )
top_mat <- as.matrix(ranked_mat[Y, ])
pSum <- matrix(0, ncol = ncol(ranked_mat), nrow = 1)
ratio <- matrix(0, ncol = ncol(ranked_mat), nrow = 1)
Scaled_Normalized_log <- matrix(0, ncol = ncol(ranked_mat), nrow = nrow(ranked_mat))
pSum[1,] <- as.matrix( colSums(top_mat))
MIN_intesnse <- mean( pSum)
for(j in 1:ncol(ranked_mat)){
ratio[1 ,j] <- ( MIN_intesnse - pSum[1,j] )/( (Nt + 3/2)*log2(Nt + 3/2) - Nt/log(2)-3/2*log2(3/2) )
h_mtrx <- matrix(0, ncol = ncol(ranked_mat), nrow = nrow(ranked_mat))
for(j in 1:ncol(ranked_mat)){
for(i in 1:nrow(ranked_mat)){
h_mtrx[i ,j] <- ratio[1 ,j]*log2( R_mtrx[i,j] + 1 )
## Normalizing the data by adding the calculated corrections to each gene expression value
LS <- ranked_mat + h_mtrx
Scaled_Normalized_log <- matrix(0, ncol=ncol(ranked_mat), nrow=nrow(ranked_mat))
for(j in 1:ncol(ranked_mat)){
Scaled_Normalized_log[ as.matrix(Order_Matrix[, j]) , j] <- LS[ , j]
rownames(Scaled_Normalized_log) <- rownames(normlog_mat)
colnames(Scaled_Normalized_log) <- colnames(ranked_mat)
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