equivalentGOProfiles <- function(goObject, ...) {
equivalentGOProfiles.GOProfileHtest <- function(goObject, equivEpsilon = 0.05, d0 = NULL, confidence = NULL, ...)
if (is.null(d0))
d0 <- sum((goObject$profilePn[,3] > 0) | (goObject$profileQm[,3] > 0)) * equivEpsilon * equivEpsilon
if (is.null(confidence))
confidence <- attr(goObject$conf.int,"conf.level")
d <- goObject$estimate
se <- attr(goObject$estimate,"se")
icDistance.oneSided <- c(0, d.upper <- d + qnorm(confidence) * se)
names(icDistance.oneSided) <- c("origin", "one-sided upper")
n <- ngenes(goObject$profilePn)
m <- ngenes(goObject$profileQm)
stat <- (goObject$estimate - d0) / se
names(stat) <- "(d - d0) / se(d)"
attr(stat,"se") <- NULL
pval <- pnorm(stat)
names(pval) <- NULL
params <- c(d0, n, m)
names(params) <- c("d0", "n", "m")
result <- list(
statistic = stat,
parameter = params,
p.value = pval,
conf.int = icDistance.oneSided,
estimate = d,
data.name = deparse(substitute(goObject)),
alternative = paste("Equivalence or similarity, true squared Euclidean distance between the contracted profiles is less than ",
d0, sep="")
class(result) <- "htest"
equivalentGOProfiles.ExpandedGOProfile <- function(goObject, qm=NULL, pqn0=NULL,
n = ngenes(goObject), m = ngenes(qm), n0 = ngenes(pqn0),
confidence = 0.95,
equivEpsilon = 0.05, d0 = NULL,
simplify = FALSE, ...)
pnName <- deparse(substitute(goObject))
qmName <- deparse(substitute(qm))
pqn0Name <- deparse(substitute(pqn0))
if (!is.null(qm)) qm <- as.ExpandedGOProfile(qm)
if (!is.null(pqn0)) pqn0 <- as.ExpandedGOProfile(pqn0)
test.jkl <- function(i) {
j <- i %% ncolPn + 1
vecPn <- goObject[,j]
names(vecPn) <- rownames(goObject)
if (is.null(qm)) {
vecQm <- NULL
qmName.k <- NULL
else {
k <- i %% ncolQm + 1
vecQm <- qm[,k]
names(vecQm) <- rownames(qm)
qmName.k <- paste(qmName,"[",k,"]", sep="")
if (is.null(pqn0)) {
vecPQn0 <- NULL
pqn0Name.l <- NULL
else {
l <- i %% ncolPQn0 + 1
vecPQn0 <- pqn0[,l]
names(vecPQn0) <- rownames(pqn0)
pqn0Name.l <- paste(pqn0Name,"[",l,"]", sep="")
result.jkl <- internal.equivalentGOProf(vecPn, vecQm, vecPQn0, n[j], m[k], n0[l],
confidence, d0, equivEpsilon)
result.jkl$data.name <-
paste(pnName,"[",j,"] and ", qmName.k, " and ", pqn0Name.l, sep="")
maxncol <- max(ncolPn <- ncol(goObject),ncolQm <- ncol(qm),ncolPQn0 <- ncol(pqn0))
result <- lapply(0:(maxncol-1), test.jkl)
if (simplify && (maxncol == 1)) {
result[[1]]$data.name <- paste(pnName," and ",qmName," and ",pqn0Name, sep="")
equivalentGOProfiles.default <- function(goObject, ...) {
equivalentGOProfiles( as.ExpandedGOProfile(goObject), ...)
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