#'@author Georgina Leslie
#'Latest code update:
# library(stringr)
# library(data.table)
# Include libraries and functions -----------------------------------------------------
#' @include repcred.R
#''getGeneUsageFrequency' counts the proportional frequency of each gene.
#'If there are multiple v-calls for a single sequence their value is equal to
#'1/number of genes
#'@param file repertoire file data
#'@param gene_table ?
# TODO complete documentation for gene table. what is the difference between gene_table and file?
getGeneUsageFrequency <- function(file, gene_table) {
v_call_col = file$v_call
freq_gene_table <- gene_table
multiple_gene_freq <- gene_table
for (v_call in v_call_col) {
if (is.na(v_call) | length(v_call) == 0 | v_call == "") {
gene_matches <- str_match_all(v_call, "^(.*?)\\*| or (.*?)\\*")
if (is.na(gene_matches) | length(gene_matches[[1]]) == 0) {
} else{
if (length(gene_matches[[1]]) > 3) {
for (match in gene_matches[[1]]) {
if (is.na(match)) {
} else{
multiple_gene_freq[multiple_gene_freq$gene_name == match, 2] = multiple_gene_freq[multiple_gene_freq$gene_name ==
match, 2] + 1
} else{
gene_name <- gene_matches[[1]][1, 2]
freq_gene_table[freq_gene_table$gene_name == gene_name, 2] = freq_gene_table[freq_gene_table$gene_name ==
gene_name, 2] + 1
return(list(single_vcall = freq_gene_table , multiple_vcalls = multiple_gene_freq))
#' geneCount adds the counts from the file to the reference gene set data table.
#' @param gene_list_file contains proportional gene counts from the repertoire file
#' @param gene_list_fasta contains genes from reference genome file
geneCount <- function(gene_list_file, gene_list_fasta) {
freq_gene_table <- gene_list_fasta
i = 1
while (i <= length(gene_list_file$gene)) {
gene = gene_list_file$gene[i]
proportion = gene_list_file$proportion[i]
freq_gene_table[freq_gene_table$gene_name == gene, 2] = freq_gene_table[freq_gene_table$gene_name ==
gene, 2] + proportion
i = i + 1
#'returns two lists , one with the unique genes present (without the alleles)
#'and one with genes and their alleles)
#'@param gene_freq_list contains the frequency of all genes
getUniqueGenes <- function(gene_freq_list) {
unique_genes_list = data.table()
gene_allele_link = data.table()
#unique_genes_list$gene_name <- ""
#unique_genes_list$allele_count <- 0
for (row in gene_freq_list$gene_name) {
removed_allele = str_match(row, "(.*?)\\*")[1, 2]
gene_allele_link = rbind(gene_allele_link,
data.table(gene = removed_allele, allele = row))
if (any(unique_genes_list$gene_name == removed_allele)) {
unique_genes_list[unique_genes_list$gene_name == removed_allele, 2] = unique_genes_list[unique_genes_list$gene_name ==
removed_allele, 2] + 1
} else{
unique_genes_list = rbind(unique_genes_list,
data.table(gene_name = removed_allele, allele_count = 1))
return(list(unique_genes_list, gene_allele_link))
#'Gets all genes present. Single genes are taken alone , multi-gene calls are split up
#'and their proportions are calculated.
#' @param file Repertoire file in airr format
#' @export
getGeneData <- function(file) {
gene_data = data.table(gene = character(), proportion = double())
v_call_row = file$v_call
for (v_call in v_call_row) {
#Multi gene-call split
if (grepl(',', v_call, fixed = TRUE)) {
split_str <- str_split(v_call, ", or ")
i = 1
temp_df = data.frame(genes = split_str,
proportion = 1 / length(split_str[[1]]))
gene_data = rbind(gene_data, temp_df, use.names = FALSE)
#Single gene-call
} else{
temp_df = data.table(gene = v_call, proportion = 1)
gene_data = rbind(gene_data, temp_df)
#'Read in the reference genome fasta file , creating a data table with a frequency column
#'containing a starting count of 0
#'@param ref_gene_data fasta file data
readInGeneNamesIMGTFasta <- function(ref_gene_data) {
fasta_file = ref_gene_data
gene_list = vector()
for (single_header in names(fasta_file)) {
matches = stringr::str_match_all(single_header, pattern = "(.*?)\\|")
gene_list = c(gene_list, matches[[1]][2, 2])
gene_list_table = data.table(gene_name = gene_list)
gene_list_table$gene_count <- 0
#'Returns a data table containing the data where the frequency is 0
#'@param freq_table frequency table, column 1 is the gene and column 2 is the frequency count
getAbsentGeneList <- function(freq_table) {
deleted_genes <- freq_table[freq_table$gene_count == 0, ]
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