.initial <- function() {
## assign(".clusterProfilesEnv", new.env(),.GlobalEnv)
##' Internal plot function for plotting compareClusterResult
##' @title plotting-clusterProfile
##' @param clProf.reshape.df data frame of compareCluster result
##' @param x x variable
##' @param type one of dot and bar
##' @param by one of percentage and count
##' @param title graph title
##' @param font.size graph font size
##' @param colorBy one of pvalue or p.adjust
##' @return ggplot object
##' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot
##' @importFrom ggplot2 aes
##' @importFrom ggplot2 aes_
##' @importFrom ggplot2 aes_string
##' @importFrom ggplot2 geom_bar
##' @importFrom ggplot2 coord_flip
##' @importFrom ggplot2 geom_point
##' @importFrom ggplot2 %+%
##' @importFrom ggplot2 theme
##' @importFrom ggplot2 xlab
##' @importFrom ggplot2 ylab
##' @importFrom ggplot2 theme_bw
##' @importFrom ggplot2 element_text
##' @importFrom ggplot2 ggtitle
##' @importFrom ggplot2 scale_colour_gradient
##' @importFrom DOSE theme_dose
##' @author Guangchuang Yu \url{http://ygc.name}
plotting.clusterProfile <- function(clProf.reshape.df,
x = ~Cluster,
type = "dot",
colorBy = "p.adjust",
by = "geneRatio",
font.size=12) {
Description <- Percentage <- Count <- Cluster <- GeneRatio <- p.adjust <- pvalue <- NULL # to satisfy codetools
if (type == "bar") {
if (by == "percentage") {
p <- ggplot(clProf.reshape.df,
aes(x=Description, y = Percentage, fill=Cluster))
} else if (by == "count") {
p <- ggplot(clProf.reshape.df,
aes(x=Description, y = Count, fill=Cluster))
} else {
p <- p +
geom_bar() +
if (type == "dot") {
if (by == "rowPercentage") {
p <- ggplot(clProf.reshape.df,
aes_(x = x, y = ~Description, size = ~Percentage))
} else if (by == "count") {
p <- ggplot(clProf.reshape.df,
aes_(x = x, y = ~Description, size = ~Count))
} else if (by == "geneRatio") {
p <- ggplot(clProf.reshape.df,
aes_(x = x, y = ~Description, size = ~GeneRatio))
} else {
## nothing here
if (any(colnames(clProf.reshape.df) == colorBy)) {
p <- p +
geom_point() +
aes_string(color=colorBy) +
scale_colour_gradient(low="red", high="blue")
} else {
p <- p + geom_point(colour="steelblue")
p <- p + xlab("") + ylab("") + ggtitle(title) +
## theme(axis.text.x = element_text(colour="black", size=font.size, vjust = 1)) +
## theme(axis.text.y = element_text(colour="black",
## size=font.size, hjust = 1)) +
## ggtitle(title)+theme_bw()
## p <- p + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle=angle.axis.x,
## hjust=hjust.axis.x,
## vjust=vjust.axis.x))
get_go_ontology <- function(x) {
if (is(x, "compareClusterResult")) {
if (x@fun != "enrichGO") {
stop("simplify only work for GO...")
ont <- x@.call$ont
if (is.null(ont)) {
## should be "MF", default value of enrichGO
## it's safe to determine from the output
ont <- x@compareClusterResult$ID[1] %>% GOTERM[[.]] %>% Ontology
} else if (is(x, "enrichResult")) {
if (!x@ontology %in% c("BP", "MF", "CC"))
stop("ontology should be one of 'MF', 'BP', 'CC'...")
ont <- x@ontology
} else {
stop("x should be an instance of 'enrichResult' or 'compareClusterResult'...")
GI2EG <- function(GI, organism="D39") {
gi <- as.character(GI)
## remove blank
gi <- sub("^\\s+", "", gi, perl=T)
gi <- sub("\\s+$", "", gi, perl=T)
## remove GI: or gi:
gi <- sapply(gi, function(i) unlist(strsplit(i, split="\\|"))[2])
## load corresponding gene table and protein table
geneTable <- proteinTable <- NULL
if (organism == "M5005") {
f <- system.file("extdata", "M5005/geneTable.rda", package="clusterProfiler")
gi.eg <- geneTable[geneTable$GI %in% gi, c("GI", "GeneID")]
} else if (organism=="D39") {
gt <- system.file("extdata", "D39/geneTable.rda", package="clusterProfiler")
pt <- system.file("extdata", "D39/proteinTable.rda", package="clusterProfiler")
idx <- match(gi, proteinTable$PID)
locus <- proteinTable[idx, "Synonym"]
locus <- as.character(locus)
idx <- match(locus, geneTable$Locus)
gene <- geneTable[idx, "GeneID"]
gene <- as.character(gene)
gi.eg <- data.frame(GI=gi, GeneID=gene)
} else {
stop("not supported yet...")
removeEmptyEntry.list <- function(x) {
notNA.idx <- unlist(lapply(x, function(i) !is.null(i) && !all(is.na(i))))
GSEA_internal <- DOSE:::GSEA_internal
enricher_internal <- DOSE:::enricher_internal
get_fun_from_pkg <- DOSE:::get_fun_from_pkg
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