##' simplify output from enrichGO by removing redundancy of enriched GO terms
##' @name simplify
##' @docType methods
##' @rdname simplify-methods
##' @title simplify method
##' @param x output of enrichGO
##' @param cutoff similarity cutoff
##' @param by feature to select representative term, selected by 'select_fun' function
##' @param select_fun function to select feature passed by 'by' parameter
##' @param measure method to measure similarity
##' @param semData GOSemSimDATA object
##' @importFrom IRanges simplify
##' @return updated enrichResult object
##' @exportMethod simplify
##' @references issue #28
##' \url{https://github.com/GuangchuangYu/clusterProfiler/issues/28}
##' @aliases simplify,enrichResult-method
##' @author Guangchuang Yu
setMethod("simplify", signature(x="enrichResult"),
function(x, cutoff=0.7, by="p.adjust", select_fun=min, measure="Wang", semData = NULL) {
if (!x@ontology %in% c("BP", "MF", "CC"))
stop("simplify only applied to output from enrichGO...")
x@result %<>% simplify_internal(., cutoff, by, select_fun,
measure, x@ontology, semData)
##' @importFrom GOSemSim mgoSim
##' @importFrom GOSemSim godata
##' @importFrom tidyr gather
simplify_internal <- function(res, cutoff=0.7, by="p.adjust", select_fun=min, measure="Rel", ontology, semData) {
if (missing(semData) || is.null(semData)) {
if (measure == "Wang") {
semData <- godata(ont = ontology)
} else {
stop("godata should be provided for IC-based methods...")
} else {
if (ontology != semData@ont) {
msg <- paste("semData is for", semData@ont, "ontology, while enrichment result is for", ontology)
sim <- mgoSim(res$ID, res$ID,
semData = semData,
## to satisfy codetools for calling gather
go1 <- go2 <- similarity <- NULL
sim.df <- as.data.frame(sim)
sim.df$go1 <- row.names(sim.df)
sim.df <- gather(sim.df, go2, similarity, -go1)
sim.df <- sim.df[!is.na(sim.df$similarity),]
## feature 'by' is attached to 'go1'
sim.df <- merge(sim.df, res[, c("ID", by)], by.x="go1", by.y="ID")
sim.df$go2 <- as.character(sim.df$go2)
ID <- res$ID
GO_to_remove <- character()
for (i in seq_along(ID)) {
ii <- which(sim.df$go2 == ID[i] & sim.df$similarity > cutoff)
## if length(ii) == 1, then go1 == go2
if (length(ii) < 2)
sim_subset <- sim.df[ii,]
jj <- which(sim_subset[, by] == select_fun(sim_subset[, by]))
## sim.df <- sim.df[-ii[-jj]]
GO_to_remove <- c(GO_to_remove, sim_subset$go1[-jj]) %>% unique
res[!res$ID %in% GO_to_remove, ]
##' simplify output from compareCluster by removing redundancy of enriched GO terms
##' @name simplify
##' @docType methods
##' @rdname simplify-methods
##' @title simplify method
##' @importFrom IRanges simplify
##' @return updated compareClusterResult object
##' @exportMethod simplify
##' @aliases simplify,compareClusterResult-method
##' @author Guangchuang Yu
setMethod("simplify", signature(x="compareClusterResult"),
function(x, cutoff=0.7, by="p.adjust", select_fun=min, measure="Wang", semData=NULL) {
res <- x@compareClusterResult
ont <- get_go_ontology(x)
## organism <- x@.call$organism
## if (is.null(organism)) {
## organism <- "human"
## }
## to satisfy codetools in calling subset
Cluster <- NULL
lres <- lapply(unique(res$Cluster), function(cls) subset(res, Cluster == cls))
lres %<>% lapply(., simplify_internal,
by = by,
select_fun = select_fun,
measure = measure,
ontology = ont,
semData = semData)
x@compareClusterResult <- do.call("rbind", lres)
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