dotplot.compareClusterResult <- function(object, x=~Cluster, colorBy="p.adjust", showCategory=5, by="geneRatio", includeAll=TRUE, font.size=12, title="") {
df <- fortify(object, showCategory=showCategory, by=by, includeAll=includeAll)
plotting.clusterProfile(df, x=x, type="dot", colorBy=colorBy, by=by, title=title, font.size=font.size)
##' convert compareClusterResult to a data.frame that ready for plot
##' @rdname fortify
##' @title fortify
##' @param model compareClusterResult object
##' @param data not use here
##' @param showCategory category numbers
##' @param by one of geneRatio, Percentage or count
##' @param includeAll logical
##' @return data.frame
##' @importFrom ggplot2 fortify
##' @importFrom plyr ddply
##' @importFrom plyr mdply
##' @importFrom plyr .
##' @method fortify compareClusterResult
##' @export
##' @author Guangchuang Yu
fortify.compareClusterResult <- function(model, data, showCategory=5, by="geneRatio", includeAll=TRUE) {
clProf.df <- summary(model)
## get top 5 (default) categories of each gene cluster.
if (is.null(showCategory)) {
result <- clProf.df
} else {
Cluster <- NULL # to satisfy codetools
result <- ddply(.data = clProf.df,
.variables = .(Cluster),
.fun = function(df, N) {
if (length(df$Count) > N) {
if (any(colnames(df) == "pvalue")) {
idx <- order(df$pvalue, decreasing=FALSE)[1:N]
} else {
## for groupGO
idx <- order(df$Count, decreasing=T)[1:N]
} else {
if (includeAll == TRUE) {
result = subset(clProf.df, ID %in% result$ID)
## remove zero count
result$Description <- as.character(result$Description) ## un-factor
GOlevel <- result[,c("ID", "Description")] ## GO ID and Term
GOlevel <- unique(GOlevel)
result <- result[result$Count != 0, ]
result$Description <- factor(result$Description,
if (by=="rowPercentage") {
Description <- Count <- NULL # to satisfy codetools
result <- ddply(result,
Percentage = Count/sum(Count),
Total = sum(Count))
## label GO Description with gene counts.
x <- mdply(result[, c("Description", "Total")], paste, sep=" (")
y <- sapply(x[,3], paste, ")", sep="")
result$Description <- y
## restore the original order of GO Description
xx <- result[,c(2,3)]
xx <- unique(xx)
rownames(xx) <- xx[,1]
Termlevel <- xx[as.character(GOlevel[,1]),2]
##drop the *Total* column
result <- result[, colnames(result) != "Total"]
result$Description <- factor(result$Description,
} else if (by == "count") {
## nothing
} else if (by == "geneRatio") {
gsize <- as.numeric(sub("/\\d+$", "", as.character(result$GeneRatio)))
gcsize <- as.numeric(sub("^\\d+/", "", as.character(result$GeneRatio)))
result$GeneRatio = gsize/gcsize
result$Cluster <- paste(as.character(result$Cluster),"\n", "(", gcsize, ")", sep="")
} else {
## nothing
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