##' list ID types supported by annoDb
##' @title idType
##' @param OrgDb annotation db
##' @return character vector
##' @importFrom GOSemSim load_OrgDb
##' @importFrom AnnotationDbi keytypes
##' @export
##' @author Guangchuang Yu
idType <- function(OrgDb = "org.Hs.eg.db") {
db <- load_OrgDb(OrgDb)
##' Biological Id TRanslator
##' @title bitr
##' @param geneID input gene id
##' @param fromType input id type
##' @param toType output id type
##' @param OrgDb annotation db
##' @param drop drop NA or not
##' @return data.frame
##' @importFrom magrittr %>%
##' @importFrom magrittr %<>%
##' @importFrom AnnotationDbi select
##' @export
##' @author Guangchuang Yu
bitr <- function(geneID, fromType, toType, OrgDb, drop=TRUE) {
idTypes <- idType(OrgDb)
msg <- paste0("should be one of ", paste(idTypes, collapse=", "), ".")
if (! fromType %in% idTypes) {
stop("'fromType' ", msg)
if (! all(toType %in% idTypes)) {
stop("'toType' ", msg)
geneID %<>% as.character %>% unique
db <- load_OrgDb(OrgDb)
res <- suppressWarnings(select(db,
keys = geneID,
keytype = fromType,
columns=c(fromType, toType)))
ii <- which(is.na(res[,2]))
if (length(ii)) {
n <- res[ii, 1] %>% unique %>% length
if (n) {
warning(paste0(round(n/length(geneID)*100, 2), "%"), " of input gene IDs are fail to map...")
if (drop) {
res <- res[-ii, ]
##' convert biological ID using KEGG API
##' @title bitr_kegg
##' @param geneID input gene id
##' @param fromType input id type
##' @param toType output id type
##' @param organism supported organism, can be search using search_kegg_organism function
##' @param drop drop NA or not
##' @return data.frame
##' @export
##' @author Guangchuang Yu
bitr_kegg <- function(geneID, fromType, toType, organism, drop=TRUE) {
id_types <- c("ncbi-proteinid", "ncbi-geneid", "uniprot", "kegg")
fromType <- match.arg(fromType, id_types)
toType <- match.arg(toType, id_types)
if (fromType == toType)
stop("fromType and toType should not be identical...")
idconv <- KEGG_convert(fromType, toType, organism)
res <- idconv[idconv[,1] %in% geneID, ]
n <- sum(!geneID %in% res[,1])
if (n > 0) {
warning(paste0(round(n/length(geneID)*100, 2), "%"), " of input gene IDs are fail to map...")
if (! drop && n > 0) {
misHit <- data.frame(from = geneID[!geneID %in% res[,1]],
to = NA)
res <- rbind(res, misHit)
colnames(res) <- c(fromType, toType)
rownames(res) <- NULL
KEGG_convert <- function(fromType, toType, species) {
if (fromType == "kegg" || toType != "kegg") {
turl <- paste("http://rest.kegg.jp/conv", toType, species, sep='/')
tidconv <- kegg_rest(turl)
if (is.null(tidconv))
stop(toType, " is not supported for ", species, " ...")
idconv <- tidconv
if (toType == "kegg" || fromType != "kegg") {
furl <- paste("http://rest.kegg.jp/conv", fromType, species, sep='/')
fidconv <- kegg_rest(furl)
if (is.null(fidconv))
stop(fromType, " is not supported for ", species, " ...")
idconv <- fidconv
if (fromType != "kegg" && toType != "kegg") {
idconv <- merge(fidconv, tidconv, by.x='from', by.y='from')
idconv <- idconv[, -1]
colnames(idconv) <- c("from", "to")
idconv[,1] %<>% gsub("[^:]+:", "", .)
idconv[,2] %<>% gsub("[^:]+:", "", .)
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