#' sclongitudinalDEG Function
#' This function allows ser to calculate differential expressed genes in the
#' direction of given time points (if timepoints>3 otherwise DEGs between two
#' timepoints). A hurdle model was fit to each participant independently in
#' order to identify participant-specific longitudinal transcriptomic changes.
#' Genes that were expressed in at least 10% of cells per participant were
#' considered for this analysis. The models were fit on the input normalized
#' data, modeling the timepoints as a continuous variable within each cell type
#' and adjusting for the batch only if any timepoints from the same participant
#' were run across multiple batches.
#' @param data_object Input \emph{PALMO} S4 object. It contains annotation
#' information and expression data from Bulk or single cell data.
#' @param scassay Single cell assay from scRNA seurat object (Default "RNA")
#' @param group_column Column of interest such as "celltype" to analyze DEGs in
#' participant over time
#' @param group_oi Features of interest such as specific celltypes
#' c("CD4_Naive", "CD4_TEM")
#' @param mincellsexpressed Average expression threshold to filter lowly
#' expressed genes/features Default is 0.1
#' @param removelnc Remove lincRNAs, mitochondrial and ribosomal genes from
#' analysis incldes (^RP|^MT-|^LINC|orf) (TRUE/FALSE). Default is TRUE
#' @param adjfac Factors to be adjusted for such as batch, sex
#' @param baseline Donors (PTID) to be considered as baseline. Deafult NULL
#' @param CDR_column (Optional) cellular detection rate column name
#' @param addCDR (Optional) Add CDR while performing differential analysis.
#' Default is FALSE
#' @param plotWidth User-defined plot width, Default 10 in
#' @param plotHeight User-defined plot height, Default 10 in
#' @param fileName User-defined file name, Default outputFile
#' @param filePATH User-defined output directory \emph{PATH} Default, current
#' directory
#' @keywords sclongitudinalDEG
#' @import Seurat, MAST, tidyverse, pheatmap
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' palmo_obj <- sclongitudinalDEG(ann=metadata, dataObj=pbmc, scassay="RNA",
#' group_column="celltype")
#' }
sclongitudinalDEG <- function(data_object, scassay="RNA",
group_column, group_oi=NULL,
mincellsexpressed = 0.1, removelnc = "TRUE",
adjfac = NULL,
baseline = NULL, addCDR=FALSE, CDR_column=NULL,
plotWidth=10, plotHeight=10,
fileName=NULL, filePATH=NULL) {
## Filename
if(is.null(fileName)) {
fileName <- "outputFile"
## Filepath
if(is.null(filePATH)) {
filePATH <- data_object@filePATH
## Define donor column
donorIDcol <- "PTID"
## loading single cell data
scobj <- data_object@curated$SeuratObj
ann <- data_object@curated$anndata
## Add CDR value (cellular detection rate)
if(addCDR == TRUE) {
scobj@meta.data$CDR <- scale(scobj@meta.data[,CDR_column])
## Any baseline
if(!is.null(baseline)) {
ann[ann$PTID %in% baseline,]$PTID <- "Baseline"
baseline <- TRUE
} else {
baseline <- FALSE
## fetch single cell counts
sccounts <- scobj[[scassay]]@data
## fetch single cell meta data
scmetadata <- scobj@meta.data %>%
rownames_to_column(var = "barcodes")
filtercolumn <- c("Sample", setdiff(colnames(scmetadata), colnames(ann)))
if(length(filtercolumn)>1) {
## Merge clinical metadata with scobject metadata
scmetadata <- merge(scmetadata[,filtercolumn], ann, by = "Sample", all.x = TRUE) %>%
column_to_rownames(var = "barcodes")
scmetadata <- scmetadata[colnames(sccounts), , drop = FALSE]
#table(rownames(scmetadata) == colnames(sccounts))
## fetch PTIDs and group/celltypes
ptids <- sort(as.character(unique(scmetadata[[donorIDcol]])))
ptids <- ptids[!is.na(ptids)]
group_types <- sort(as.character(unique(scmetadata[[group_column]])))
group_types <- group_types[!is.na(group_types)]
if(!is.null(group_oi)) {
group_types <- intersect(group_oi, group_types)
## initiating loop for per donor analysis
lmLS <- lapply(ptids, function(ptid) {
message(date(),": Fitting a ZLM model for donorID: ", ptid)
## Consider baseline
if(baseline==TRUE) {
message(date(),": Performing baseline analysis")
scmetadata_sub <- subset(scmetadata, scmetadata[[donorIDcol]] == ptid |
scmetadata[[donorIDcol]] == "Baseline")
scmetadata_sub[[donorIDcol]] <- ifelse(scmetadata_sub[[donorIDcol]] %in% "Baseline", ptid,
} else {
# select single cell barcodes that belong to the ptid
scmetadata_sub <- subset(scmetadata, scmetadata[[donorIDcol]] == ptid)
sccounts_sub <- sccounts[, rownames(scmetadata_sub), drop = FALSE]
# initiating loop for per cell type within a donor analysis
lapply(group_types, function(ct) {
message(paste("Fitting a ZLM model for donorID: ", ptid,
", within group: ", ct, sep = ""))
# subset counts on selected cell type barcodes
selcells <- subset(scmetadata_sub, scmetadata_sub[[group_column]] == ct)
selcells <- rownames(selcells)
sccounts_sub_ct <- sccounts_sub[, selcells, drop = FALSE]
# filter on genes expressed in atleast 10% of cells
min_expr = mincellsexpressed
selgenes1 <- data.frame(num_cells_expressed = rowSums(as.matrix(sccounts_sub_ct) > min_expr)) %>%
rownames_to_column(var = "Gene") %>%
filter(num_cells_expressed >= min_expr*length(selcells))
# remove long non-coding rnas (conditional)
if(removelnc == "TRUE") {
rmgenes <- selgenes1$Gene[grep("^RP|^MT-|^LINC|orf", selgenes1$Gene)]
selgenes2 <- selgenes1 %>% filter(!Gene %in% rmgenes) %>% .$Gene
sccounts_sub_ct <- sccounts_sub_ct[selgenes2, ]
} else {
sccounts_sub_ct <- sccounts_sub_ct[selgenes1$Gene, ]
# make fdata for single cell assay (SCA) object for input to MAST
fdat <- data.frame(rownames(x = sccounts_sub_ct))
colnames(x = fdat)[1] <- "primerid"
rownames(x = fdat) <- fdat[, 1]
# changing the column name of the adjusting factor (if provided) to "adjfactor"
scmetadata_sub <- scmetadata_sub[colnames(sccounts_sub_ct), , drop = FALSE]
# define heatmap color palatte
colorPalette <- c("purple", "black", "yellow")
colorPalette <- colorRampPalette(colors = colorPalette)(100)
# fetch timepoints of PTID
tps1 <- unique(scmetadata_sub$Time)
# if number of timepoints >= 3, treat as continuous
if(length(tps1) >= 3) {
#message(paste("modeling time continuous(t=",length(tps1),
#"): ",ptid,"-", ct, sep = ""))
# make sca object with time as numeric continuous
cdat <- scmetadata_sub
cdat$Time <- as.numeric(gsub("[[:alpha:]]", "",cdat$Time))
# make SCA object
sca <- FromMatrix(exprsArray = as.matrix(sccounts_sub_ct),
cData = cdat, fData = fdat)
# Fit hurdle model
# add adjusting factor and CDR if provided
if(is.null(adjfac) & addCDR == FALSE) {
form <- as.formula(paste("~Time", sep=""))
} else if(is.null(adjfac) & addCDR == TRUE) {
form <- as.formula(paste("~Time + CDR", sep=""))
} else if(!is.null(adjfac) & addCDR == FALSE) {
form <- paste(adjfac, collapse=" + ")
form <- as.formula(paste("~Time + ", form, sep=""))
} else if(!is.null(adjfac) & addCDR == TRUE) {
form <- paste(adjfac, collapse=" + ")
form <- as.formula(paste("~Time + CDR + ", form, sep=""))
zlmCond <- zlm(formula = form, sca = sca, method = "bayesglm",
ebayes = TRUE, parallel = TRUE)
# perform Likelihood Ratio Test (LRT)
lrt = "Time"
summaryGroup <- MAST::summary(object = zlmCond, doLRT = lrt)
# get summary table
summaryDt <- summaryGroup$datatable
# extract p-values and coefficients
pval <- summaryDt[summaryDt$component == "H" & summaryDt$contrast == lrt,
c("primerid", "contrast", "Pr(>Chisq)")]
coefDF <- summaryDt[summaryDt$component == "logFC" & summaryDt$contrast == lrt,
c("primerid", "coef")]
lmdf <- merge(pval, coefDF, by = "primerid")
colnames(lmdf)[3] <- "nomP"
lmdf$adjP <- p.adjust(lmdf$nomP, method = "BH")
dir = ifelse(lmdf$coef > 0, "increasing over time",
"decreasing over time")
lmdf <- data.frame(lmdf, donorID = ptid, group_type = ct,
dir = dir, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
lmdf <- lmdf[order(lmdf$coef, decreasing = TRUE),]
outFile1 <- paste(filePATH,"/",fileName,"_",ptid,"_", ct,
"_DEGs.txt", sep = "")
write.table(lmdf, file = outFile1, sep = "\t", quote = FALSE,
row.names = FALSE)
# take top 50 genes by direction
topG <- lmdf %>% group_by(dir) %>%
top_n(min(50, length(primerid)), abs(coef)) %>%
as.data.frame() %>% .$primerid
# plot heatmap of significant genes: taking mean gene expression per timepoint
sigDF <- as.data.frame(sccounts_sub_ct[topG, ])
mCounts <- sigDF %>% rownames_to_column(var = "Gene") %>%
gather(barcodes, value, -Gene) %>%
mutate(Sample = scmetadata_sub$Sample[match(barcodes,
table = rownames(scmetadata_sub))]) %>%
group_by(Sample, Gene) %>%
dplyr::summarize(m = mean(value)) %>%
as.data.frame() %>%
spread(Sample, m) %>%
column_to_rownames(var = "Gene")
# scale matrix and define breaks
mCounts2 <- t(scale(t(mCounts))) %>% as.data.frame()
limit <- range(mCounts2)
limit <- c(ceiling(limit[1]), floor(limit[2]))
limit <- min(abs(limit))
if(limit == 0) { limit = 1 }
# column annotation of heatmap
colannot1 <- data.frame(Sample = colnames(mCounts2)) %>%
mutate(donorID = ptid,
group_type = ct,
Time = scmetadata_sub$Time[match(Sample,
table = scmetadata_sub$Sample)],
Time = gsub("[[:alpha:]]", "",Time),
#Time = gsub("\\D", "", Time),
Time = as.numeric(Time)) %>%
column_to_rownames(var = "Sample")
colannot1 <- colannot1[colnames(mCounts2), , drop = FALSE]
# order cols by Time
orderCol1 <- colannot1 %>% rownames_to_column() %>%
arrange(Time) %>% .$rowname
# order rows by gene directions
orderRow <- lmdf %>%
filter(primerid %in% topG) %>%
as.data.frame() %>%
select(primerid, coef, dir) %>%
orderRow1 <- orderRow$primerid
# gaps row
gaprow <- as.numeric(table(orderRow$dir)[1])
# annotation colors
ann_colors <- list(Time = c("aliceblue", "yellow", "orange", "red"))
# plot
outFile2 <- gsub(".txt", "_avgExpHeatmap.pdf", outFile1)
pdf(file = outFile2, width = plotWidth, height = plotHeight)
pheatmap(mat = mCounts2[orderRow1, orderCol1],
breaks = c(min(mCounts2),
seq(from = -1*limit,
to = limit,
length.out = 99),
color = colorPalette,
cellwidth = 10,
cellheight = 3,
cluster_cols = FALSE,
cluster_rows = FALSE,
show_rownames = TRUE,
show_colnames = TRUE,
gaps_row = gaprow,
annotation = colannot1,
annotation_colors = ann_colors,
fontsize_row = 3,
fontsize_col = 3,
fontsize_number = 20,
border_color = NA)
## Plotting single cells heatmap
## downsampling to a random 50 or min cells per sample:
## for plotting purpose only
#set.seed(seed = 123)
colannot2 <- cdat %>% rownames_to_column(var = "barcodes") %>%
select(barcodes, Sample, Time, !!donorIDcol, !!group_column) %>%
group_by(Sample) %>%
sample_n(min(50, length(barcodes))) %>%
as.data.frame() %>%
select(-Sample) %>%
column_to_rownames(var = "barcodes")
sccounts_sub_ct_v2 <- sccounts_sub_ct[topG, rownames(colannot2)]
# order col by Time
orderCol2 <- colannot2 %>% rownames_to_column() %>%
arrange(Time) %>% .$rowname
# scale matrix and define breaks
sccounts_sub_ct_v2 <- sccounts_sub_ct_v2[apply(sccounts_sub_ct_v2, 1, function(x) length(unique(x)) != 1), ]
sccounts_sub_ct_v2 <- t(scale(t(as.matrix(sccounts_sub_ct_v2)))) %>% as.data.frame()
# set limit for color scale on heatmap
limit <- range(sccounts_sub_ct_v2)
limit <- c(ceiling(limit[1]), floor(limit[2]))
limit <- min(abs(limit))
# gaps row and order row
orderRow <- lmdf %>%
filter(primerid %in%
rownames(sccounts_sub_ct_v2)) %>%
as.data.frame() %>%
select(primerid, coef, dir) %>%
orderRow2 <- orderRow$primerid
sccounts_sub_ct_v2 <- sccounts_sub_ct_v2[orderRow2, , drop = FALSE]
gaprow <- as.numeric(table(orderRow$dir)[1])
# plot
outFile3 <- gsub(".txt", "_scHeatmap.pdf", outFile1)
pdf(file = outFile3, width = plotWidth, height = plotHeight)
pheatmap(mat = sccounts_sub_ct_v2[orderRow2, orderCol2],
breaks = c(min(sccounts_sub_ct_v2),
seq(from = -1*limit, to = limit, length.out = 99),
color = colorPalette, cellwidth = 2, cellheight = 3,
cluster_cols = FALSE, cluster_rows = FALSE,
show_rownames = TRUE, show_colnames = FALSE,
annotation = colannot2, annotation_colors = ann_colors,
gaps_row = gaprow, fontsize_col = 15, fontsize_row = 3,
fontsize_number = 20, border_color = NA)
}, classes = "message")
# if number of timepoints = 2, treat as discrete
if(length(tps1) == 2) {
message(paste("modeling time discrete(t=",length(tps1),"):",
ptid,"-", ct, sep = ""))
# make sca object with time as discrete
cdat <- scmetadata_sub
cdat$Time <- as.factor(cdat$Time)
# set reference as first timepoint
cdat$Time <- relevel(cdat$Time,
ref = as.character(sort(unique(cdat$Time))[1]))
# make SCA object
sca <- FromMatrix(exprsArray = as.matrix(sccounts_sub_ct),
cData = cdat, fData = fdat)
# Fit hurdle model
# add adjusting factor if provided
if(is.null(adjfac) & addCDR == FALSE) {
form <- as.formula(paste("~Time", sep=""))
} else if(is.null(adjfac) & addCDR == TRUE) {
form <- as.formula(paste("~Time + CDR", sep=""))
} else if(!is.null(adjfac) & addCDR == FALSE) {
form <- paste(adjfac, collapse=" + ")
form <- as.formula(paste("~Time + ", form, sep=""))
} else if(!is.null(adjfac) & addCDR == TRUE) {
form <- paste(adjfac, collapse=" + ")
form <- as.formula(paste("~Time + CDR + ", form, sep=""))
zlmCond <- zlm(formula = form,
sca = sca,
method = "bayesglm",
ebayes = TRUE,
parallel = TRUE)
# perform LRT
lrt <- paste("Time",
sep = "")
summaryGroup <- MAST::summary(object = zlmCond, doLRT = lrt)
# get summary table
summaryDt <- summaryGroup$datatable
# extract p-values and coefficients
pval <- summaryDt[summaryDt$component == "H"
& summaryDt$contrast == lrt,
c("primerid", "contrast", "Pr(>Chisq)")]
coefDF <- summaryDt[summaryDt$component == "logFC"
& summaryDt$contrast == lrt,
c("primerid", "coef")]
lmdf <- merge(pval, coefDF, by = "primerid")
colnames(lmdf)[3] <- "nomP"
lmdf$adjP <- p.adjust(lmdf$nomP, method = "BH")
fgtp <- gsub("Time", "", lrt)
dir <- ifelse(lmdf$coef > 0, paste("upregulated at ", fgtp, sep = ""),
paste("downregulated at ", fgtp, sep = ""))
lmdf <- data.frame(lmdf, donorID = ptid, group_type = ct,
dir = dir, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
lmdf <- lmdf[order(lmdf$coef, decreasing = TRUE),]
outFile1 <- paste(filePATH,"/",fileName,"_",ptid,"_", ct,
"_DEGs.txt", sep = "")
write.table(lmdf, file = outFile1, sep = "\t",
quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)
# take top 50 genes by direction
topG <- lmdf %>%
group_by(dir) %>%
top_n(min(50, length(primerid)), abs(coef)) %>%
as.data.frame() %>% .$primerid
## Plotting single cells heatmap
## downsampling to a random 50 or min cells per sample: for
## plotting purpose only
#set.seed(seed = 456)
colannot3 <- cdat %>%
rownames_to_column(var = "barcodes") %>%
select(barcodes, Sample, Time, !!donorIDcol, !!group_column) %>%
group_by(Sample) %>%
sample_n(min(50, length(barcodes))) %>%
as.data.frame() %>%
select(-Sample) %>%
column_to_rownames(var = "barcodes")
sccounts_sub_ct_v2 <- sccounts_sub_ct[topG, rownames(colannot3)]
sccounts_sub_ct_v2 <- as.matrix(sccounts_sub_ct_v2)
# order col by Time
orderCol3 <- colannot3 %>%
rownames_to_column() %>%
arrange(Time) %>% .$rowname
# scale matrix and define breaks
sccounts_sub_ct_v2 <- sccounts_sub_ct_v2[apply(sccounts_sub_ct_v2,
1, function(x) length(unique(x)) != 1), ]
sccounts_sub_ct_v2 <- t(scale(t(sccounts_sub_ct_v2))) %>%
## set limit for color scale on heatmap
limit <- range(sccounts_sub_ct_v2)
limit <- c(ceiling(limit[1]), floor(limit[2]))
limit <- min(abs(limit))
## gaps row and order row
orderRow <- lmdf %>%
filter(primerid %in%
rownames(sccounts_sub_ct_v2)) %>%
as.data.frame() %>%
select(primerid, coef, dir) %>%
orderRow2 <- orderRow$primerid
sccounts_sub_ct_v2 <- sccounts_sub_ct_v2[orderRow2, , drop = FALSE]
gaprow <- as.numeric(table(orderRow$dir)[1])
# plot
outFile4 <- gsub(".txt", "_scHeatmap.pdf", outFile1)
pdf(file = outFile4, width = plotWidth, height = plotHeight)
pheatmap(mat = sccounts_sub_ct_v2[orderRow2, orderCol3],
breaks = c(min(sccounts_sub_ct_v2),
seq(from = -1*limit,
to = limit,
length.out = 99),
color = colorPalette,
cellwidth = 2,
cellheight = 3,
cluster_cols = FALSE,
cluster_rows = FALSE,
show_rownames = TRUE,
show_colnames = FALSE,
annotation = colannot3,
gaps_row = gaprow,
fontsize_col = 15,
fontsize_row = 3,
fontsize_number = 20,
border_color = NA)
} , classes = "message")
if(length(tps1) >= 2) {
return(value = lmdf)
}) #End celltype/group_oi
}) #End ptid
allres <- do.call(rbind, lapply(lmLS, function(x) do.call(rbind, x)))
data_object@result$degs <- allres
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