#' @title Imports the annotations of motifs to transcription factors
#' @aliases importAnnotations
#' @param annotFile File containing the motif annotations corresponding to the
#' rankings. They should match in organism and version.
#' @param motifsInRanking Subset of motifs to keep.
#' e.g.
#' \code{motifsInRanking=getRanking(motifRankings)$features}
#' @param columnsToKeep Other colums from the file to keep
#' @description RcisTarget package includes the motif annotations for the rankings
#' using the latest motif collection (version 10 clustered, 19895 motifs):
#' \itemize{
#' \item{Human: }{ \code{data(motifAnnotations_hgnc)}}
#' \item{Mouse: }{ \code{data(motifAnnotations_mgi)}}
#' \item{Fly: }{ \code{data(motifAnnotations_dmel)}}
#' \item{Previous versions (Annotations for motif collection version 9 (24453 motifs) or 8:}{
#' motifAnnotations_hgnc_v9 (Human), motifAnnotations_mgi_v9 (Mouse), motifAnnotations_dmel_v9 (Fly)
#' motifAnnotations_hgnc_v8 (Human), motifAnnotations_mgi_v8 (Mouse), motifAnnotations_dmel_v8 (Fly)
#' }
#' }
#' This function (importAnnotations) allows to import annotations
#' for other versions of the rankings, or to keep extra data columns.
#' e.g. Source of the annotations: \code{https://resources.aertslab.org/cistarget/motif2tf/}
#' @seealso See \emph{iRegulon} paper and documentation for \bold{details} on how the
#' rankings and annotations were built.
#' @return
#' data.table with the annotations of the motifs to transcription factors
#' Columns:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\bold{motif}: }{Motif ID.}
#' \item{\bold{TF}: }{Transcription factor (or inferred gene).}
#' \item{\bold{directAnnotation}, \bold{inferred_Orthology},
#' \bold{inferred_MotifSimil}: }{
#' Boolean values indicating whether the motif is
#' annotated to the TF in the source database ("directAnnotation"),
#' or whether it was inferred by orthology ("inferred_Orthology")
#' or motif similarity ("inferred_MotifSimil").}
#' \item{\bold{Description}: }{Description of the source of the annotation.}
#' \item{\bold{annotationSource}: }{Source of the annotation
#' formatted as factor (e.g. for subsetting).
#' Levels: directAnnotation, inferredBy_Orthology,
#' inferredBy_MotifSimilarity, inferredBy_MotifSimilarity_n_Orthology.}
#' }
#' @examples
#' # motifAnnotations <- importAnnotations("motifs-v10nr_clust-nr.hgnc-m0.001-o0.0.tbl")
#' ## To save (decrease from ~100MB to 1MB):
#' # save(motifAnnotations, file="motifAnnotations_hngc.RData", compress='xz')
#' # This code would generate the equivalent to
#' data(motifAnnotations_hgnc)
#' @rdname importAnnotations
#' @rawNamespace import(data.table, except = c(shift, last, first, between))
#' @export
importAnnotations <- function(annotFile,
mAnnot <- data.table::fread(annotFile,
colClasses = setNames("character","source_version"))
colnames(mAnnot)[which(colnames(mAnnot)=="#motif_id")] <- "motif"
colnames(mAnnot)[which(colnames(mAnnot)=="gene_name")] <- "TF"
nMissingMotifs <- sum(unique(motifsInRanking) %in% mAnnot$motif)
" of the requested motifs are not in the annotation file.")
mAnnot <- mAnnot[mAnnot$motif %in% motifsInRanking]
# Re-format annotations
mAnnot$directAnnotation <- unlist(
mAnnot[,"description"]=="gene is directly annotated")
mAnnot$inferred_Orthology <- mAnnot[,"orthologous_gene_name"]!="None"
mAnnot$inferred_MotifSimil <- mAnnot[,"similar_motif_id"]!="None"
annotationSource <- rep("", nrow(mAnnot))
annotationSource[mAnnot$directAnnotation] <- "directAnnotation"
annotationSource[mAnnot$inferred_Orthology] <- "inferredBy_Orthology"
annotationSource[mAnnot$inferred_MotifSimil] <- "inferredBy_MotifSimilarity"
& mAnnot$inferred_MotifSimil] <- "inferredBy_MotifSimilarity_n_Orthology"
mAnnot$annotationSource=factor(annotationSource); rm(annotationSource)
#table(mAnnot$directAnnotation, mAnnot$annotationSource)
selectedColumns <- c("motif", "TF",
"directAnnotation", "inferred_Orthology", "inferred_MotifSimil",
"annotationSource", "description", columnsToKeep)
mAnnot <- mAnnot[,selectedColumns,with=FALSE]
data.table::setkeyv(mAnnot, c("motif", "TF"))
attr(mAnnot, "SourceFileName") <- basename(annotFile)
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