#' @name alphaSummary
#' @author Michael Steinbaugh, Lorena Patano
#' @inherit AcidGenerics::alphaSummary
#' @note Updated 2023-09-26.
#' @inheritParams params
#' @inheritParams AcidRoxygen::params
#' @param ... Additional arguments.
#' @details
#' Use either `contrast` or `name` to specify the desired contrast.
#' @param alpha `numeric`. Multiple alpha cutoffs.
#' @seealso
#' - `DESeq2::results()`.
#' - `DESeq2::resultsNames()`.
#' @examples
#' data(deseq)
#' ## DESeqAnalysis ====
#' alphaSummary(deseq, contrast = c("condition", "B", "A"))
#' alphaSummary(deseq, name = "condition_B_vs_A")
## Updated 2020-08-04.
`alphaSummary,DESeqAnalysis` <- # nolint
function(object, ...) {
object <- as(object, "DESeqDataSet")
alphaSummary(object, ...)
## Updated 2023-09-26.
`alphaSummary,DESeqDataSet` <- # nolint
alpha = c(0.1, 0.05, 0.01, 1e-3, 1e-6),
contrast = NULL,
name = NULL) {
## isAlpha requires scalar, so let's apply here.
X = alpha,
FUN = isAlpha,
FUN.VALUE = logical(1L)
isAny(contrast, classes = c("character", "NULL")),
isString(name, nullOk = TRUE)
## Either `contrast` or `name`.
## If neither are defined, we're checking the intercept.
if (!is.null(contrast) && !is.null(name)) {
"Specify either {.arg %s} or {.arg %s}.",
"contrast", "name"
## Generate an automatic caption.
if (!is.null(contrast)) {
caption <- paste(contrast, collapse = " ")
} else if (!is.null(name)) {
caption <- name
} else {
caption <- resultsNames(object)[[1L]]
data <- vapply(
X = alpha,
FUN = function(alpha) {
args <- list(
object = object,
contrast = contrast,
name = name,
alpha = alpha
args <- Filter(Negate(is.null), args)
results <- do.call(what = results, args = args)
## This requires S3 `summary.DESeqResults` in NAMESPACE.
## Currently, DESeq2 isn't exporting this S3 method in BioC
## 3.10, so we're pulling the expected S3 method directly
## instead. It is called when DESeq2 is attached, but we must
## query the method directly when the package is not attached.
summary <- getS3method(
f = "summary",
class = "DESeqResults",
envir = asNamespace("DESeq2")
output <- capture.output(summary(results))
## Subset the lines of interest from summary.
## Keep only the summary lines that contain a colon.
output <- output[grepl(" : ", output)]
## Extract the values after the colon in summary.
match <- strMatch(
x = output,
pattern = "^(.+)\\s\\:\\s([[:digit:]]+).*$"
names <- gsub("\\s+$", "", match[, 2L])
values <- as.integer(match[, 3L])
names(values) <- names
FUN.VALUE = integer(4L)
colnames(data) <- alpha
#' @rdname alphaSummary
#' @export
f = "alphaSummary",
signature = signature(object = "DESeqAnalysis"),
definition = `alphaSummary,DESeqAnalysis`
#' @rdname alphaSummary
#' @export
f = "alphaSummary",
signature = signature(object = "DESeqDataSet"),
definition = `alphaSummary,DESeqDataSet`
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