#' Sanitize Seurat markers
#' This generator function is designed to take the original return from a Seurat
#' marker analysis and add corresponding gene annotations.
#' @name SeuratMarkers
#' @note Updated 2022-06-09.
#' @details
#' For [Seurat::FindAllMarkers()] return, rownames are correctly returned
#' in the `gene` column.
#' @inheritParams AcidRoxygen::params
#' @param object
#' Unmodified Seurat marker return `data.frame`.
#' - `SeuratMarkers()`: [Seurat::FindMarkers()].
#' - `SeuratMarkersPerCluster()`: [Seurat::FindAllMarkers()].
#' @param ranges `GenomicRanges`.
#' Gene annotations. Names must correspond to the rownames. The function will
#' automatically subset the ranges and arrange them alphabetically.
#' @return `SeuratMarkers`.
#' @examples
#' data(Seurat, package = "AcidTest")
#' ## Seurat ====
#' object <- Seurat
#' ranges <- rowRanges(object)
#' ## `FindMarkers()` return.
#' invisible(capture.output({
#' markers <- Seurat::FindMarkers(
#' object = object,
#' ident.1 = "1",
#' ident.2 = NULL
#' )
#' }))
#' x <- SeuratMarkers(object = markers, ranges = ranges)
#' summary(x)
#' ## `FindAllMarkers()` return.
#' invisible(capture.output(suppressWarnings({
#' markers <- Seurat::FindAllMarkers(object)
#' })))
#' x <- SeuratMarkersPerCluster(object = markers, ranges = ranges)
#' summary(x)
## Updated 2021-03-03.
`SeuratMarkers,data.frame` <- # nolint
alphaThreshold = 0.05) {
is(ranges, "GenomicRanges"),
x = c("geneId", "geneName"),
y = colnames(mcols(ranges))
x <- as(object, "DataFrame")
## Update legacy columns.
if (isSubset("avg_diff", colnames(x))) {
"Renaming legacy {.var %s} column to {.var %s}",
"(changed in {.pkg %s} v%s)."
"avg_diff", "avg_log2FC", "Seurat", "2.1"
colnames(x)[colnames(x) == "avg_diff"] <- "avg_log2FC"
if (isSubset("avg_logFC", colnames(x))) {
"Renaming legacy {.var %s} column to {.var %s}",
"(changed in {.pkg %s} v%s)."
"avg_logFC", "avg_log2FC", "Seurat", "4.0"
colnames(x)[colnames(x) == "avg_logFC"] <- "avg_log2FC"
## Sanitize the column names in to camel case.
cols <- snakeCase(colnames(x))
## Handle "avg_log2FC" column.
cols <- gsub(
pattern = "([0-9]+)([a-z]+)",
replacement = "\\1_\\2",
x = cols
cols <- camelCase(cols, strict = TRUE)
colnames(x) <- cols
fun <- ifelse(
test = isSubset(c("cluster", "gene"), colnames(x)),
yes = "FindAllMarkers",
no = "FindMarkers"
alertInfo(sprintf("{.fun %s} return detected.", fun))
## Map the Seurat matrix rownames to `rownames` column in tibble.
## NOTE Using "name" here instead of "geneName", which is intended
## to map to the rownames, which can be altered by `make.names`.
EXPR = fun,
"FindMarkers" = {
perCluster <- FALSE
x[["name"]] <- rownames(x)
"FindAllMarkers" = {
perCluster <- TRUE
colnames(x)[colnames(x) == "gene"] <- "name"
rownames(x) <- NULL
## Rename P value columns to match DESeq2 conventions.
if (isSubset("pVal", colnames(x))) {
colnames(x)[colnames(x) == "pVal"] <- "pvalue"
if (isSubset("pValAdj", colnames(x))) {
colnames(x)[colnames(x) == "pValAdj"] <- "padj"
## Ensure that required columns are present.
requiredCols <- c(
assert(isSubset(requiredCols, colnames(x)))
## Bind ranges as column.
assert(isSubset(unique(x[["name"]]), names(ranges)))
x[["ranges"]] <- ranges[x[["name"]]]
## Arrange by adjusted P value.
x <- x[order(x[["padj"]]), sort(colnames(x)), drop = FALSE]
## Split by cluster, if applicable.
if (isTRUE(perCluster)) {
x <- split(x, f = x[["cluster"]])
## Add metadata and return.
metadata(x) <- append(
x = .prototypeMetadata,
values = list(
"alphaThreshold" = alphaThreshold,
"sessionInfo" = sessionInfo()
if (isTRUE(perCluster)) {
names(x) <- paste0("cluster", names(x))
new(Class = "SeuratMarkersPerCluster", x)
} else {
rownames(x) <- x[["name"]]
x[["name"]] <- NULL
new(Class = "SeuratMarkers", x)
## Updated 2019-08-06.
`SeuratMarkersPerCluster,data.frame` <- # nolint
#' @rdname SeuratMarkers
#' @export
f = "SeuratMarkers",
signature = signature(object = "data.frame"),
definition = `SeuratMarkers,data.frame`
#' @rdname SeuratMarkers
#' @export
f = "SeuratMarkersPerCluster",
signature = signature(object = "data.frame"),
definition = `SeuratMarkersPerCluster,data.frame`
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