## nolint start
#' Make GRanges from a GFF/GTF file
#' @details
#' Remote URLs and compressed files are supported.
#' @section Recommendations:
#' - **Use GTF over GFF3.** We recommend using a GTF file instead of a GFF3
#' file, when possible. The file format is more compact and easier to parse.
#' - **Use Ensembl over RefSeq.** We generally recommend using Ensembl over
#' RefSeq, if possible. It's better supported in R and generally used by most
#' NGS vendors.
#' @section GFF/GTF specification:
#' The GFF (General Feature Format) format consists of one line per feature,
#' each containing 9 columns of data, plus optional track definition lines.
#' The GTF (General Transfer Format) format is identical to GFF version 2.
#' The UCSC website has detailed conventions on the GFF3 format, including
#' the metadata columns.
#' @section Feature type:
#' - `CDS`: **C**o**D**ing **S**sequence. A contiguous sequence that contains a
#' genomic interval bounded by start and stop codons. CDS refers to the
#' portion of a genomic DNA sequence that is translated, from the start codon
#' to the stop codon.
#' - `exon`: Genomic interval containing 5' UTR (`five_prime_UTR`), CDS, and
#' 3' UTR (`three_prime_UTR`).
#' - `mRNA`: Processed (spliced) mRNA transcript.
#' See also:
#' - [gffutils documentation](https://pythonhosted.org/gffutils/)
#' - [GenBank GFF documentation](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genbank/genomes_gff/)
#' - [stringtie GFF documentation](http://ccb.jhu.edu/software/stringtie/gff.shtml)
#' - [gmod.org GFF wiki](http://gmod.org/wiki/GFF)
#' - [Brent Lab GTF2 spec notes](http://mblab.wustl.edu/GTF2.html)
#' - [Sequence Ontology GFF3 spec notes](https://github.com/The-Sequence-Ontology/Specifications/blob/master/gff3.md)
#' @section Supported sources:
#' Currently [makeGRangesFromGFF()] supports genomes from these sources:
#' - Ensembl (GTF, GFF3).
#' - RefSeq (GTF, GFF3).
#' - FlyBase (GTF).
#' - WormBase (GTF).
#' @section Ensembl:
#' Note that [makeGRangesFromEnsembl()] offers native support for Ensembl genome
#' builds and returns additional useful metadata that isn't defined inside a
#' GFF/GTF file.
#' If you must load a GFF/GTF file directly, then use [makeGRangesFromGFF()].
#' @section GENCODE vs. Ensembl:
#' Annotations available from Ensembl and GENCODE are very similar.
#' The GENCODE annotation is made by merging the manual gene annotation produced
#' by the Ensembl-Havana team and the Ensembl-genebuild automated gene
#' annotation. The GENCODE annotation is the default gene annotation displayed
#' in the Ensembl browser. The GENCODE releases coincide with the Ensembl
#' releases, although GENCODE can skip an Ensembl release if there is no update
#' to the annotation with respect to the previous release. In practical terms,
#' the GENCODE annotation is essentially identical to the Ensembl annotation.
#' However, GENCODE handles pseudoautosomal regions (PAR) differently than
#' Ensembl. The Ensembl GTF file only includes this annotation once, for
#' chromosome X. However, GENCODE GTF/GFF3 files include the annotation in the
#' PAR regions of both chromosomes. You'll see these genes contain a "_PAR_Y"
#' suffix.
#' Additionally, GENCODE GFF/GTF files import with a gene identifier containing
#' a suffix, which differs slightly from the Ensembl GFF/GTF spec
#' (e.g. GENCODE: `ENSG00000000003.14`; Ensembl: `ENSG00000000003`).
#' The [GENCODE FAQ](https://www.gencodegenes.org/pages/faq.html) has additional
#' details.
#' @section RefSeq:
#' Refer to the
#' [current RefSeq spec](ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genomes/README_GFF3.txt)
#' for details.
#' See also:
#' - [RefSeq FAQ](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK50679/)
#' - ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/gene/DATA/gene2refseq.gz
#' @section UCSC:
#' Loading UCSC genome annotations from a GFF/GTF file are
#' *intentionally not supported* by this function.
#' We recommend using a pre-built `TxDb` package from Bioconductor instead.
#' For example, load `TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38.knownGene` for hg38.
#' For reference, note that UCSC doesn't provide direct GFF/GTF file downloads.
#' Use of the [hgTables](https://genome.ucsc.edu/cgi-bin/hgTables) table
#' browser is required in a web browser.
#' Select the following options to download hg38:
#' - clade: `Mammal`
#' - genome: `Human`
#' - assembly: `Dec. 2013 (GRCh38/hg38)`
#' - group: `Genes and Gene Predictions`
#' - track: `GENCODE v29`
#' - table: `knownGene`
#' - region: `genome`
#' - output format: `GTF - gene transfer format`
#' - output file: `<Enter a file name>`
#' Related URLs:
#' - [UCSC hgTables](http://genome.ucsc.edu/cgi-bin/hgTables)
#' - [UCSC downloads](http://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/downloads.html)
#' - [UCSC hg38 FTP](ftp://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/hg38/)
#' @section Example URLs:
#' - [Ensembl GTF](ftp://ftp.ensembl.org/pub/release-95/gtf/homo_sapiens/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.95.gtf.gz)
#' - [Ensembl GFF3](ftp://ftp.ensembl.org/pub/release-95/gff3/homo_sapiens/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.95.gff3.gz)
#' - [GENCODE GTF](ftp://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/databases/gencode/Gencode_human/release_29/gencode.v29.annotation.gtf.gz)
#' - [GENCODE GFF3](ftp://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/databases/gencode/Gencode_human/release_29/gencode.v29.annotation.gff3.gz)
#' - [RefSeq GTF](ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genomes/refseq/vertebrate_mammalian/Homo_sapiens/reference/GCF_000001405.38_GRCh38.p12/GCF_000001405.38_GRCh38.p12_genomic.gtf.gz)
#' - [RefSeq GFF3](ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genomes/refseq/vertebrate_mammalian/Homo_sapiens/reference/GCF_000001405.38_GRCh38.p12/GCF_000001405.38_GRCh38.p12_genomic.gff.gz)
#' - [FlyBase GTF](ftp://ftp.flybase.net/releases/FB2018_05/dmel_r6.24/gtf/dmel-all-r6.24.gtf.gz)
#' - [WormBase GTF](ftp://ftp.wormbase.org/pub/wormbase/releases/WS267/species/c_elegans/PRJNA13758/c_elegans.PRJNA13758.WS267.canonical_geneset.gtf.gz)
#' @export
#' @note Updated 2019-09-04.
#' @inheritParams acidroxygen::params
#' @param .checkAgainstTxDb `logical(1)`.
#' Enable strict mode, intended for development and unit testing only.
#' Generate an internal `TxDb` using [GenomicFeatures::makeTxDbFromGRanges()]
#' and check that the [`ranges()`][IRanges::ranges],
#' [`seqnames()`][GenomeInfoDb::seqnames], and identifiers defined in
#' [`names()`][base::names] are identical. Doesn't work for all GFF/GTF files
#' due to some current limitations in the GenomicFeatures package, so this is
#' disabled by default. Generally, GenomicFeatures parses GTF files better
#' than GFF files. However, it's a useful sanity check and should be enabled
#' if possible.
#' @return `GRanges`.
#' @seealso
#' - [rtracklayer::import()].
#' - [GenomicFeatures::makeTxDbFromGRanges()].
#' - [GenomicFeatures::makeTxDbFromGFF()].
#' @examples
#' file <- pasteURL(freerangeTestsURL, "ensembl.gtf", protocol = "none")
#' ## Genes
#' x <- makeGRangesFromGFF(file = file, level = "genes")
#' summary(x)
#' ## Transcripts
#' x <- makeGRangesFromGFF(file = file, level = "transcripts")
#' summary(x)
## nolint end
makeGRangesFromGFF <- function(
level = c("genes", "transcripts"),
ignoreTxVersion = TRUE,
.checkAgainstTxDb = FALSE
) {
level <- match.arg(level)
message("Making GRanges from GFF file.")
## Import ------------------------------------------------------------------
## This step uses `rtracklayer::import()` internally.
## Note that this can generate very large objects from GFF3.
object <- import(file)
## Slot the source (e.g. Ensembl) and type (e.g. GTF) into `metadata()`.
object <- .slotGFFDetectInfo(object)
## Note that this metadata is used by TxDb caller for GFF3 (see below).
metadata(object)[["file"]] <- file
## Pull detection strings from GRanges `metadata()`.
detect <- metadata(object)[["detect"]]
source <- detect[["source"]]
type <- detect[["type"]]
assert(isString(source), isString(type))
## Pre-flight checks -------------------------------------------------------
## Not currently allowing FlyBase or WormBase GFF files. They're too
## complicated to parse, and the sites offer GTF files instead anyway.
if (source %in% c("FlyBase", "WormBase") && type != "GTF") {
stop(sprintf("Only GTF files from %s are supported.", source)) # nocov
## TxDb (GenomicFeatures) --------------------------------------------------
## Run this step prior to any GRanges sanitization steps.
## This check may be removed in a future update.
if (isTRUE(.checkAgainstTxDb)) {
## nocov start
message("Strict mode enabled. Checking against TxDb.")
txdb <- .makeTxDbFromGFF(object)
## nocov end
} else {
txdb <- NULL
## Standardize -------------------------------------------------------------
## Standardize FlyBase, GENCODE, and RefSeq files to follow expected
## Ensembl-like naming conventions. This step must be run after
## `.makeTxDbFromGFF()` but prior to `.makeGenesFromGFF()` and/or
## `.makeTranscriptsFromGFF()` calls (see below).
object <- switch(
EXPR = source,
FlyBase = .standardizeFlyBaseToEnsembl(object),
GENCODE = .standardizeGencodeToEnsembl(object),
RefSeq = .standardizeRefSeqToEnsembl(object),
mcolnames <- colnames(mcols(object))
isSubset(x = c("gene_id", "transcript_id"), y = mcolnames),
## `gene_type` needs to be renamed to `gene_biotype`, if defined.
areDisjointSets(x = c("gene", "gene_type"), y = mcolnames)
genes <- object
if (level == "transcripts") {
transcripts <- object
## Genes -------------------------------------------------------------------
## `makeGRangesFromGFF()` attempts to always returns gene-level metadata,
## even when transcripts are requested. We'll merge this object into the
## transcript-level GRanges below, when possible.
genes <- genes[!is.na(mcols(genes)[["gene_id"]])]
genes <- genes[is.na(mcols(genes)[["transcript_id"]])]
if (source == "Ensembl" && type == "GFF3") {
genes <- .makeGenesFromEnsemblGFF3(genes)
} else if (source == "Ensembl" && type == "GTF") {
genes <- .makeGenesFromEnsemblGTF(genes)
} else if (source == "FlyBase" && type == "GTF") {
genes <- .makeGenesFromFlyBaseGTF(genes)
} else if (source == "GENCODE" && type == "GFF3") {
genes <- .makeGenesFromGencodeGFF3(genes)
} else if (source == "GENCODE" && type == "GTF") {
genes <- .makeGenesFromGencodeGTF(genes)
} else if (source == "RefSeq" && type == "GFF3") {
genes <- .makeGenesFromRefSeqGFF3(genes)
} else if (source == "RefSeq" && type == "GTF") {
genes <- .makeGenesFromRefSeqGTF(genes)
} else if (source == "WormBase" && type == "GTF") {
genes <- .makeGenesFromWormBaseGTF(genes)
} else {
## nocov start
"Failed to make gene-level GRanges.\n",
"Unsupported GFF source file."
## nocov end
## Remove GFF-specific parent columns, etc.
if (type == "GFF3") {
genes <- .minimizeGFF3(genes)
## Drop columns that contain all `NA`.
mcols(genes) <- removeNA(mcols(genes))
## Set names and stash metadata.
names(genes) <- mcols(genes)[["gene_id"]]
metadata(genes)[["level"]] <- "genes"
if (level == "genes") {
out <- genes
## Transcripts -------------------------------------------------------------
if (level == "transcripts") {
transcripts <-
if (source == "Ensembl" && type == "GFF3") {
transcripts <- .makeTranscriptsFromEnsemblGFF3(transcripts)
} else if (source == "Ensembl" && type == "GTF") {
transcripts <- .makeTranscriptsFromEnsemblGTF(transcripts)
} else if (source == "FlyBase" && type == "GTF") {
transcripts <- .makeTranscriptsFromFlyBaseGTF(transcripts)
} else if (source == "GENCODE" && type == "GFF3") {
transcripts <- .makeTranscriptsFromGencodeGFF3(transcripts)
} else if (source == "GENCODE" && type == "GTF") {
transcripts <- .makeTranscriptsFromGencodeGTF(transcripts)
} else if (source == "RefSeq" && type == "GFF3") {
transcripts <- .makeTranscriptsFromRefSeqGFF3(transcripts)
} else if (source == "RefSeq" && type == "GTF") {
transcripts <- .makeTranscriptsFromRefSeqGTF(transcripts)
} else if (source == "WormBase" && type == "GTF") {
transcripts <- .makeTranscriptsFromWormBaseGTF(transcripts)
} else {
## nocov start
"Failed to make transcript-level GRanges.\n",
"Unsupported GFF file format."
## nocov end
## Remove GFF-specific parent columns, etc.
if (type == "GFF3") {
transcripts <- .minimizeGFF3(transcripts)
## Drop columns that contain all NA.
## This step is necessary for gene-level merge step to work.
## Relatively slow for large datasets, and could use a speed boost.
mcols(transcripts) <- removeNA(mcols(transcripts))
## Set names and stash metadata.
names(transcripts) <- mcols(transcripts)[["transcript_id"]]
metadata(transcripts)[["level"]] <- "transcripts"
## Skip gene-level metadata merge for GRanges that have been split
## into GRangesList.
if (
is(genes, "GRanges") &&
## This step is necessary for RefSeq GFF3.
) {
## By default, merge the gene-level annotations into the
## transcript-level ones, for objects that have ranges 1:1 with the
## identifiers.
out <- .mergeGenesIntoTranscripts(transcripts, genes)
} else {
message("Skipping gene metadata merge.")
out <- transcripts
## Return ------------------------------------------------------------------
out <- .makeGRanges(out, ignoreTxVersion = ignoreTxVersion)
## Ensure that the ranges match GenomicFeatures output, if desired.
## Note that this step will error out for WormBase currently. Need to think
## of a reworked approach that avoids this.
if (is(out, "GRanges") && is(txdb, "TxDb")) {
## nocov start
.checkGRangesAgainstTxDb(gr = out, txdb = txdb)
## nocov end
## Aliases =====================================================================
#' @describeIn makeGRangesFromGFF GTF file extension alias.
#' Runs the same internal code as [makeGRangesFromGFF()].
#' @export
makeGRangesFromGTF <- makeGRangesFromGFF
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