#' @name plotHeatmap
#' @inherit AcidGenerics::plotHeatmap
#' @author Michael Steinbaugh, Rory Kirchner
#' @note Updated 2021-05-17.
#' @section Scaling:
#' Here we're scaling simply by calculating the standard score (z-score).
#' - mu: mean.
#' - sigma: standard deviation.
#' - x: raw score (e.g. count matrix).
#' - z: standard score (z-score).
#' ```
#' z = (x - mu) / sigma
#' ```
#' See also:
#' - `pheatmap:::scale_rows()`.
#' - `scale()` for additional scaling approaches.
#' @section Hierarchical clustering:
#' Row- and column-wise hierarchical clustering is performed when `clusterRows`
#' and/or `clusterCols` are set to `TRUE`. Internally, this calls `hclust()`,
#' and defaults to the Ward method.
#' Automatic hierarchical clustering of rows and/or columns can error for some
#' datasets. When this occurs, you'll likely see this error:
#' ```
#' Error in hclust(d, method = method) :
#' NA/NaN/Inf in foreign function call
#' ```
#' In this case, either set `clusterRows` and/or `clusterCols` to `FALSE`, or
#' you can attempt to pass an `hclust` object to these arguments. This is
#' recommended as an alternate approach to be used with `pheatmap()`, which is
#' called internally by our plotting code. Here's how this can be accomplished:
#' ```r
#' mat <- assay(mat)
#' dist <- dist(mat)
#' hclust <- hclust(dist, method = "ward.D2")
#' ```
#' @inheritParams AcidRoxygen::params
#' @param scale `character(1)`.
#' Whether the values should be centered and scaled in either the row or
#' column direction, or remain unscaled.
#' @param breaks `numeric` or `NULL`.
#' A sequence of numbers that covers the range of values in the matrix. Must
#' be 1 element longer than the color vector, which is handled internally
#' automatically, differing from the behavior in pheatmap.
#' @param clusteringMethod `character(1)`.
#' Clustering method. Accepts the same values as `hclust()`.
#' @param clusterRows,clusterCols `logical(1)`.
#' Arrange with hierarchical clustering.
#' @param color `function`, `character`, or `NULL`.
#' Hexadecimal color function or values to use for plot.
#' We generally recommend these hexadecimal functions from the viridis
#' package, in addition to our `synesthesia()` palette:
#' - `viridis::viridis()`.
#' - `viridis::inferno()`.
#' - `viridis::magma()`.
#' - `viridis::plasma()`.
#' Alternatively, colors can be defined manually using hexadecimal values
#' (e.g. `c("#FF0000", "#0000FF")`), but this is not generally recommended.
#' Refer to the RColorBrewer package for hexadecimal color palettes that may
#' be suitable. If set `NULL`, will use the default pheatmap colors.
#' @param legendBreaks `numeric` or `NULL`.
#' Numeric vector of breakpoints for the color legend.
#' @param legendColor `function` or `NULL`.
#' Hexadecimal color function to use for legend labels. Note that hexadecimal
#' values are not supported. If set `NULL`, will use the default pheatmap
#' colors.
#' @param showRownames,showColnames `logical(1)`.
#' Show row or column names.
#' @param treeheightRow,treeheightCol `integer(1)`.
#' Size of the row and column dendrograms. Use `0` to disable.
#' @param ... Passthrough arguments to `pheatmap()`.
#' The argument names must be formatted in camel case, not snake case.
#' @seealso
#' - `pheatmap::pheatmap()`.
#' - `RColorBrewer::brewer.pal()`.
#' - `stats::cor()`.
#' - `stats::hclust()`.
#' @examples
#' data(
#' RangedSummarizedExperiment,
#' SingleCellExperiment_splatter,
#' package = "AcidTest"
#' )
#' ## SummarizedExperiment ====
#' object <- RangedSummarizedExperiment
#' ## Row scaling requires non-zero rows.
#' object <- AcidGenerics::nonzeroRowsAndCols(object)
#' ## Symmetric row-scaled breaks (recommended).
#' plotHeatmap(
#' object,
#' scale = "row",
#' color = AcidPlots::blueYellow,
#' breaks = seq(from = -2L, to = 2L, by = 0.25),
#' legendBreaks = seq(from = -2L, to = 2L, by = 1L)
#' )
#' ## Using custom hexadecimal color input.
#' if (goalie::isInstalled("RColorBrewer")) {
#' color <- rev(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(n = 11L, name = "PuOr"))
#' color <- grDevices::colorRampPalette(color)
#' head(color)
#' plotHeatmap(
#' object = object,
#' scale = "row",
#' color = color,
#' breaks = seq(from = -2L, to = 2L, by = 0.25),
#' legendBreaks = seq(from = -2L, to = 2L, by = 1L)
#' )
#' }
#' ## SingleCellExperiment ====
#' object <- SingleCellExperiment_splatter
#' ## Row scaling requires non-zero rows.
#' object <- AcidGenerics::nonzeroRowsAndCols(object)
#' plotHeatmap(object)
## Updated 2021-05-17.
`plotHeatmap,SE` <- # nolint
assay = 1L,
interestingGroups = NULL,
scale = c("row", "column", "none"),
clusteringMethod = "ward.D2",
clusterRows = TRUE,
clusterCols = TRUE,
showRownames = isTRUE(nrow(object) <= 30L),
showColnames = TRUE,
## Set to `0L` to disable.
treeheightRow = 50L,
## Set to `0L` to disable.
treeheightCol = 50L,
breaks = seq(from = -3L, to = 3L, by = 0.25),
legendBreaks = seq(from = -3L, to = 3L, by = 1L),
borderColor = NULL,
title = NULL,
## Attept to map genes to symbols automatically only when shown.
convertGenesToSymbols = showRownames,
...) {
nrow(object) > 1L,
ncol(object) > 1L,
isString(borderColor, nullOk = TRUE),
isString(title, nullOk = TRUE),
scale <- match.arg(scale)
if (!isString(borderColor)) borderColor <- NA
if (!isString(title)) title <- NA
if (!is.numeric(breaks)) breaks <- NA
if (!is.numeric(legendBreaks)) legendBreaks <- NA
interestingGroups(object) <-
matchInterestingGroups(object, interestingGroups)
## Warn and early return if any samples are duplicated.
## We've included this step here to work with the minimal bcbio RNA-seq
## test data set, which contains duplicate samples.
if (!hasUniqueCols(object)) {
alertWarning("Non-unique samples detected. Skipping plot.")
## Modify the object to use gene symbols in the row names automatically,
## if possible. We're using `tryCatch()` call here to return the object
## unmodified if gene symbols aren't defined.
if (isTRUE(convertGenesToSymbols)) {
object <- tryCatch(
expr = suppressMessages({
error = function(e) {
## Ensure we're always using a dense matrix.
mat <- as.matrix(assay(object, i = assay))
## Ensure the user isn't passing in a matrix with any rows or columns
## containing all zeros when we're attempting to z-scale.
if (!identical(scale, "none")) {
## Pre-process the matrix by applying row/column scaling, if desired.
## Run this step before hierarchical clustering (i.e. calculating the
## distance matrix).
mat <- .scaleMatrix(mat, scale = scale)
## Now we're ready to perform hierarchical clustering. Generate `hclust`
## objects for rows and columns that we'll pass to pheatmap. Note that
## pheatmap supports `clusterRows = TRUE` and `clusterCols = TRUE`, but
## these have been found to error for some datasets. Therefore, we're
## performing hclust calculations on own here.
hc <- .hclust(
object = mat,
method = clusteringMethod,
rows = clusterRows,
cols = clusterCols
identical(names(hc), c("rows", "cols"))
## Get annotation columns and colors automatically.
x <- .pheatmapAnnotations(object = object, legendColor = legendColor)
x = names(x),
y = c("annotationCol", "annotationColors")
annotationCol <- x[["annotationCol"]]
annotationColors <- x[["annotationColors"]]
args <- list(color = color)
if (is.numeric(breaks)) {
args[["n"]] <- length(breaks) - 1L
color <- do.call(what = .pheatmapColorPalette, args = args)
## Substitute human-friendly sample names, if defined.
sampleNames <- tryCatch(
expr = sampleNames(object),
error = function(e) {
if (hasLength(sampleNames)) {
colnames(mat) <- sampleNames
if (hasLength(annotationCol) && !anyNA(annotationCol)) {
rownames(annotationCol) <- sampleNames
## Return pretty heatmap with modified defaults.
args <- list(
"mat" = mat,
"annotationCol" = annotationCol,
"annotationColors" = annotationColors,
"borderColor" = borderColor,
"breaks" = breaks,
"clusterCols" = hc[["cols"]],
"clusterRows" = hc[["rows"]],
"color" = color,
"legendBreaks" = legendBreaks,
"main" = title,
## We're already applied scaling manually (see above).
"scale" = "none",
"showColnames" = showColnames,
"showRownames" = showRownames,
"treeheightCol" = treeheightCol,
"treeheightRow" = treeheightRow,
args <- .pheatmapArgs(args)
## Ignore "partial match of 'just' to 'justification'" warning.
expr = do.call(what = pheatmap::pheatmap, args = args),
warning = function(w) {
if (isTRUE(grepl(
pattern = "partial match",
x = as.character(w)
))) {
} else {
formals(`plotHeatmap,SE`)[c("color", "legendColor")] <- # nolint
.formalsList[c("heatmapColor", "heatmapLegendColor")]
## Updated 2020-02-19.
`plotHeatmap,SCE` <- # nolint
function(object, ...) {
object = aggregateCellsToSamples(object),
#' @rdname plotHeatmap
#' @export
f = "plotHeatmap",
signature = signature(object = "SingleCellExperiment"),
definition = `plotHeatmap,SCE`
#' @rdname plotHeatmap
#' @export
f = "plotHeatmap",
signature = signature(object = "SummarizedExperiment"),
definition = `plotHeatmap,SE`
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