#' Read design file
#' Read the file describing the design of the sequencing experiment (i.e. the
#' targeted regions in the sequencing experiment). It can be either a BED file
#' containing genomic coordinates of the targeted genes or a TXT file containing
#' symbols for targeted genes.
#' @param filename name of file describing the sequencing design. It requires
#' ".bed" extension for files containing the genomic coordinates of the targeted
#' regions or ".txt" extension for files containing the gene symbol of targeted
#' genes. BED files must be tab-delimited, with no track description line and it
#' must report at least CHR START and END information.
#' @param assembly human genome assembly: hg19 or hg38
#' @param ids type of gene identifiers, if .txt file with gene list is provided:
#' hgnc_symbol or entrezgene_id.
#' @param name string indicating the name of the design. if not specified, the filename
#' without extension will be used instead.
#' @return \code{data.frame} with genomic coordinates or a character vector with
#' symbols of targeted genes
#' @examples
#' #Read in input the panel sequencing design (either a BED file with genomic
#' #coordinates of the targeted genes or TXT file with targeted gene names).
#' design_FromTxt <- readDesign(filename = system.file("extdata",
#' "ExamplePanel_GeneIDs.txt",
#' package = "TMBleR",
#' mustWork = TRUE),
#' assembly = "hg19",
#' ids = "entrezgene_id")
#' design_FromBed <- readDesign(filename = system.file("extdata",
#' "ExamplePaneldesign.bed",
#' package = "TMBleR",
#' mustWork = TRUE),
#' assembly = "hg19")
#' @author Laura Fancello
#' @export
readDesign <- function(filename, assembly, ids, name= NULL){
# Sanity Checks -----------------------------------------------------------
stop("argument 'filename' is missing, with no default")
stop("file(s) do not exist")
stop("argument 'assembly' is missing, with no default: please specify 'hg19' or 'hg38'")
if ((assembly != "hg19") && (assembly != "hg38")) {
stop("No valid genome specified: please specify 'hg19' or 'hg38'")}
if(!(grepl("\\.txt$", filename)) && !(grepl("\\.bed$", filename))){
stop("No valid file name for design: please provide file with .txt
or .bed extension")
name = basename(filename) %>% # select only filename
strsplit(., ".txt") %>% .[[1]] %>% .[1] %>% # remove .txt expension
strsplit(., ".bed") %>% .[[1]] %>% .[1] # remove .bed expension
# Read and preprocess input -----------------------------------------------
# If design is provided in a BED file, read and put it in a GRanges object
if(grepl("\\.bed$", filename)){
design <- utils::read.table(filename, header=FALSE, sep="\t")
if(!(all(grepl("^chr", as.character(as.vector(design[,1])))))){
stop("Invalid BED file. Please check that all values in column one start with the prefix 'chr'")
stop("Invalid BED file: less than 3 columns. Please provide a valid BED file with at least chromosome, start and end columns and check that columns are tab-delimited.")
design <- design[, c(1:3)]
colnames(design) <- c("chr", "start", "end")
design <- GenomicRanges::makeGRangesFromDataFrame(design, seqnames.field = "chr", start.field = "start", end.field = "end", keep.extra.columns = FALSE)
if(grepl("\\.txt$", filename)){
# If design is a provided as vector of gene symbols, retrieve their
# genomic coordinates and put them in a GRanges object
stop("argument 'ids' is missing, with no default.")
if ((ids != "entrezgene_id") && (ids != "hgnc_symbol")) {
stop("No valid argument 'ids': please specify 'entrezgene_id' or 'hgnc_symbol'")
design <- scan(file=filename, what="character")
if(assembly == "hg19"){
ensembl <- biomaRt::useEnsembl(biomart="ensembl",
if(assembly == "hg38"){
ensembl <- biomaRt::useEnsembl(biomart="ensembl",
if ((assembly != "hg19") && (assembly != "hg38")) {
stop("No valid genome assembly: please specify 'hg19' or 'hg38'")
# Download exon coordinates for input genes (assuming that in gene panel
# design only exonic regions and not the whole gene are usually sequenced)
attributes <- c('chromosome_name',
design_coords <- biomaRt::getBM(attributes=attributes,
filters = ids,
mart = ensembl)
design_coords[design_coords$strand == "-1", ]$strand <- "-"
design_coords[design_coords$strand == "1", ]$strand <- "+"
design <- GenomicRanges::makeGRangesFromDataFrame(design_coords,
## Set UCSC style and allowed chromosome names.
GenomeInfoDb::seqlevelsStyle(design) <- "UCSC"
keepchr <- c("chr1", "chr2", "chr3", "chr4", "chr5", "chr6",
"chr7", "chr8", "chr9", "chr10", "chr11", "chr12",
"chr13", "chr14", "chr15", "chr16", "chr17", "chr18",
"chr19", "chr20", "chr21", "chr22", "chrX", "chrY")
GenomeInfoDb::seqlevels(design, pruning.mode="coarse") <- keepchr
# add name of the design as a metadata
design@metadata$design_name = name
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