#' Apply filters on a list of CollapsedVCF objects
#' This function calls the callFilters() function on each element of a list of
#' CollapsedVCF objects and generates in output a list of lists. Each list
#' corresponds to one input element, and consists in four elements: an object
#' containg variants which passed the filter, a character string describing the
#' applied filter (if any), an object containing the sequencing design and a
#' character string with the name of the sample.
#' @param vcfs a \code{list} of one or more \code{CollapsedVCF} object(s)
#' @param assembly human genome assembly: hg19 or hg38
#' @param vaf.cutoff minimum value of variant allele frequency accepted
#' @param remove.cancer logical value 'TRUE' or 'FALSE' indicating whether or
#' not to remove cancer variants (variants described in COSMIC and
#' truncating mutations in tumor suppressors)
#' @param remove.nonexonic logical value 'TRUE' or 'FALSE' indicating whether or
#' not SNV mapped ouside of exons are to be removed. Default is True
#' @param tsList path to file containing list of tumor suppressors. If not
#' provided a list of 1217 tumor suppressors from the TSgene2 database
#' (<http://bioinfo.mc.vanderbilt.edu/TSGene/>) is used by default.
#' @param variantType type of variant to remove. Possible values: synonymous,
#' nonsynonymous, frameshift, nonsense, not translated or a combination of them
#' specified in a \code{character vector}
#' @param design a \code{GRanges} object containing WES or panel design
#' @return Returns a \code{list} of \code{lists}. Each \code{list} include the
#' following elements: a \code{GRanges}, \code{CollapsedVCF}, \code{data.frame}
#' object containing variants passing the filter, a \code{charcater string}
#' describing applied filter (if any), a \code{GRanges} or \code{character vector}
#' with the sequencing design, a \code{character string} with the name of the
#' sample.
#' @examples
#' ## Read vcf
#' vcf_files <- list(Horizon5="Horizon5_ExamplePanel.vcf",
#' HorizonFFPEmild="HorizonFFPEmild_ExamplePanel.vcf")
#' vcf_files <- lapply(vcf_files
#' , function(x) system.file("extdata", x, package = "TMBleR", mustWork = TRUE))
#' vcfs <- readVcfFiles(vcfFiles = vcf_files, assembly = "hg19")
#' ## Read design
#' design <- readDesign(system.file("extdata"
#' , "ExamplePanel_GeneIDs.txt"
#' , package = "TMBleR"
#' , mustWork = TRUE)
#' , assembly = "hg19"
#' , ids = "entrezgene_id")
#' ## Apply filter to remove known cancer variants using the default tumor
#' ## suppressors list
#' vcfs_NoCancer <- applyFilters(vcfs = vcfs
#' , assembly = "hg19"
#' , design = design
#' , remove.cancer = TRUE
#' , tsList = NULL
#' , variantType = NULL)
#' ## Apply filter to remove synonymous mutations
#' vcfs_filtered <- applyFilters(vcfs = vcfs,
#' assembly = "hg19",
#' design = design,
#' remove.cancer = FALSE,
#' tsList = NULL,
#' variantType = "synonymous")
#' @author Laura Fancello
#' @export
applyFilters <- function(vcfs,
vaf.cutoff = 0,
remove.nonexonic = TRUE,
remove.cancer = FALSE,
tsList = NULL,
variantType = c()
# Check input arguments
if (is.null(vcfs)) {stop("argument \"vcfs\" is missing, with no default")}
for(i in length(vcfs)){
if (!(methods::is(vcfs[[i]])[1] == "CollapsedVCF")) {
stop("No valid vcf provided: please provide a CollapsedVCF object")
# QC on VAF
if (!is.numeric(vaf.cutoff)){stop("vaf.cutoff should be numeric type")}
if (vaf.cutoff > 1){stop("vaf.cutoff can't be higher than 1")}
if (vaf.cutoff < 0){stop("vaf.cutoff can't be a negative value")}
if ((assembly != "hg19") && (assembly != "hg38")) {
stop("No valid genome assembly: please specify 'hg19' or 'hg38'")
if (is.null(design)) {
stop("argument 'design' is missing, with no default")
if (is.null(remove.cancer)) {
stop("argument \"remove.cancer\" is missing with no default: please specify TRUE or FALSE")
# No Filter called scenario -----------------------------------------------
if(vaf.cutoff == 0 & is.null(tsList) & is.null(variantType) & remove.cancer == FALSE & remove.nonexonic == FALSE){
# Generate input for applyTMB function
# Apply inputToTMB function on each element of the input list
vcfs_unfiltered <- lapply(vcfs,
# Append to each list of the output list of lists an element "sample" with
# the sample name
for(i in seq_along(vcfs_unfiltered)) {
# Else, Apply filtering ----------------------------------------------------
# Apply callFilters function on each element of the input list
vcfs_filtered <- lapply(vcfs,
for(i in seq_along(vcfs_filtered)) {
# Append to each list of the output list of lists an element "sample" with
# the sample name
vcfs_filtered[[i]][["sample"]] <- names(vcfs_filtered)[i]
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