#' Gene Regulatory Network
#' Get Gene Regulatory Network (GRN) from a data.frame.
#' Optionally, if the gene are clustered, sub_network are build for
#' each cluster.
#' @param X a \code{data.frame}/\code{matrix} with gene expression
#' (genes in columns, samples in rows).
#' @param cluster (optional) clustering result from
#' \code{\link[timeOmics]{getCluster}}
#' @param method network building method, one of c('aracne')
#' @param type character added to node metadata
#' @details
#' Methods of GRN reconstruction are as follows:
#' 'aracne': use ARACNe algorithm on Mutual Information (MI) adjency matrix
#' to remove low MI edges in triangles.
#' @return
#' An igraph object if no cluster informations are given.
#' Otherwise, it returns a list of igraph object (\code{list.igraph}) with
#' a subgraph for each cluster and a global graph with all the genes.
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link[minet]{build.mim}},
#' \code{\link[minet]{aracne}},
#' \code{\link[timeOmics]{getCluster}}
#' @examples
#' data(hmp_T2D)
#' # grn only on gene
#' cluster.mRNA <- timeOmics::getCluster(hmp_T2D$getCluster.res,
#' user.block = 'RNA')
#' X <- hmp_T2D$raw$RNA
#' grn.res <- get_grn(X = hmp_T2D$raw$RNA,
#' cluster = cluster.mRNA,
#' method = 'aracne')
#' @importFrom minet build.mim aracne
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom dplyr select
#' @importFrom purrr map
#' @importFrom igraph set_vertex_attr graph_from_adjacency_matrix as.undirected
#' @export
get_grn <- function(X,
cluster = NULL,
method = c("aracne"),
type = "gene"
) {
# check if X
X <- validate_matrix_X(X, var.name = "'X' ")
# check cluster
cluster <- check_getCluster(cluster)
# check method, for now only 1
method <- match.arg(method)
# check type
type <- check_vector_char(type, X.length = 1, default = "gene")
if (is.null(cluster)) {
# no clusteing info -> perform grn on all molecules
mim <- minet::build.mim(X)
grn.adj <- minet::aracne(mim)
grn.graph <- igraph::graph_from_adjacency_matrix(grn.adj) %>%
# add type attribute 'type' <- 'Gene'
grn.graph <- igraph::set_vertex_attr(graph = grn.graph,
name = "type",
value = type)
grn.graph <- igraph::set_vertex_attr(graph = grn.graph,
name = "mode",
value = "core")
grn.graph <- igraph::set_vertex_attr(graph = grn.graph,
name = "cluster",
value = "All")
# res <- list()
} else {
# cluster != NULL we do have cluster info and data are clustered 1. grn
# for all
mim <- minet::build.mim(X)
grn.adj <- minet::aracne(mim)
grn.graph <- igraph::graph_from_adjacency_matrix(grn.adj) %>%
grn.graph <- igraph::set_vertex_attr(graph = grn.graph,
name = "type",
value = type)
grn.graph <- igraph::set_vertex_attr(graph = grn.graph,
name = "mode",
value = "core")
res <- list()
res[["All"]] <- grn.graph
# 2. grn by all clusters
mol_cluster <- cluster %>%
split(.$cluster) %>%
X.by.cluster <- purrr::map(
mol_cluster, ~{
as.data.frame(X, check.names = FALSE),
# names_mol_cluster <- check_name_list(mol_cluster)
for (i in names(mol_cluster)) {
mim.cluster <- minet::build.mim(X.by.cluster[[i]])
grn.adj.cluster <- minet::aracne(mim.cluster)
grn.graph.cluster <- igraph::graph_from_adjacency_matrix(
grn.adj.cluster) %>%
grn.graph.cluster <- igraph::set_vertex_attr(
graph = grn.graph.cluster,
name = "type",
value = type)
grn.graph.cluster <- igraph::set_vertex_attr(
graph = grn.graph.cluster,
name = "mode",
value = "core")
grn.graph.cluster <- igraph::set_vertex_attr(
graph = grn.graph.cluster,
name = "cluster",
value = i)
res[[i]] <- grn.graph.cluster
# also add cluster info to 'All' graph
res[["All"]] <- igraph::set_vertex_attr(
graph = res[["All"]], name = "cluster",
value = i,
index = igraph::V(grn.graph.cluster)$name
class(res) <- c("list.igraph")
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