#' Plot the comorbidity analysis results in a network
#'Given an object of class \code{cAnalysis} or \code{molecularcAnalysis} obtained from a comorbidity analysis,
#' a network is obtained.
#' @param input A \code{cAnalysis} or \code{molecularcAnalysis} object, obtained
#' by applying the \code{comorbidityAnalysis} or \code{comorbidityAnalysisMolecular}
#' function
#' @param databasePth Determines the path where the intermediate RData objects
#' have been created. It is the same path where the three required input files
#' (patientData, diagnosisData, admissionData) are located.
#' @param layout By default \code{'layout.fruchterman.reingold'}. It can be set
#' to any other of the possible igraph layouts.
#' @param selectValue By default \code{"score"} variable will be selected. Change
#' it to any of the other possible variables (\code{'correctedPvalue'},\code{'odds ratio'},
#' \code{'phi'}, \code{'rr'}).
#' @param cutOff By default \code{'0.05'}. The value of the argument can be changed
#' to any other numeric variable, according to the range of the selected value.
#' @param npairs by default \code{'0'}. The value of the argument can be changed
#' to any other numeric variable to show in the network only those comorbidities
#' suffered by at least \code{npairs} of patients.
#' @param prop Determines the node size proportionality. By default it is set to
#' \code{1}. The value of the argument can be changed to any other numeric variable.
#' @param title Determines the title of the network figure. By default
#' \code{'Comorbidity network'}.
#' @param interactive Determines if the output network is interactive or not.
#' By default the \code{interactive} argument is set up as \code{FALSE}. The value
#' of the argument can be changed to \code{TRUE}, as a result an interactive
#' network will be obtained.
#' @param diseaseColor Determines the node color for the disorder of interest.
#' By default it is set to \code{"pink"}.
#' @param comorColor Determines the node color for the comorbid disorders.
#' By default it is set to \code{"lightblue"}.
#' @param verbose By default \code{FALSE}. Change it to \code{TRUE} to get a
#' on-time log from the function.
#' @param warnings By default \code{TRUE}. Change it to \code{FALSE} to don't see
#' the warnings.
#' @return A network
#' @examples
#' load(system.file("extdata", "comorMale.RData", package="comoRbidity"))
#' comorbidityNetwork <- network(
#' input = comorMale,
#' databasePth = system.file("extdata", package="comoRbidity"),
#' selectValue = "score",
#' cutOff = 1.5,
#' npairs = 2,
#' title = "Example comorbidity network"
#' )
#' @export network
network <- function( input, databasePth, layout = "layout.fruchterman.reingold", selectValue = "score", title = "Comorbidity network", cutOff = 0, npairs = 0, prop = 1, interactive = FALSE, diseaseColor = "pink", comorColor = "lightblue", verbose = FALSE ) {
message("Checking the input object")
checkClass <- class(input)[1]
if(checkClass != "cAnalysis" & checkClass != "molecularcAnalysis"){
message("Check the input object. Remember that this
object must be obtained after applying the query
function to your input file. The input object class must
be:\"cAnalysis\" or \"molecularcAnalysis\"")
if(class(input)[1]== "cAnalysis"){
patients <- input@patients
input <- input@result
input <- input[as.numeric(input$AB) >= npairs, ]
if( selectValue == "correctedPvalue" | selectValue == "fisher"){
input <- input[input[[selectValue]] <= cutOff,]
input <- input[input[[selectValue]] >= cutOff,]
codes <- read.delim(paste0(databasePth, "/indexDiseaseCode.txt"), header=TRUE, sep="\t")
codes <- as.character(unique(codes$Code))
edges <- data.frame( input[ , 1 ], input[ , 2 ] )
netw <- igraph::graph.data.frame( edges, directed = FALSE )
netw <- igraph::simplify( netw )
if(layout == "layout.fruchterman.reingold"){
lay <- igraph::layout.fruchterman.reingold( netw )
}else if(layout == "layout.auto"){
lay <- igraph::layout.auto( netw )
}else if(layout == "layout.random"){
lay <- igraph::layout.random( netw )
}else if(layout == "layout.circle"){
lay <- igraph::layout.circle( netw )
}else if(layout == "layout.sphere"){
lay <- igraph::layout.sphere( netw )
}else if(layout == "layout.fruchterman.reingold"){
lay <- igraph::layout.fruchterman.reingold( netw )
}else if(layout == "layout.kamada.kawai"){
lay <- igraph::layout.kamada.kawai( netw )
}else if(layout == "layout.spring"){
lay <- igraph::layout.spring( netw )
}else if(layout == "layout.reingold.tilford"){
lay <- igraph::layout.reingold.tilford( netw )
}else if(layout == "layout.fruchterman.reingold.grid"){
lay <- igraph::layout.fruchterman.reingold.grid( netw )
}else if(layout == "layout.lgl"){
lay <- igraph::layout.lgl( netw )
}else if(layout == "layout.svd"){
lay <- igraph::layout.svd( netw )
}else if(layout == "layout.graphopt"){
lay <- igraph::layout.graphopt( netw )
}else if(layout == "layout.norm"){
lay <- igraph::layout.norm( netw )
message("Check if your layout is included in the igraph layout options:
layout.auto, layout.random, layout.circle, layout.sphere,
layout.fruchterman.reingold, layout.kamada.kawai, layout.spring,
layout.reingold.tilford, layout.fruchterman.reingold.grid,
layout.lgl, layout.graphopt, layout.svd, layout.norm"
disPrev1 <- input[ , c( 1, 3 ) ]
colnames ( disPrev1 ) <- c( "dis", "patients" )
disPrev2 <- input[ , c( 2, 4 ) ]
colnames ( disPrev2 ) <- c( "dis", "patients" )
disPrev <- rbind ( disPrev1, disPrev2)
disPrev <- disPrev[ !duplicated( disPrev$dis ), ]
disPrev$prevalence <- (as.numeric(disPrev$patients)/patients)*100
sizes <- as.numeric(disPrev[ , 3 ])
names( sizes ) <- disPrev[ , 1 ]
column <- which(colnames(input )==selectValue)
if( verbose ) {
message( "The network contains ", igraph::vcount( netw ), " nodes and ", igraph::ecount( netw ), " edges." )
if(interactive == FALSE){
plot( netw,
vertex.frame.color = "white",
layout = lay,
vertex.color = ifelse(igraph::V(netw)$name %in% codes, diseaseColor,comorColor),
vertex.label.dist = 0, #puts the name labels slightly off the dots
vertex.frame.color = 'blue', #the color of the border of the dots
vertex.label.color = 'black',#the color of the name labels
vertex.label.font = 0, #the font of the name labels
vertex.label = igraph::V( netw )$names, #specifies the lables of the vertices. in this case the 'name' attribute is used
edge.label = round(input[,column], 3),
edge.color = "darkgrey",
edge.width = input[,column]*3,
edge.arrow.size = 0.5,
vertex.size = as.numeric( sizes[ igraph::V( netw )$name ] * 100 * prop),
#vertex.size = 0.5,
vertex.label.cex = 0.8, #specifies the size of the font of the labels
main = title
}else if (interactive == TRUE){
tkid <- igraph::tkplot(netw,
vertex.frame.color = "white",
layout = lay,
vertex.color = ifelse(igraph::V(netw)$name %in% codes, diseaseColor,comorColor),
vertex.label.dist = 0, #puts the name labels slightly off the dots
vertex.frame.color = 'blue', #the color of the border of the dots
vertex.label.color = 'black',#the color of the name labels
vertex.label.font = 0, #the font of the name labels
vertex.label = igraph::V( netw )$names, #specifies the lables of the vertices. in this case the 'name' attribute is used
edge.label = round(input[,column], 3),
edge.color = "darkgrey",
edge.width = input[,column]*3,
edge.arrow.size = 0.5,
vertex.size = as.numeric( sizes[ igraph::V( netw )$name ] * 100 * prop),
#vertex.size = 0.5,
vertex.label.cex = 0.8, #specifies the size of the font of the labels
main = title
}else if(class(input)[1]=="molecularcAnalysis"){
input <- input@result
input <- input[as.numeric(input$overlap) >= npairs, ]
input <- input[input[[selectValue]] >= cutOff,]
codes <- unique(c(as.character(input$V1), as.character(input$V2)))
edges <- data.frame( input[ , 1 ], input[ , 2 ] )
netw <- igraph::graph.data.frame( edges, directed = FALSE )
netw <- igraph::simplify( netw )
if(layout == "layout.fruchterman.reingold"){
lay <- igraph::layout.fruchterman.reingold( netw )
}else if(layout == "layout.auto"){
lay <- igraph::layout.auto( netw )
}else if(layout == "layout.random"){
lay <- igraph::layout.random( netw )
}else if(layout == "layout.circle"){
lay <- igraph::layout.circle( netw )
}else if(layout == "layout.sphere"){
lay <- igraph::layout.sphere( netw )
}else if(layout == "layout.fruchterman.reingold"){
lay <- igraph::layout.fruchterman.reingold( netw )
}else if(layout == "layout.kamada.kawai"){
lay <- igraph::layout.kamada.kawai( netw )
}else if(layout == "layout.spring"){
lay <- igraph::layout.spring( netw )
}else if(layout == "layout.reingold.tilford"){
lay <- igraph::layout.reingold.tilford( netw )
}else if(layout == "layout.fruchterman.reingold.grid"){
lay <- igraph::layout.fruchterman.reingold.grid( netw )
}else if(layout == "layout.lgl"){
lay <- igraph::layout.lgl( netw )
}else if(layout == "layout.svd"){
lay <- igraph::layout.svd( netw )
}else if(layout == "layout.graphopt"){
lay <- igraph::layout.graphopt( netw )
}else if(layout == "layout.norm"){
lay <- igraph::layout.norm( netw )
message("Check if your layout is included in the igraph layout options:
layout.auto, layout.random, layout.circle, layout.sphere,
layout.fruchterman.reingold, layout.kamada.kawai, layout.spring,
layout.reingold.tilford, layout.fruchterman.reingold.grid,
layout.lgl, layout.graphopt, layout.svd, layout.norm"
disPrev1 <- input[ , c( 1, 3 ) ]
colnames ( disPrev1 ) <- c( "dis", "genes" )
disPrev2 <- input[ , c( 2, 4 ) ]
colnames ( disPrev2 ) <- c( "dis", "genes" )
disPrev <- rbind ( disPrev1, disPrev2)
disPrev <- disPrev[ !duplicated( disPrev$dis ), ]
disPrev$prevalence <- (as.numeric(disPrev$genes))
sizes <- as.numeric(disPrev[ , 3 ])
names( sizes ) <- disPrev[ , 1 ]
column <- which(colnames(input )==selectValue)
if( verbose ) {
message( "The network contains ", igraph::vcount( netw ), " nodes and ", igraph::ecount( netw ), " edges." )
if(interactive == FALSE){
plot( netw,
vertex.frame.color = "white",
layout = lay,
vertex.color = ifelse(igraph::V(netw)$name %in% codes, diseaseColor,comorColor),
vertex.label.dist = 0, #puts the name labels slightly off the dots
vertex.frame.color = 'blue', #the color of the border of the dots
vertex.label.color = 'black',#the color of the name labels
vertex.label.font = 0, #the font of the name labels
vertex.label = igraph::V( netw )$names, #specifies the lables of the vertices. in this case the 'name' attribute is used
edge.label = round(input[,column], 3),
edge.color = "darkgrey",
edge.width = 1 + input[,column] *3,
edge.arrow.size = 0.5,
vertex.size = as.numeric( sizes[ igraph::V( netw )$name ] * prop),
#vertex.size = 0.5,
vertex.label.cex = 0.8, #specifies the size of the font of the labels
main = title
}else if (interactive == TRUE){
tkid <- igraph::tkplot(netw,
vertex.frame.color = "white",
layout = lay,
vertex.color = ifelse(igraph::V(netw)$name %in% codes, diseaseColor,comorColor),
vertex.label.dist = 0, #puts the name labels slightly off the dots
vertex.frame.color = 'blue', #the color of the border of the dots
vertex.label.color = 'black',#the color of the name labels
vertex.label.font = 0, #the font of the name labels
vertex.label = igraph::V( netw )$names, #specifies the lables of the vertices. in this case the 'name' attribute is used
edge.label = round(input[,column], 3),
edge.color = "darkgrey",
edge.width = 1 + input[,column]*3,
edge.arrow.size = 0.5,
vertex.size = as.numeric( sizes[ igraph::V( netw )$name ] * prop),
#vertex.size = 0.5,
vertex.label.cex = 0.8, #specifies the size of the font of the labels
main = title
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