#' Comorbidity Analysis \code{cAnalysis}
#' Given an object of type \code{comoRbidity}, a comorbidity analysis is perform,
#' for the subset of population under specific conditions of age and sex. It
#' generates a \code{cAnalysis} object.
#' @param input A comorbidity object, obtained with the query function.
#' @param databasePth Determines the path where the three required input files
#' (patientData, diagnosisData, admissionData) are located.
#' @param codesPth Determines the path where the file with the index diseases is
#' located (indexDiseaseCode)
#' @param ageRange Determines what is the age range of interest for
#' performing the comorbidity analysis. By default it is set from 0 to 100
#' years old.
#' @param sex Determine what is the sex of interest for
#' performing the comorbidity analysis. By default \code{ALL}. Change it to the
#' sex of interest for your comorbidity analysis.
#' @param score The comorbidity score is a measure based on the observed comorbidities
#' and the expected ones, based on the occurrence of each disease.
#' @param correctionMethod A Fisher exact test for each pair of diseases is performed to assess
#' the null hypothesis of independence between the two diseases. The Benjamini-Hochberg
#' false discovery rate method ("fdr") is applied to correct for multiple testing by default.
#' However user can select the best correction method for the analysis. The adjustment methods
#' include the Bonferroni correction ("bonferroni"), Holm correction ("holm"), Hochberg correction
#' ("hochberg"), Hommel ("hommel") and Benjamini & Yekutieli ("BY").
#' @param correctedPval By default 1.
#' @param oddsRatio The odds ratio represents the increased chance that someone
#' suffering disease X will have the comorbid disorder Y.
#' @param rr The relative risk refers to the fraction between the number of
#' patients diagnosed with both diseases and random expectation based on disease
#' prevalence.
#' @param phi The Pearsons correlation for binary variables (Phi) measures the
#' robustness of the comorbidity association.
#' @param cores By default \code{1}. To run parallel computations on machines
#' with multiple cores or CPUs, the cores argument can be changed.
#' @param verbose By default \code{FALSE}. Change it to \code{TRUE} to get a
#' on-time log from the function.
#' @param warnings By default \code{TRUE}. Change it to \code{FALSE} to don't see
#' the warnings.
#' @return An object of class \code{cAnalysis}
#' @examples
#' load(system.file("extdata", "comorbidity.RData", package="comoRbidity"))
#' ex1 <- comorbidityAnalysis(
#' input = comor_obj,
#' databasePth = system.file("extdata", package="comoRbidity"),
#' codesPth = system.file("extdata", package="comoRbidity"),
#' ageRange = c(0,50),
#' sex = "Female",
#' score = 1,
#' correctionMethod = "fdr",
#' correctedPval = 1
#' )
#' @export comorbidityAnalysis
comorbidityAnalysis <- function ( input, codesPth, databasePth, ageRange=c(0,100), sex="ALL", score, correctedPval = 1, correctionMethod = "fdr", oddsRatio, rr, phi, cores = 1, verbose = FALSE, warnings = TRUE ){
message("Checking the input object")
checkClass <- class(input)[1]
if(checkClass != "comorbidity"){
message("Check the input object. Remember that this
object must be obtained after applying the query
function to your input file. The input object class must
message( "Staring the comorbidity analysis" )
message( "Loading the indexDiseaseCode file" )
#load the codes of interest
codes <- read.delim ( file.path(codesPth, "indexDiseaseCode.txt"),
colClasses="character" )
if( input@aggregated == TRUE){
message( "Aggregating the disorders of interest" )
codesUnderStudy <- as.character(unique(codes$Agg))
}else if( input@aggregated == FALSE){
codesUnderStudy <- as.character(unique(codes$Code))
#load comorbidity object with the total data for the estimations
all <- load(paste0(databasePth, "/allData.RData"))
all <- allData@qresult
input <- input@qresult
input$age <- as.numeric(input$age)
all$age <- as.numeric(all$age)
if ( !missing( ageRange ) ) {
input <- input[ input$age >= ageRange[ 1 ] & input$age <= ageRange[ 2 ], ]
all <- all[ all$age >= ageRange[ 1 ] & all$age <= ageRange[ 2 ], ]
if ( !missing( sex ) ) {
input <- input[ input$patient_sex == sex, ]
all <- all[ all$patient_sex == sex, ]
##active patients
totPatients <- length( unique( all$patient_id ) )
activePatients <- unique( input[ input$diagnosis_code %in% codesUnderStudy,1] )
input <- input[ input$patient_id %in% activePatients, ]
length( activePatients )
codePairs <- function ( pt ){
pp <- input[ input$patient_id == pt, ]
icd9C <- unique( pp$diagnosis_code )
codes.f <- codesUnderStudy[codesUnderStudy %in% icd9C]
icd9C.c <- unique(do.call(c, apply(expand.grid(codes.f, icd9C), 1, combn, m=2, simplify=FALSE)))
icd9C.f <- icd9C.c[sapply(icd9C.c, function(x) x[1] != x[2])]
message( "Generating the cAnalysis object" )
finalCP <- parallel::mclapply( activePatients, codePairs, mc.preschedule = TRUE, mc.cores = cores )
finalCP <- finalCP[ sapply(finalCP, function(x) { length(x) != 0 }) ]
unnest <- unlist(finalCP, recursive=FALSE)
unnest <- unique(unnest)
for(cont in 1:length(unnest)){
pairDis <- sort(c(unnest[[cont]][[1]], unnest[[cont]][[2]]))
unnest[[cont]] <- pairDis
unnest <- unique(unnest)
# f <- function( j ){ t( data.frame( j ) ) }
# unnest <- do.call( f, list( j = finalCP ) )
# unnest <- unnest[!duplicated(unnest), ]
# unnest <- lapply(1:nrow(unnest), function(ii) unnest[ii, ])
resultado <- parallel::mclapply( unnest, tableData, mc.preschedule = TRUE, mc.cores = cores, data = all, lenActPa=totPatients)
resultadf <- do.call("rbind", resultado )
resultadf <- as.data.frame( resultadf, stringsAsFactors=FALSE )
resultado1 <- resultadf
colnames(resultado1) <- c( "disAcode", "disBcode", "disA", "disB", "AB", "AnotB", "BnotA", "notAnotB", "fisher", "oddsRatio", "95%confidenceInterval","relativeRisk", "phi" )
resultado2 <- resultadf[, c(2,1,4,3,5,7,6,8:13)]
colnames(resultado2) <- c( "disAcode", "disBcode", "disA", "disB", "AB", "AnotB", "BnotA", "notAnotB", "fisher", "oddsRatio", "95%confidenceInterval","relativeRisk", "phi" )
resultad2 <- rbind( resultado1, resultado2)
resultad2$expect <- as.numeric( resultad2$disA ) * as.numeric( resultad2$disB ) / totPatients
resultad2$score <- log2( ( as.numeric( resultad2$AB ) + 1 ) / ( resultad2$expect + 1) )
resultad2 <- resultad2[ with( resultad2, order( resultad2$fisher ) ), ]
resultad2$correctedPvalue <- p.adjust( as.numeric( resultad2$fisher ), method = correctionMethod, n = nrow( resultad2 ) )
# resultad2$pair <- NA
# for(cont in 1:nrow(resultad2)){
# pairDis <- sort(c(resultad2$disAcode[cont], resultad2$disBcode[cont]))
# resultad2$pair[cont] <- paste(pairDis[1], pairDis[2], sep="*")
# }
# resultad2 <- resultad2[!duplicated(resultad2$pair),]
# resultad2 <- resultad2[,c(1:15)]
if ( !missing( score ) ) {
resultad2 <- resultad2[ resultad2$score > score, ]
if ( !missing( correctedPval ) ) {
resultad2 <- resultad2[ resultad2$correctedPvalue < correctedPval, ]
if ( !missing( oddsRatio ) ) {
resultad2 <- resultad2[ resultad2$oddsRatio > oddsRatio, ]
if ( !missing( rr ) ) {
resultad2 <- resultad2[ resultad2$rr > rr, ]
if ( !missing( phi ) ) {
resultad2 <- resultad2[ resultad2$phi > phi, ]
resultad2$fisher <- round(as.numeric(resultad2$fisher), 3)
resultad2$oddsRatio <- round(as.numeric(resultad2$oddsRatio), 3)
resultad2$relativeRisk <- round(as.numeric(resultad2$relativeRisk), 3)
resultad2$phi <- round(as.numeric(resultad2$phi), 3)
resultad2$expect <- round(as.numeric(resultad2$expect), 3)
resultad2$score <- round(as.numeric(resultad2$score), 3)
resultad2$correctedPvalue <- round(as.numeric(resultad2$correctedPvalue), 3)
comb_table_rank <- resultad2
comb_table_rank$scoreRank <- rank(-comb_table_rank$score)
comb_table_rank$fisherRank <- rank(comb_table_rank$fisher)
comb_table_rank$correctedPvalueRank <- rank(comb_table_rank$correctedPvalue)
comb_table_rank$oddsRatioRank <- rank(-comb_table_rank$oddsRatio)
comb_table_rank$rrRank <- rank(-comb_table_rank$relativeRisk)
comb_table_rank$phiRank <- rank(-comb_table_rank$phi)
## sum the ranking and create the "sumRank"
col_num_before <- dim(resultad2)[2]
col_num_after <- dim(comb_table_rank)[2]
comb_table_rank$sum <- apply(comb_table_rank[, col_num_before:col_num_after], 1, sum)
comb_table_rank$sumRank <- rank(comb_table_rank$sum)
## get the sort file and return
comb_table_sort <- comb_table_rank[order(comb_table_rank$sumRank), ]
if( nrow( comb_table_sort ) == 0 ){
warning("None of the disease pairs has pass the filters")
cAnalysis <- new( "cAnalysis",
ageMin = ageRange[ 1 ],
ageMax = ageRange[ 2 ],
sex = sex,
patients = totPatients,
tpatients = length(activePatients),
prevalence= (length(activePatients)/totPatients)*100,
rangeOR = paste0("[", round(min(as.numeric(comb_table_sort$oddsRatio)), digits = 3)," , ", round(max(as.numeric(comb_table_sort$oddsRatio)), digits = 3) ,"]" ),
rangeRR = paste0("[", round(min(as.numeric(comb_table_sort$relativeRisk)), digits = 3)," , ", round(max(as.numeric(comb_table_sort$relativeRisk)), digits = 3) ,"]" ),
rangePhi= paste0("[", round(min(as.numeric(comb_table_sort$phi)), digits = 3)," , ", round(max(as.numeric(comb_table_sort$phi)), digits = 3) ,"]" ),
dispairs = nrow( comb_table_sort )/2,
result = comb_table_sort[,c(1:16,24)]
return( cAnalysis )
tableData <- function ( pairCode, data, lenActPa ) {
code1 <- pairCode[[ 1 ]]
code2 <- pairCode[[ 2 ]]
data$diagnosis_code[is.na(data$diagnosis_code)] <- 0
dis1 <- data[ data$diagnosis_code == code1, ]
dis2 <- data[ data$diagnosis_code == code2, ]
dis12 <- dis2[ dis2$patient_id %in% dis1$patient_id, ]
disAcode <- code1
disBcode <- code2
disA <- length( unique ( dis1$patient_id ) )
disB <- length( unique ( dis2$patient_id ) )
AB <- length( unique ( dis12$patient_id ) )
AnotB <- disA - AB
BnotA <- disB - AB
notAB <- as.numeric(lenActPa) - AB - AnotB - BnotA
mm <- matrix( c( AB, AnotB, BnotA, notAB), nrow = 2 )
tryCatch( {ff <- fisher.test( mm )}, error=function(msg) {
message("code1:", code1, " - code2:", code2)
relativeRisk <- (as.numeric(AB)*as.numeric(lenActPa))/as.numeric(disA* disB)
den <- as.numeric(disA*disB)*(as.numeric(lenActPa)-as.numeric(disA))*(as.numeric(lenActPa)-as.numeric(disB))
num <- (as.numeric(AB)*as.numeric(lenActPa))-as.numeric(disA*disB)
phi <- ((num)/sqrt(den))
oddsRatio <- (as.numeric(AB)*as.numeric(notAB))/(as.numeric(AnotB)*as.numeric(BnotA))
conf.interval <- paste0("( ", round(ff$conf.int[1],3), " , ", round(ff$conf.int[2],3), " )" )
c( disAcode, disBcode, disA, disB, AB, AnotB, BnotA, notAB, ff$p.value, oddsRatio, conf.interval, relativeRisk, phi )
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