cfa2way <- function(X, A, B, param="A/B", method="ml") {
catln <- function(...) {cat(...,"\n")}
if(!param %in% c("A/B","B/A","A*B")) stop("param should be one of A/B, B/A or A*B")
if(!method %in% c("ml","ls")) stop("Invalid method, use ml or ls!")
nameA <- A
nameB <- B
X$A <- factor(X[,nameA])
X$B <- factor(X[,nameB])
X$Exp <- factor(X$Exp) #to ensure that Exp is factor
if(method=="ml") {
X$lcells <- log(X$ncells)
fo <- formula(paste("ncolonies ~ Exp -1 +", param))
lcells <- NULL # to suppress R CMD check notes when looking for visible bindings
fit1 <- glm(ncolonies ~ Exp - 1 + A + B, family=quasipoisson(link="log"), offset=lcells, data=X)
fit2 <- glm(fo, family=quasipoisson(link="log"), offset=lcells, data=X)
anv <- anova(fit1,fit2,test="F")
if(method=="ls") {
X$lnS <- log(X$ncolonies/X$ncells)
fo <- formula(paste("lnS ~ Exp -1 +", param))
fit1 <- lm(lnS ~ Exp - 1 + A + B, data=X)
fit2 <- lm(fo, data=X)
anv <- anova(fit1,fit2,test="F")
fit2$data <- X
catln("*** Two-way ANOVA for factors A and B with interaction ***")
catln("A=", nameA, ", B=", nameB)
catln("Test for interaction: F-test")
anvtab <- anv
rownames(anvtab) <- c("","values")
catln("Use 'print' to see detailed results")
#catln("A=", nameA, ", B=", nameB)
#coef <- summary(fit2)$coef
# idx <- grep("Exp",rownames(coef))
#catln("ANOVA F-Test\n0-hypothesis (Model 1) no interaction\nalternative hypothesis (Model 2) interaction")
#attr(anv, "heading") <- c("Analysis of Variance Table", "Model 2 versus Model 1")
fitcomp <- list(fit1=fit1, fit2=fit2, anv=anv)
fitcomp$type <- c("cfa2way", param, method)
class(fitcomp) <- "cfa2way"
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