cellsurvLQfit <- function(X, method="ml", PEmethod="fit") {
#Options for method: ml, ls, franken; PEmethod: fit, fixed
catln <- function(...) {cat(...,"\n")}
# Maximum likelihood, ple fitted
fitLQ.ML <- function(X) { #LQ model, ple fitted
X$dose2 <- X$dose^2
X$lcells <- log(X$ncells)
dose <- NULL # to suppress R CMD check notes when looking for visible bindings
lcells <- NULL # dito
fit <- glm(ncolonies ~ factor(Exp) -1 + dose + dose2, offset=lcells,
family=quasipoisson(link="log"), data=X)
# Least squares, ple fitted
fitLQ.LS <- function(X) {
X$dose2 <- X$dose^2
X$lnS <- log(X$ncolonies/X$ncells)
fit <- lm(lnS ~ factor(Exp) -1 + dose + dose2, data=X)
fit$data <- X
# Maximum likelihood, ple fixed
fitLQ1.ML <- function(X) { #LQ model, ple fixed
uexp <- unique(X$Exp) #unique experiment numbers
X1 <- subset(X, dose>0)
X1$dose2 <- X1$dose^2
X1$lcells <- log(X1$ncells)
dose <- NULL # to suppress R CMD check notes when looking for visible bindings
lcells <- NULL # dito
logPle <- NULL # dito
if (0 %in% X$dose) {
X0 <- subset(X, dose==0)
ple <- sapply(1:length(uexp), function(i) {ind <- which(X0$Exp==uexp[i]); sum(X0$ncolonies[ind])/(sum(X0$ncells[ind]))}) # pooled 0-dose ratio
pleExp <- sapply(1:nrow(X1), function(i) ple[which(uexp==X1$Exp[i])]) #assign to experiment
X1$logPle <- log(pleExp)
if (!(0 %in% X$dose)) X1$logPle <- log(X1$pe)
fit <- glm(ncolonies ~ -1 + dose + dose2, offset=lcells+logPle, family=quasipoisson(link="log"), data=X1)
# Least squares, ple fixed
fitLQ1.LS <- function(X) { #LQ model, ple fixed
uexp <- unique(X$Exp) #unique experiment numbers
X1 <- subset(X, dose>0)
X1$dose2 <- X1$dose^2
X1$lnS <- log(X1$ncolonies/X1$ncells)
dose <- NULL # to suppress R CMD check notes when looking for visible bindings
logPle <- NULL # dito
if (0 %in% X$dose) {
X0 <- subset(X, dose==0)
ple <- sapply(1:length(uexp), function(i) {ind <- which(X0$Exp==uexp[i]); sum(X0$ncolonies[ind])/(sum(X0$ncells[ind]))}) # pooled 0-dose ratio
pleExp <- sapply(1:nrow(X1), function(i) ple[which(uexp==X1$Exp[i])]) #assign to experiment
X1$logPle <- log(pleExp)
if (!(0 %in% X$dose)) X1$logPle <- log(X1$pe)
fit <- lm(lnS ~ -1 + dose + dose2, offset=logPle, data=X1)
fit$data <- X1
# Least squares, ple fixed, Franken weighted
fitLQ1.LSfr <- function(X) { #LQ model, ple fixed
uexp <- unique(X$Exp) #unique experiment numbers
X1 <- subset(X, dose>0)
X1$dose2 <- X1$dose^2
X1$lnS <- log(X1$ncolonies/X1$ncells)
X1$wt <- X1$ncolonies*X1$ncells/(X1$ncells - X1$ncolonies)
#X1$wt <- X1$ncolonies
dose <- NULL # to suppress R CMD check notes when looking for visible bindings
logPle <- NULL # dito
wt <- NULL # dito
if (0 %in% X$dose) {
X0 <- subset(X, dose==0)
ple <- sapply(1:length(uexp), function(i) {ind <- which(X0$Exp==uexp[i]); sum(X0$ncolonies[ind])/(sum(X0$ncells[ind]))})
pleExp <- sapply(1:nrow(X1), function(i) ple[which(uexp==X1$Exp[i])])
X1$logPle <- log(pleExp)
if (!(0 %in% X$dose)) X1$logPle <- log(X1$pe)
fit <- lm(lnS ~ -1 + dose + dose2, offset=logPle, weights=wt, data=X1)
fit$data <- X1
if(!method %in% c("ml","ls","franken")) stop("Invalid method, use ml, ls or franken!")
if(!PEmethod %in% c("fit","fix")) stop("Invalid PE handling string, use fit or fix!")
if(!(0 %in% X$dose) & !("pe" %in% names(X))) stop("No 0-doses and no pe-column, see help!")
if(!(0 %in% X$dose)) PEmethod <- "fix"
if(method=="ml" & PEmethod=="fit") fit <- fitLQ.ML(X)
if(method=="ml" & PEmethod=="fix") fit <- fitLQ1.ML(X)
if(method=="ls" & PEmethod=="fit") fit <- fitLQ.LS(X)
if(method=="ls" & PEmethod=="fix") fit <- fitLQ1.LS(X)
if(method=="franken") {fit <- fitLQ1.LSfr(X); PEmethod <- "fix"}
fit$type <- c("cfa", method)
fit$PEmethod <- PEmethod
catln("method =", method)
catln("PEmethod =", PEmethod)
nr <- length(fit$coef)
catln("Use 'print' to see detailed results")
class(fit) <- "cellsurvLQfit"
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