# title rtPrediction
# description Predict RTs of kegg metabolites using MS2 matched metabolites.
# author Xiaotao Shen
# \email{shenxt@@sioc.ac.cn}
# param data data From readAnnotation.
# param prefer.adduct The reliable adducts in this LC system. Default is all.
# param threads How many threads do you want to use? Default is the number of
# your PC threads - 3.
# param inHouse.compound.md The molecular descriptors of inhouse compounds.
# param kegg.compound.md The molecular descriptors of kegg compounds.
# return The predicted in house RT and KEGG RT.
# export
setGeneric(name = "rtPrediction",
def = function(data,
prefer.adduct = c("all", "M+Na", "M+H", "M+NH4", "M-H"),
threads = 3,
use.default.md = TRUE,
column = c("hilic", "rp")
prefer.adduct <- match.arg(prefer.adduct)
column <- match.arg(column)
tags <- data[[1]]
sample <- data[[2]]
sample.int <- apply(sample, 1, median)
rm(list = "sample")
idx <- which(!is.na(tags$labid))
tags1 <- tags[idx,]
sample.int1 <- sample.int[idx]
rm(list = "sample.int")
labid <- tags1$labid
labid <- lapply(labid, function(x) {
strsplit(x, split = ";")[[1]][1]
labid <- unlist(labid)
adduct <- tags1$adduct
adduct <- lapply(adduct, function(x) {
strsplit(x, split = ";")[[1]][1]
adduct <- unlist(adduct)
##remove multipe peaks matched one metabolite
dup.id <- unique(labid[duplicated(labid)])
if(length(dup.id) > 0){
for(i in 1:length(dup.id)){
temp.id <- dup.id[i]
temp.idx <- grep(temp.id, labid)
temp.int <- sample.int1[temp.idx]
# rm(list = c("sample.int1"))
# temp.adduct <- adduct[temp.idx]
# temp.rt <- tags1$rt[temp.idx]
labid[temp.idx[-which.max(temp.int)]] <- NA
rt <- tags1$rt
rm(list = "tags1")
data <- data.frame(labid, rt, adduct, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
data <- data[!is.na(data$labid),,drop = FALSE]
##filter the metabolite who have no MD in inHouse.compound.md
temp.idx <- which(data$labid %in% rownames(inHouse.compound.md))
if(length(temp.idx) == 0) stop("The metabolites from MS2 match have no MD in inHouse.compound.md.\n")
if(length(temp.idx) < 70){
prefer.adduct <- 'all'
data <- data[temp.idx,]
##filter data using adduct or not
adduct.order <- setdiff(names(sort(table(adduct), decreasing = TRUE)), prefer.adduct)
if (prefer.adduct != 'all') {
temp.idx <- which(data$adduct %in% prefer.adduct)
count <- 1
while(length(temp.idx) < 50 & count < length(adduct.order)){
prefer.adduct <- c(prefer.adduct, adduct.order[count])
temp.idx <- which(data$adduct %in% prefer.adduct)
count <- count + 1
data <- data[temp.idx,,drop = FALSE]
if(nrow(data) == 0) stop("No metabolites are identified.")
cat("There are ", nrow(data),
" metabolites are used for RT prediction.\n", sep = "")
# data <- data[data$adduct == "M+H",]
# x <- table(adduct[which(!is.na(labid))])
# x <- sort(x, decreasing = T)
# par(mar = c(5,5,4,2))
# y <- barplot(x, borde= NA, xlab = "Adduct", ylab = "Peak Number",
# cex.lab = 1.8, cex.axis = 1.5, names.arg = "",
# col = c("salmon", rep("black", 1),"lightseagreen",
# rep("black", 5),"orchid4", rep("black", 1),rep("black", 8)))
# par(xpd = T)
# text(x = y, y = x + 5, labels = names(x), srt = 90)
# pie(x, border = "white",
# col = c("salmon", rep("black", 1),"lightseagreen",
# rep("black", 5),"orchid4", rep("black", 1),rep("black", 8)),
# radius = 1.3)
# par(new = T)
# pie(1, col = "white", radius = 0.9, border = "white", labels = "")
idx <- match(data$labid, rownames(inHouse.compound.md))
md <- inHouse.compound.md[idx,]
# rm(list = "inHouse.compound.md")
###remove NA which apper in more than 50% metabolites
remove.idx1 <-
which(apply(md, 2, function(x) {sum(is.na(x)/nrow(md))})>0.5)
md1 <- md[,-remove.idx1]
rm(list = c("md"))
##impute NA
md2 <- t(impute::impute.knn(data = t(md1))[[1]])
rm(list = "md1")
#remove MD which are same in all metaboites
remove.idx2 <- which(apply(md2, 2, sd) == 0)
md3 <- md2[,-remove.idx2]
rm(list = c("md2"))
##construct RF model
train.y <- data$rt
train.x <- md3
rm(list = c('data', 'md3'))
"hilic" = {
marker.name <- c('XLogP', "tpsaEfficiency", "WTPT.5", "khs.dsCH", "MLogP", "nAcid", "nBase", "BCUTp.1l")
"rp" = {
marker.name <- c('XLogP', "WTPT.4", "WTPT.5", "ALogp2", "BCUTp.1l")})
#construct RF 100 times, find the MDs which are always apperar in
# top 5 as markers
temp.fun <- function(idx, x, y){
temp <- idx
rf.class <- randomForest::randomForest(x = x, y = y,
replace = TRUE, importance = TRUE,
proximity = TRUE)
imp <- randomForest::importance(rf.class)
rm(list = c("rf.class", "temp"))
cat("Find the optimal moleculr descriptor\n")
imp <- BiocParallel::bplapply(1:100,
BPPARAM = BiocParallel::SnowParam(workers = threads,
progressbar = FALSE),
x = train.x,
y = train.y)
md.name <- list()
for(i in 1:length(imp)){
md.name[[i]] <- names(sort(imp[[i]][,1], decreasing = TRUE)[1:5])
md.name <- unlist(md.name)
md.name <- table(md.name)
md.name <- sort(md.name)
marker.name <- names(md.name[which(md.name >= 50)])
rm(list = "imp")
save(marker.name, file = "marker.name", compress = "xz")
save(md.name, file = "md.name", compress = "xz")
idx <- match(marker.name, colnames(train.x))
idx <- idx[!is.na(idx)]
if(length(idx) == 0){
stop("Your markers are not in MD data.\n")
train.x1 <- train.x[,idx]
rm(list = c("train.x"))
para <- NULL
ntree1 <- seq(300,1000,by = 200)
mtry1 <- seq(1,length(marker.name),by = 1)
for(i in 1:length(ntree1)){
para <- rbind(para, cbind(ntree1[i],mtry1))
colnames(para) <- c("ntree", "mtry")
mse <- NULL
rf.reg <- list()
cat("Find the optimal parameters\n")
for(i in 1:nrow(para)){
cat(i);cat(" ")
temp.ntree <- para[i,1]
temp.mtry <- para[i,2]
rf.reg[[i]] <- randomForest::randomForest(x = train.x1, y = train.y,
ntree = temp.ntree,mtry = temp.mtry,
replace = TRUE, importance = TRUE, proximity = TRUE)
mse[i] <- mean(rf.reg[[i]]$mse)
result <- data.frame(para, mse, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
temp.idx <- which.min(result$mse)
ntree <- result$ntree[temp.idx]
mtry <- result$mtry[temp.idx]
rf.reg <- randomForest::randomForest(x = train.x1, y = train.y,
ntree = ntree,
mtry = mtry,
replace = TRUE,
importance = TRUE, proximity = TRUE)
rm(list = c("train.x1"))
##predict RT in inhouse database
test.x <- inHouse.compound.md
rm(list = "inHouse.compound.md")
test.x <- test.x[,match(marker.name, colnames(test.x))]
test.x <- as.data.frame(test.x)
inHouse.compound.rt <- rep(NA, nrow(test.x))
names(inHouse.compound.rt) <- rownames(test.x)
##impute NA in test.x
idx1 <-
which(apply(test.x, 1, function(x) {sum(is.na(x))/ncol(test.x) < 0.5}))
test.x1 <- test.x[idx1,]
test.x1 <- t(impute::impute.knn(data = t(test.x1))[[1]])
temp.rt <- predict(object = rf.reg, newdata = test.x1)
names(temp.rt) <- rownames(test.x1)
inHouse.compound.rt[idx1] <- temp.rt
##NA give the median RT of all peaks
inHouse.compound.rt[is.na(inHouse.compound.rt)] <- median(tags$rt)
attribute <- rep(NA, length(inHouse.compound.rt))
attribute[idx1] <- "Predicted"
attribute[is.na(attribute)] <- "Median"
inHouse.rt <- data.frame(inHouse.compound.rt, attribute, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
colnames(inHouse.rt)[1] <- "RT"
##cross validation
##predict RT in KEGG database
test.x <- kegg.compound.md
rm(list = "kegg.compound.md")
test.x <- test.x[,match(marker.name, colnames(test.x))]
test.x <- as.data.frame(test.x)
kegg.compound.rt <- rep(NA, nrow(test.x))
names(kegg.compound.rt) <- rownames(test.x)
##impute NA in text.x
idx1 <-
which(apply(test.x, 1, function(x) {sum(is.na(x))/ncol(test.x) < 0.5}))
test.x1 <- test.x[idx1,]
test.x1 <- t(impute::impute.knn(data = t(test.x1))[[1]])
temp.rt <- predict(object = rf.reg, newdata = test.x1)
names(temp.rt) <- rownames(test.x1)
kegg.compound.rt[idx1] <- temp.rt
##NA give the median RT of all peaks
kegg.compound.rt[is.na(kegg.compound.rt)] <- median(tags$rt)
rm(list = "tags")
attribute <- rep(NA, length(kegg.compound.rt))
attribute[idx1] <- "Predicted"
attribute[is.na(attribute)] <- "Median"
kegg.rt <- data.frame(kegg.compound.rt, attribute, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
colnames(kegg.rt)[1] <- "RT"
rt <- list(inHouse.rt, kegg.rt)
names(rt) <- c("inHouse.rt", "KEGG.rt")
rt <- rt
##backup of old version
# setGeneric(name = "rtPrediction",
# def = function(data,
# prefer.adduct = c("all", "M+Na", "M+H", "M+NH4", "M-H"),
# threads = 3,
# inHouse.compound.md,
# kegg.compound.md
# ){
# #
# prefer.adduct <- match.arg(prefer.adduct)
# tags <- data[[1]]
# sample <- data[[2]]
# sample.int <- apply(sample, 1, median)
# rm(list = "sample")
# idx <- which(!is.na(tags$labid))
# tags1 <- tags[idx,]
# sample.int1 <- sample.int[idx]
# rm(list = "sample.int")
# labid <- tags1$labid
# labid <- lapply(labid, function(x) {
# strsplit(x, split = ";")[[1]][1]
# })
# labid <- unlist(labid)
# adduct <- tags1$adduct
# adduct <- lapply(adduct, function(x) {
# strsplit(x, split = ";")[[1]][1]
# })
# adduct <- unlist(adduct)
# ##remove multipe peaks matched one metabolite
# dup.id <- unique(labid[duplicated(labid)])
# for(i in 1:length(dup.id)){
# temp.id <- dup.id[i]
# temp.idx <- grep(temp.id, labid)
# temp.int <- sample.int1[temp.idx]
# # rm(list = c("sample.int1"))
# # temp.adduct <- adduct[temp.idx]
# # temp.rt <- tags1$rt[temp.idx]
# labid[temp.idx[-which.max(temp.int)]] <- NA
# }
# rt <- tags1$rt
# rm(list = "tags1")
# data <- data.frame(labid, rt, adduct, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# data <- data[!is.na(data$labid),]
# ##filter data using adduct or not
# if (prefer.adduct != 'all') {
# data <- data[data$adduct %in% prefer.adduct,]
# }
# if(nrow(data) == 0) stop("No metabolites are identified.")
# cat("There are ", nrow(data),
# " metabolites are used for RT prediction.\n", sep = "")
# # data <- data[data$adduct == "M+H",]
# #----------------------------------------------------------------
# # x <- table(adduct[which(!is.na(labid))])
# # x <- sort(x, decreasing = T)
# # par(mar = c(5,5,4,2))
# # y <- barplot(x, borde= NA, xlab = "Adduct", ylab = "Peak Number",
# # cex.lab = 1.8, cex.axis = 1.5, names.arg = "",
# # col = c("salmon", rep("black", 1),"lightseagreen",
# # rep("black", 5),"orchid4", rep("black", 1),rep("black", 8)))
# # par(xpd = T)
# # text(x = y, y = x + 5, labels = names(x), srt = 90)
# # pie(x, border = "white",
# # col = c("salmon", rep("black", 1),"lightseagreen",
# # rep("black", 5),"orchid4", rep("black", 1),rep("black", 8)),
# # radius = 1.3)
# # par(new = T)
# # pie(1, col = "white", radius = 0.9, border = "white", labels = "")
# #----------------------------------------------------------------
# idx <- match(data$labid, rownames(inHouse.compound.md))
# md <- inHouse.compound.md[idx,]
# # rm(list = "inHouse.compound.md")
# ###remove NA which apper in more than 50% metabolites
# remove.idx1 <-
# which(apply(md, 2, function(x) {sum(is.na(x)/nrow(md))})>0.5)
# md1 <- md[,-remove.idx1]
# rm(list = c("md"))
# ##impute NA
# md2 <- t(impute::impute.knn(data = t(md1))[[1]])
# rm(list = "md1")
# #remove MD which are same in all metaboites
# remove.idx2 <- which(apply(md2, 2, sd) == 0)
# md3 <- md2[,-remove.idx2]
# rm(list = c("md2"))
# ##construct RF model
# train.y <- data$rt
# train.x <- md3
# rm(list = c('data', 'md3'))
# #construct RF 100 times, find the MDs which are always apperar in
# # top 5 as markers
# temp.fun <- function(idx, x, y){
# suppressMessages(library(randomForest))
# temp <- idx
# rf.class <- randomForest::randomForest(x = x, y = y,
# replace = TRUE, importance = TRUE,
# proximity = TRUE)
# imp <- randomForest::importance(rf.class)
# rm(list = c("rf.class", "temp"))
# imp
# }
# cat("\n")
# cat("Find the optimal moleculr descriptor\n")
# imp <- BiocParallel::bplapply(1:100,
# temp.fun,
# BPPARAM = BiocParallel::SnowParam(workers = threads,
# progressbar = TRUE),
# x = train.x,
# y = train.y)
# md.name <- list()
# for(i in 1:length(imp)){
# md.name[[i]] <- names(sort(imp[[i]][,1], decreasing = TRUE)[1:5])
# }
# md.name <- unlist(md.name)
# md.name <- table(md.name)
# md.name <- sort(md.name)
# marker.name <- names(md.name[which(md.name >= 50)])
# rm(list = "imp")
# #
# save(marker.name, file = "marker.name")
# save(md.name, file = "md.name")
# idx <- match(marker.name, colnames(train.x))
# train.x1 <- train.x[,idx]
# rm(list = c("train.x"))
# para <- NULL
# ntree1 <- seq(300,1000,by = 200)
# mtry1 <- seq(1,length(marker.name),by = 1)
# for(i in 1:length(ntree1)){
# para <- rbind(para, cbind(ntree1[i],mtry1))
# }
# colnames(para) <- c("ntree", "mtry")
# mse <- NULL
# rf.reg <- list()
# cat("\n")
# cat("Find the optimal parameters\n")
# for(i in 1:nrow(para)){
# cat(i);cat(" ")
# temp.ntree <- para[i,1]
# temp.mtry <- para[i,2]
# rf.reg[[i]] <- randomForest::randomForest(x = train.x1, y = train.y,
# ntree = temp.ntree,mtry = temp.mtry,
# replace = TRUE, importance = TRUE, proximity = TRUE)
# mse[i] <- mean(rf.reg[[i]]$mse)
# }
# cat("\n")
# result <- data.frame(para, mse, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# temp.idx <- which.min(result$mse)
# ntree <- result$ntree[temp.idx]
# mtry <- result$mtry[temp.idx]
# ##
# rf.reg <- randomForest::randomForest(x = train.x1, y = train.y,
# ntree = ntree,
# mtry = mtry,
# replace = TRUE,
# importance = TRUE, proximity = TRUE)
# rm(list = c("train.x1"))
# ##predict RT in inhouse database
# test.x <- inHouse.compound.md
# rm(list = "inHouse.compound.md")
# test.x <- test.x[,match(marker.name, colnames(test.x))]
# test.x <- as.data.frame(test.x)
# inHouse.compound.rt <- rep(NA, nrow(test.x))
# names(inHouse.compound.rt) <- rownames(test.x)
# ##impute NA in test.x
# idx1 <-
# which(apply(test.x, 1, function(x) {sum(is.na(x))/ncol(test.x) < 0.5}))
# test.x1 <- test.x[idx1,]
# test.x1 <- t(impute::impute.knn(data = t(test.x1))[[1]])
# temp.rt <- predict(object = rf.reg, newdata = test.x1)
# names(temp.rt) <- rownames(test.x1)
# inHouse.compound.rt[idx1] <- temp.rt
# ##NA give the median RT of all peaks
# inHouse.compound.rt[is.na(inHouse.compound.rt)] <- median(tags$rt)
# attribute <- rep(NA, length(inHouse.compound.rt))
# attribute[idx1] <- "Predicted"
# attribute[is.na(attribute)] <- "Median"
# inHouse.rt <- data.frame(inHouse.compound.rt, attribute, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# colnames(inHouse.rt)[1] <- "RT"
# ##cross validation
# ##predict RT in KEGG database
# test.x <- kegg.compound.md
# rm(list = "kegg.compound.md")
# test.x <- test.x[,match(marker.name, colnames(test.x))]
# test.x <- as.data.frame(test.x)
# kegg.compound.rt <- rep(NA, nrow(test.x))
# names(kegg.compound.rt) <- rownames(test.x)
# ##impute NA in text.x
# idx1 <-
# which(apply(test.x, 1, function(x) {sum(is.na(x))/ncol(test.x) < 0.5}))
# test.x1 <- test.x[idx1,]
# test.x1 <- t(impute::impute.knn(data = t(test.x1))[[1]])
# temp.rt <- predict(object = rf.reg, newdata = test.x1)
# names(temp.rt) <- rownames(test.x1)
# kegg.compound.rt[idx1] <- temp.rt
# ##NA give the median RT of all peaks
# kegg.compound.rt[is.na(kegg.compound.rt)] <- median(tags$rt)
# rm(list = "tags")
# attribute <- rep(NA, length(kegg.compound.rt))
# attribute[idx1] <- "Predicted"
# attribute[is.na(attribute)] <- "Median"
# kegg.rt <- data.frame(kegg.compound.rt, attribute, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# colnames(kegg.rt)[1] <- "RT"
# rt <- list(inHouse.rt, kegg.rt)
# names(rt) <- c("inHouse.rt", "KEGG.rt")
# rt <- rt
# })
# setGeneric(name = "crossValidation",
# def = function(model, x, y, cross = 7){
# data <- cbind(y,x)
# data <- as.data.frame(data)
# train_control <- caret::trainControl(method="cv", number = cross)
# grid <- expand.grid(.fL=c(0), .usekernel=c(FALSE))
# model <- train(y~., data=data,
# trControl=train_control, method="rf")
# return(model)
# })
# load('rt.all')
# dim(rt.all)
# colnames(rt.all)
# par(mar = c(5,5,4,2))
# plot(result.rt1[[1]]$RT, result.rt2[[1]]$RT, xlab = "Predicted RT (All adducts)",
# ylab = "Predicted RT (M+H)", cex.lab = 1.8, cex.axis = 1.5)
# par(xpd = F)
# abline(0,1, lty = 2, col = "tomato", lwd = 1.5)
# cor(result.rt1[[1]]$RT, result.rt2[[1]]$RT)
# cor.test(result.rt1[[1]]$RT, result.rt2[[1]]$RT)
# legend("topleft",
# legend = c("Pearson correlation; 0.86", 'p-value: <0.001'), bty = "n",
# cex = 1.5)
# inHouse.rt <- result.rt1[[1]]
# kegg.rt <- result.rt1[[2]]
# idx1 <- match(rt.all$`in house ID`, rownames(inHouse.rt))
# rt.a <- rt.all$`RT (min)`*60
# rt.b <- inHouse.rt$RT[idx1]
# temp1 <- data.frame(rt.a, rt.b, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# temp1 <- temp1[!is.na(rt.b),]
# relative.error1 <- abs(temp1$rt.a - temp1$rt.b)*100/temp1$rt.a
# temp1 <- data.frame(temp1, relative.error1, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# plot(temp1$rt.a, temp1$relative.error1, ylim = c(0,1500), pch = 19,
# xlab = "Experiment RT (second)", ylab = "Relative error (%)",cex.lab = 1.8, cex.axis = 1.5)
# plot(temp1$rt.a, temp1$relative.error1, ylim = c(0,300), pch = 19,
# xlab = "Experiment RT (second)", ylab = "Relative error (%)",cex.lab = 1.8, cex.axis = 1.5)
# abline(v=300, lty = 2, col = "tomato", lwd = 2)
# absoult.error1 <- (temp1$rt.b - temp1$rt.a)
# temp1 <- data.frame(temp1, absoult.error1, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# plot(temp1$rt.a, abs(temp1$absoult.error1),
# # ylim = c(-600,600),
# pch = 19,
# xlab = "Experiment RT (second)", ylab = "Absoult error (%)",cex.lab = 1.8, cex.axis = 1.5)
# abline(v=300, lty = 2, col = "tomato", lwd = 2)
# median.error1 <- NULL
# sd.error1 <- NULL
# for(i in 1:nrow(temp1)){
# median.error1[i] <- median(abs(temp1$absoult.error1[which(temp1$rt.a>temp1$rt.a[i]-30 & temp1$rt.a<=temp1$rt.a[i]+30)]))
# sd.error1[i] <- sd(abs(temp1$absoult.error1[which(temp1$rt.a>temp1$rt.a[i]-30 & temp1$rt.a<=temp1$rt.a[i]+30)]))
# }
# points(x = sort(temp1$rt.a), y = median.error1[order(temp1$rt.a)], type = "l", col = "tomato", lwd = 2)
# x1 <- data.frame(temp1$rt.a, median.error1, sd.error1, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# library(ggplot2)
# ggplot(x1, aes(x = temp1.rt.a, y = median.error1)) +
# geom_ribbon(aes(ymin=median.error1-sd.error1, ymax = median.error1+sd.error1), alpha = 0.3)+
# geom_line(color = "tomato")
# inHouse.rt <- result.rt2[[1]]
# kegg.rt <- result.rt2[[2]]
# idx1 <- match(rt.all$`in house ID`, rownames(inHouse.rt))
# rt.a <- rt.all$`RT (min)`*60
# rt.b <- inHouse.rt$RT[idx1]
# temp2 <- data.frame(rt.a, rt.b, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# temp2 <- temp2[!is.na(rt.b),]
# relative.error2 <- abs(temp2$rt.a - temp2$rt.b)*100/temp2$rt.a
# temp2 <- data.frame(temp2, relative.error2, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# plot(temp2$rt.a, temp2$relative.error2, ylim = c(0,1500), pch = 19,
# xlab = "Experiment RT (second)", ylab = "Relative error (%)",cex.lab = 1.8, cex.axis = 1.5)
# plot(temp2$rt.a, temp2$relative.error2, ylim = c(0,300), pch = 19,
# xlab = "Experiment RT (second)", ylab = "Relative error (%)",cex.lab = 1.8, cex.axis = 1.5)
# abline(v=300, lty = 2, col = "tomato", lwd = 2)
# absoult.error2 <- (temp2$rt.b - temp2$rt.a)
# temp2 <- data.frame(temp2, absoult.error2, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# plot(temp2$rt.a, abs(temp2$absoult.error2),
# # ylim = c(-600,600),
# pch = 19,
# xlab = "Experiment RT (second)", ylab = "Absoult error (%)",cex.lab = 1.8, cex.axis = 1.5)
# abline(v=300, lty = 2, col = "tomato", lwd = 2)
# median.error2 <- NULL
# sd.error2 <- NULL
# for(i in 1:nrow(temp2)){
# median.error2[i] <- median(abs(temp2$absoult.error2[which(temp2$rt.a>temp2$rt.a[i]-30 & temp2$rt.a<=temp2$rt.a[i]+30)]))
# sd.error2[i] <- sd(abs(temp2$absoult.error2[which(temp2$rt.a>temp2$rt.a[i]-30 & temp2$rt.a<=temp2$rt.a[i]+30)]))
# }
# plot(x = sort(temp1$rt.a), y = median.error1[order(temp1$rt.a)], type = "l", col = "black", lwd = 2)
# points(x = sort(temp2$rt.a), y = median.error2[order(temp2$rt.a)], type = "l", col = "tomato", lwd = 2)
# x2 <- data.frame(temp2$rt.a, median.error2, sd.error2, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# library(ggplot2)
# ggplot(x2, aes(x = temp2.rt.a, y = median.error2)) +
# geom_ribbon(aes(ymin=median.error2-sd.error2, ymax = median.error2+sd.error2), alpha = 0.2, fill = "salmon")+
# geom_line(data = x1, aes(x = temp1.rt.a, y = median.error1), color = "lightseagreen") +
# geom_ribbon(aes(ymin=median.error1-sd.error1, ymax = median.error1+sd.error1), alpha = 0.2, fill = "lightseagreen")+
# geom_line(color = "salmon") + theme_bw()+
# theme(axis.title.x = element_text(size = 20), axis.title.y = element_text(size = 20),
# axis.text.x = element_text(size = 15),
# axis.text.y = element_text(size = 15),
# axis.title = element_text(),
# panel.grid.minor = element_blank())+
# xlab("Experiment RT (second)")+
# ylab("Absolute error (second)")+
# scale_color_manual(values = c("All Adduct" = "lightseagreen", "M+H" = "salmon"))
# #-----------------------------------------------------------------
# median.error1 <- NULL
# sd.error1 <- NULL
# for(i in 1:nrow(temp1)){
# median.error1[i] <- median(abs(temp1$relative.error1[which(temp1$rt.a>temp1$rt.a[i]-30 & temp1$rt.a<=temp1$rt.a[i]+30)]))
# sd.error1[i] <- sd(abs(temp1$relative.error1[which(temp1$rt.a>temp1$rt.a[i]-30 & temp1$rt.a<=temp1$rt.a[i]+30)]))
# }
# median.error2 <- NULL
# sd.error2 <- NULL
# for(i in 1:nrow(temp2)){
# median.error2[i] <- median(abs(temp2$relative.error2[which(temp2$rt.a>temp2$rt.a[i]-30 & temp2$rt.a<=temp2$rt.a[i]+30)]))
# sd.error2[i] <- sd(abs(temp2$relative.error2[which(temp2$rt.a>temp2$rt.a[i]-30 & temp2$rt.a<=temp2$rt.a[i]+30)]))
# }
# x2_2 <- data.frame(x2$temp2.rt.a, median.error2, x2$sd.error2)
# x1_2 <- data.frame(x1$temp1.rt.a, median.error1, x1$sd.error1)
# colnames(x1_2)[1] <- "temp1.rt.a"
# colnames(x2_2)[1] <- "temp2.rt.a"
# library(ggplot2)
# ggplot(x2_2, aes(x = temp2.rt.a, y = median.error2)) +
# geom_ribbon(aes(ymin=median.error2-sd.error2, ymax = median.error2+sd.error2), alpha = 0.2, fill = "salmon")+
# geom_line(data = x1_2, aes(x = temp1.rt.a, y = median.error1), color = "lightseagreen") +
# geom_ribbon(aes(ymin=median.error1-sd.error1, ymax = median.error1+sd.error1), alpha = 0.2, fill = "lightseagreen")+
# geom_line(color = "salmon") + theme_bw()+
# theme(axis.title.x = element_text(size = 20), axis.title.y = element_text(size = 20),
# axis.text.x = element_text(size = 15),
# axis.text.y = element_text(size = 15),
# axis.title = element_text(),
# panel.grid.minor = element_blank())+
# xlab("Experiment RT (second)")+
# ylab("Relative error (%)")+
# scale_color_manual(values = c("All Adduct" = "lightseagreen", "M+H" = "salmon"))
# par(mar = c(5,5,4,2))
# plot(temp2$rt.a, temp2$rt.b, cex.lab = 1.8, cex.axis = 1.5, xlab = "Experiment RT (second)",
# ylab = "Predicted RT (second)", ylim = c(0, 1200), xlim = c(0,1200))
# abline(0, 1 ,lty = 2, col = "tomato", lwd = 1.5)
# abline(v = 300, lty = 2, col = "tomato", lwd = 1.5)
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