##' Export \code{jplace} object to jplace file.
##' @title write.jplace
##' @param x a jplace object.
##' @param outfile the output file name
##' @export
##' @examples
##' jp <- system.file("extdata", "sample.jplace", package="treeio")
##' tr1 <- read.jplace(jp)
##' outfile <- tempfile()
##' write.jplace(tr1, outfile)
##' tr2 <- read.jplace(outfile)
##' tr2
write.jplace <- function(x, outfile){
if (!inherits(x, 'jplace')){
cli::cli_abort("The {.fn write.jplace} only works with {.cls {'jplace'}} class now, but a {.cls {class(x)}} class was provided.")
fields <- setdiff( colnames(x@placements), c('name', 'node') )
placements.char <- .obtain.placement.char(x@placements, fields)
fields.char <- paste0('["',paste0(fields, collapse='","'),'"]')
out <- file(outfile, "w")
writeLines("{", out)
tree.char <- paste0('\t"tree": "', x@treetext, '",')
writeLines(tree.char, out)
writeLines(paste0('\t"placements": ', placements.char, ','), out)
writeLines('\t"metadata": {"info": "generated by treeio package"},', out)
writeLines(paste0('\t"version": ', x@info$version, ","), out)
writeLines(paste0('\t"fields": ', fields.char), out)
writeLines("\n}", out)
.obtain.placement.char <- function(placements, fields){
rlang::check_installed('tidyr', 'for the `write.jplace()`.')
placements.char <- placements |>
dplyr::select(-"node") |>
tidyr::nest(p=! .data$name) |>
dplyr::rename(n='name') |>
pattern <- paste0(paste0("\"", fields, "\":"), collapse="|")
placements.char <- gsub(pattern, "", placements.char)
placements.char <- placements.char %>%
chartr("{}", "[]", .) %>%
gsub("\\],\\[\"n","\\},\\{\"n",.) %>%
sub("^\\[\\[", "[{",.) %>%
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