#' likelihood wrapper to compute terms of likelihood with non-zero derivative
#' with respect to case dna model and rna model
#' @name cost.model
#' @rdname cost.model
#' @param theta vector of model parameters to evaluate likelihood for
#' (numeric, parameters)
#' @param theta.d vector of dna model parameters to condition likelihood on
#' (numeric, dna parameters)
#' @param theta.r vector of rna model parameters to condition likelihood on
#' (numeric, rna parameters)
#' @param llfnDNA cost function to compute dna likelihood terms on (function)
#' @param llfnRNA cost function to compute rna likelihood terms on (function)
#' @param dcounts the observed case DNA counts
#' (integer, enhancers x dna samples)
#' @param rcounts the observed RNA counts (integer, enhancers x rna samples)
#' @param log.ddepth dna library size correction vector,
#' log scale (numeric, dna samples)
#' @param log.rdepth rna library size correction vector,
#' log scale (numeric, rna samples)
#' @param ddesign.mat the dna model design matrix
#' (logical, dna samples x dna parameters)
#' @param rdesign.mat the rna model design matrix
#' (logical, rna samples x rna parameters)
#' @param d2rdesign.mat the transitional design matrix, distributiong the DNA
#' estimates to the RNA observations
#' @param rdesign.ctrl.mat the control rna model design matrix
#' (logical, samples x rna parameters)
#' @noRd
#' likelihood wrapper to compute terms of likelihood with non-zero derivative
#' with respect to case dna model and rna model without control enhancer
#' observations
#' nomenclature cost.[model components to be estimated]
#' Each of these function can only be called to optimise a single (enhancer)
#' model: cost.dnarna and cost.dna can only be used on observations from one
#' enhancer cost.rna can be used on observation from multiple enhancers under
#' the same rna model
#' @name cost.model.noctrl
#' @rdname cost.model.noctrl
#' @aliases
#' cost.dnarna
#' cost.dna
#' cost.rna
#' @inheritParams cost.model
#' @param rctrlscale vector of scaling parameters for rna model that correct for
#' variation between conditions pre-fit on control enhancers
#' (numeric, ctrl rna parameters)
#' @return negative sum of log likelihood terms with non-zero derivative
#' with respect to case model
#' @noRd
#' @rdname cost.model.noctrl
#' @noRd
cost.dnarna <- function(theta, dcounts, rcounts,
llfnDNA, llfnRNA,
log.ddepth, log.rdepth, rctrlscale=NULL,
ddesign.mat, rdesign.mat, d2rdesign.mat,
rdesign.ctrl.mat=NULL) {
## extract parameter vectors by model part
# first parameter of DNA model is the variance(-link) parameter
theta.d <- theta[seq(1, 1+NCOL(ddesign.mat), by=1)]
theta.r <- theta[c(1, seq(1+NCOL(ddesign.mat)+1,
1+NCOL(ddesign.mat)+NCOL(rdesign.mat), by=1))]
## compute likelihood
# likelihood of case dna observations
d.ll <- llfnDNA(theta = theta.d,
dcounts = dcounts,
log.ddepth = log.ddepth,
ddesign.mat = ddesign.mat)
# likelihood of case rna observations
r.ll <- llfnRNA(theta = c(theta.r, rctrlscale),
theta.d = matrix(theta.d),
rcounts = rcounts,
log.rdepth = log.rdepth,
d2rdesign.mat = d2rdesign.mat,
rdesign.mat = cbind(rdesign.mat, rdesign.ctrl.mat))
return(d.ll + r.ll)
#' @rdname cost.model.noctrl
#' @noRd
cost.dna <- function(theta, theta.r,
llfnDNA, llfnRNA,
dcounts, rcounts,
log.ddepth, log.rdepth, rctrlscale=NULL,
ddesign.mat, rdesign.mat, d2rdesign.mat,
rdesign.ctrl.mat=NULL) {
# theta <- pmax(pmin(theta, 23), -23)
## compute likelihood
d.ll <- llfnDNA(theta = theta,
dcounts = dcounts,
log.ddepth = log.ddepth,
ddesign.mat = ddesign.mat)
r.ll <- llfnRNA(theta = c(theta.r, rctrlscale),
theta.d = matrix(theta),
rcounts = rcounts,
log.rdepth = log.rdepth,
d2rdesign.mat = d2rdesign.mat,
rdesign.mat = cbind(rdesign.mat, rdesign.ctrl.mat) )
return(d.ll + r.ll)
#' @rdname cost.model.noctrl
#' @noRd
cost.rna <- function(theta, theta.d, llfnRNA, rcounts,
log.rdepth, rctrlscale=NULL,
d2rdesign.mat, rdesign.mat,
rdesign.ctrl.mat=NULL) {
# theta <- pmax(pmin(theta, 23), -23)
## compute likelihood
r.ll <- llfnRNA(theta = c(theta, rctrlscale),
theta.d = theta.d,
rcounts = rcounts,
log.rdepth = log.rdepth,
d2rdesign.mat = d2rdesign.mat,
rdesign.mat = cbind(rdesign.mat, rdesign.ctrl.mat))
#' @rdname cost.model.noctrl
#' @noRd
cost.rna.scale <- function(theta, dcounts, rcounts,
log.ddepth, log.rdepth, rctrlscale=NULL,
rdesign.ctrl.mat=NULL) {
## compute likelihood
# likelihood of case rna observations
r.ll <- ll.rna.scale.nb(theta = c(theta, rctrlscale),
dcounts = dcounts,
rcounts = rcounts,
log.ddepth = log.ddepth,
log.rdepth = log.rdepth,
rdesign.mat = cbind(rdesign.mat, rdesign.ctrl.mat))
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