#### Perform differential expression analysis and identify transient genes
#' Perform differential expression analysis and identification
#' of transiently activated or deactivated genes.
#' Performs model selction based on loglikelihood ratio tests.
#' The primary model selection is the differential expression analysis.
#' The secondary model selection is the selection between a sigmoidal
#' and an impulse fit for differentially expressed genes which is used
#' to define transiently activated or deactivated genes.
#' @seealso Called by \link{runImpulseDE2}.
#' @param objectImpulseDE2 (object class ImpulseDE2Object)
#' Object containing fits to be evaluated.
#' @param boolCaseCtrl (bool)
#' Whether to perform case-control analysis. Does case-only
#' analysis if FALSE.
#' @param boolIdentifyTransients (bool) [Defaul FALSE]
#' Whether to identify transiently activated or deactivated
#' genes. This involves an additional fitting of sigmoidal models
#' and hypothesis testing between constant, sigmoidal and impulse model.
#' @param scaQThresTransients (scalar) [Default 0.001]
#' FDR-corrected p-value threshold for hypothesis tests between
#' impulse, sigmoidal and constant model used to identify transiently
#' regulated genes.
#' @return (ImpulseDE2Object)
#' Input object with dfDEAnalysis updated to:
#' dfDEAnalysis (data frame samples x reported characteristics)
#' Summary of fitting procedure and
#' differential expression results for each gene.
#' \itemize{
#' \item Gene: Gene ID.
#' \item p: P-value for differential expression.
#' \item padj: Benjamini-Hochberg false-discovery rate corrected p-value
#' for differential expression analysis.
#' \item loglik_full: Loglikelihood of full model.
#' \item loglik_red: Loglikelihood of reduced model.
#' \item df_full: Degrees of freedom of full model.
#' \item df_red: Degrees of freedom of reduced model
#' \item mean: Inferred mean parameter of constant model of first batch.
#' From combined samples in case-ctrl.
#' \item allZero (bool) Whether there were no observed non-zero
#' observations of this gene.
#' If TRUE, fitting and DE analsysis were skipped and entry is NA.
#' }
#' Entries only present in case-only DE analysis:
#' \itemize{
#' \item converge_impulse: Convergence status of optim for
#' impulse model fit (full model).
#' \item converge_const: Convergence status of optim for
#' constant model fit (reduced model).
#' }
#' Entries only present in case-control DE analysis:
#' \itemize{
#' \item converge_combined: Convergence status of optim for
#' impulse model fit to case and control samples combined (reduced model).
#' \item converge_case: Convergence status of optim for
#' impulse model fit to samples of case condition (full model 1/2).
#' \item converge_control: Convergence status of optim for
#' impulse model fit to samples of control condition (full model 2/2).
#' }
#' Entries only present if boolIdentifyTransients is TRUE:
#' \itemize{
#' \item converge_sigmoid: Convergence status of optim for
#' sigmoid model fit to samples of case condition.
#' \item impulseTOsigmoid_p: P-value of loglikelihood ratio test
#' impulse model fit versus sigmoidal model on samples of case condition.
#' \item impulseTOsigmoid_padj: Benjamini-Hochberg
#' false-discovery rate corrected p-value of loglikelihood ratio test
#' impulse model fit versus sigmoid model on samples of case condition.
#' \item sigmoidTOconst_p: P-value of loglikelihood ratio test
#' sigmoidal model fit versus constant model on samples of case condition.
#' \item sigmoidTOconst_padj: Benjamini-Hochberg
#' false-discovery rate corrected p-value of loglikelihood ratio test
#' sigmoidal model fit versus constant model on samples of case condition.
#' \item isTransient (bool) Whether gene is transiently
#' activated or deactivated and differentially expressed.
#' \item isMonotonous (bool) Whether gene is not transiently
#' activated or deactivated and differentially expressed. This scenario
#' corresponds to a montonous expression level increase or decrease.
#' }
#' @author David Sebastian Fischer
runDEAnalysis <- function(
objectImpulseDE2, boolCaseCtrl,
boolIdentifyTransients, scaQThresTransients = 0.001) {
dfAnnot <- get_dfAnnotationProc(obj = objectImpulseDE2)
if (!boolCaseCtrl) {
# Case-only: Take Values from the only fitting performed: case The full
# model is the impulse fit.
vecLogLikFull <- sapply(get_lsModelFits(objectImpulseDE2)$case,
function(fit) fit$lsImpulseFit$scaLL)
# The reduced model is the mean fit.
vecLogLikRed <- sapply(get_lsModelFits(objectImpulseDE2)$case,
function(fit) fit$lsConstFit$scaLL)
# Mean inferred expression:
vecMuCase <- sapply(get_lsModelFits(objectImpulseDE2)$case,
function(fit) fit$lsConstFit$scaMu)
if (!is.null(get_vecConfounders(objectImpulseDE2))) {
scaNBatchFactors <- sum(sapply(
get_vecConfounders(objectImpulseDE2), function(confounder)
, confounder])) - 1
} else {
scaNBatchFactors <- 0
# 6 impulse model parameters, 1 dispersion estimate and 1 batch factor
# for each batch (except for the first one) for each confounder.
scaDegFreedomFull <- 6 + 1 + scaNBatchFactors
# 1 constant model parameter1, 1 dispersion estimate and 1 batch factor
# for each batch (except for the first one) for each confounder.
scaDegFreedomRed <- 1 + 1 + scaNBatchFactors
vecConvergenceImpulse <- sapply(
function(fit) fit$lsImpulseFit$scaConvergence)
vecConvergenceConst <- sapply(
function(fit) fit$lsConstFit$scaConvergence)
} else {
# Case-control: Full model: Case and control model separate: The log
# likelihood of the full model is the sum of the log likelihoods of
# case and control fits.
vecLogLikFull <- sapply(get_lsModelFits(objectImpulseDE2)$case,
function(fit) fit$lsImpulseFit$scaLL) +
function(fit) fit$lsImpulseFit$scaLL)
# The reduced model is the combined data fit.
vecLogLikRed <- sapply(get_lsModelFits(obj=objectImpulseDE2)$combined,
function(fit) fit$lsImpulseFit$scaLL)
# Mean inferred expression: On combined data
vecMuCombined <- sapply(get_lsModelFits(obj=objectImpulseDE2)$combined,
function(fit) fit$lsConstFit$scaMu)
if (!is.null(get_vecConfounders(obj=objectImpulseDE2))) {
scaNBatchFactorsFull <- sum(sapply(
get_vecConfounders(obj=objectImpulseDE2), function(confounder) {
length(unique(dfAnnot[dfAnnot$Condition == "case",
confounder])) - 1 +
length(unique(dfAnnot[dfAnnot$Condition == "control",
confounder])) - 1
scaNBatchFactorsRed <- sum(sapply(
get_vecConfounders(obj=objectImpulseDE2), function(confounder) {
length(unique(dfAnnot[, confounder])) - 1
} else {
scaNBatchFactorsFull <- 0
scaNBatchFactorsRed <- 0
# 6 impulse model parameters for each case and control, 1 dispersion
# estimate and 1 batch factor for each batch (except for the first one)
# for each confounder in each condition.
scaDegFreedomFull <- 6 * 2 + 1 + scaNBatchFactorsFull
# 6 impulse model parameters, 1 dispersion estimate and 1 batch factor
# for each batch (except for the first one) for each confounder.
scaDegFreedomRed <- 6 + 1 + scaNBatchFactorsRed
vecConvergenceImpulseCombined <- sapply(
function(fit) fit$lsImpulseFit$scaConvergence)
vecConvergenceImpulseCase <- sapply(
function(fit) fit$lsImpulseFit$scaConvergence)
vecConvergenceImpulseControl <- sapply(
function(fit) fit$lsImpulseFit$scaConvergence)
# Compute difference in degrees of freedom between null model and
# alternative model.
scaDeltaDegFreedom <- scaDegFreedomFull - scaDegFreedomRed
# Compute test statistic: Deviance
vecDeviance <- 2 * (vecLogLikFull - vecLogLikRed)
# Get p-values from Chi-square distribution (assumption about null
# model)
vecPvalue <- pchisq(vecDeviance,
df = scaDeltaDegFreedom, lower.tail = FALSE)
# Multiple testing correction (Benjamini-Hochberg)
vecPvalueBH <- p.adjust(vecPvalue, method = "BH")
scaNGenes <- dim(get_matCountDataProc(obj=objectImpulseDE2))[1]
if (!boolCaseCtrl) {
# Case-only
dfDEAnalysis = data.frame(
Gene = row.names(get_matCountDataProc(obj=objectImpulseDE2)),
p = vecPvalue, padj = vecPvalueBH, loglik_full = vecLogLikFull,
loglik_red = vecLogLikRed,
df_full = rep(scaDegFreedomFull, scaNGenes),
df_red = rep(scaDegFreedomRed, scaNGenes),
mean = vecMuCase,
converge_impulse = vecConvergenceImpulse,
converge_const = vecConvergenceConst,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
} else {
# Case-control
dfDEAnalysis = data.frame(
Gene = row.names(get_matCountDataProc(obj=objectImpulseDE2)),
p = as.numeric(vecPvalue), padj = as.numeric(vecPvalueBH),
loglik_full = vecLogLikFull, loglik_red = vecLogLikRed,
df_full = rep(scaDegFreedomFull, scaNGenes),
df_red = rep(scaDegFreedomRed, scaNGenes),
mean = vecMuCombined,
converge_combined = vecConvergenceImpulseCombined,
converge_case = vecConvergenceImpulseCase,
converge_control = vecConvergenceImpulseControl,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
rownames(dfDEAnalysis) <- row.names(get_matCountDataProc(
# Add entries if sigmoidal fit was performed and transient tranjectories
# are to be differentiated from monotonous ones. Do this in case
# condition.
if (boolIdentifyTransients) {
# Take the sigmoid model as reference if transient are tested versus
# montonous model
vecLogLikImpulse <- sapply(get_lsModelFits(obj=objectImpulseDE2)$case,
function(fit) fit$lsImpulseFit$scaLL)
vecLogLikSigmoid <- sapply(get_lsModelFits(obj=objectImpulseDE2)$case,
function(fit) fit$lsSigmoidFit$scaLL)
vecLogLikConst <- sapply(get_lsModelFits(obj=objectImpulseDE2)$case,
function(fit) fit$lsConstFit$scaLL)
if (boolCaseCtrl) {
# Get number of batch parameters only in case condition
if(!is.null(get_vecConfounders(obj=objectImpulseDE2))) {
scaNBatchFactors <- sum(sapply(
get_vecConfounders(obj=objectImpulseDE2), function(confounder) {
length(unique(dfAnnot[dfAnnot$Condition == "case",
confounder])) - 1
} else {
scaNBatchFactors <- 0
scaDegFreedomImpulse <- 6 + 1 + scaNBatchFactors
scaDegFreedomSigmoid <- 4 + 1 + scaNBatchFactors
scaDegFreedomConst <- 1 + 1 + scaNBatchFactors
# Compare impulse to sigmoid
vecDevianceImpulseSigmoid <- 2 * (vecLogLikImpulse - vecLogLikSigmoid)
vecPvalueImpulseSigmoid <- pchisq(
vecDevianceImpulseSigmoid, df = scaDegFreedomImpulse -
scaDegFreedomSigmoid, lower.tail = FALSE)
vecPvalueImpulseSigmoidBH <- p.adjust(vecPvalueImpulseSigmoid,
method = "BH")
# Compare impulse to constant This is the same as the differential
# expression p-value if DE analysis is case-only
vecDevianceImpulseConst <- 2 * (vecLogLikImpulse - vecLogLikConst)
vecPvalueImpulseConst <- pchisq(
df = scaDegFreedomImpulse - scaDegFreedomConst, lower.tail = FALSE)
vecPvalueImpulseConstBH <- p.adjust(vecPvalueImpulseConst,
method = "BH")
# Compare sigmoid to constant Trajectory is montonous if this is
# significant but vecPvalueImpulseSigmoidBH is not
vecDevianceSigmoidConst <- 2 * (vecLogLikSigmoid - vecLogLikConst)
vecPvalueSigmoidConst <- pchisq(
df = scaDegFreedomSigmoid - scaDegFreedomConst, lower.tail = FALSE)
vecPvalueSigmoidConstBH = p.adjust(vecPvalueSigmoidConst,
method = "BH")
# Add entries into DE table
dfDEAnalysis$converge_sigmoid <- sapply(
function(fit) fit$lsSigmoidFit$scaConvergence)
dfDEAnalysis$impulseTOsigmoid_p <-
dfDEAnalysis$impulseTOsigmoid_padj <-
dfDEAnalysis$sigmoidTOconst_p <-
dfDEAnalysis$sigmoidTOconst_padj <-
# Classify trajectories as tranient change or monotonous change
# (transition). Note that significant impulse vs sigmoid hits include
# monotonous fits which are better fit by impulse than by sigmoid, this
# is corrected for here.
vecTimePointsCase <- sort(
decreasing = FALSE)
vecboolMonotonousImpulseTraject <- sapply(
function(fit) {
# Do not use stored per sample fits from
# get_lsModelFits(obj=objectImpulseDE2) here:
# These fits contain batch factors and we are only interested in
# the raw structure of the fit.
vecImpulseValues <- evalImpulse_comp(
vecImpulseParam = fit$lsImpulseFit$vecImpulseParam,
vecTimepoints = vecTimePointsCase)
boolMonotonous <-
(max(vecImpulseValues[2:length((vecImpulseValues) - 1)]) <=
max(vecImpulseValues[c(1, length(vecImpulseValues))])) &
(min(vecImpulseValues[2:length((vecImpulseValues) - 1)]) >=
min(vecImpulseValues[c(1, length(vecImpulseValues))]))
# Is transient if significantly better fit by impulse than sigmoidal
# model and not monotonous
dfDEAnalysis$isTransient <- vecPvalueImpulseSigmoidBH <=
scaQThresTransients &
# Is transition (monotonous) if (1) not significantly better fit by
# impulse than sigmoidal model or is monotonous trajectory (which is
# better fit by impulse than sigmoid) and (2) is differentially
# expressed, defined as significantly better fit by sigmoid than
# constant.
dfDEAnalysis$isMonotonous <- (
vecPvalueImpulseSigmoidBH > scaQThresTransients |
vecboolMonotonousImpulseTraject) &
vecPvalueSigmoidConstBH <=
dfDEAnalysis <- dfDEAnalysis[match(get_vecAllIDs(obj=objectImpulseDE2),
dfDEAnalysis$Gene), ]
rownames(dfDEAnalysis) <- get_vecAllIDs(obj=objectImpulseDE2)
vecboolAllZero <- !(get_vecAllIDs(obj=objectImpulseDE2) %in%
dfDEAnalysis$allZero <- vecboolAllZero
objectImpulseDE2 <- set_dfImpulseDE2Results(obj=objectImpulseDE2,
#' Update dfImpulseDE2Results after sigmoids have been fit
#' through external call
#' This is a userfriendly wrapper of runDEAnalysis for this update
#' scenario.
#' @seealso Called by separately by user.
#' @param objectImpulseDE2 (object class ImpulseDE2Object)
#' Object containing fits to be evaluated.
#' @param scaQThresTransients (scalar) [Default 0.001]
#' FDR-corrected p-value threshold for hypothesis tests between
#' impulse, sigmoidal and constant model used to identify transiently
#' regulated genes.
#' @return objectImpulseDE2 (ImpulseDE2Object)
#' Input object with dfDEAnalysis updated to:
#' dfDEAnalysis (data frame samples x reported characteristics)
#' Summary of fitting procedure and
#' differential expression results for each gene.
#' \itemize{
#' \item Gene: Gene ID.
#' \item p: P-value for differential expression.
#' \item padj: Benjamini-Hochberg false-discovery rate corrected p-value
#' for differential expression analysis.
#' \item loglik_full: Loglikelihood of full model.
#' \item loglik_red: Loglikelihood of reduced model.
#' \item df_full: Degrees of freedom of full model.
#' \item df_red: Degrees of freedom of reduced model
#' \item mean: Inferred mean parameter of constant model of first batch.
#' From combined samples in case-ctrl.
#' \item allZero (bool) Whether there were no observed non-zero
#' observations of this gene.
#' If TRUE, fitting and DE analsysis were skipped and entry is NA.
#' }
#' Entries only present in case-only DE analysis:
#' \itemize{
#' \item converge_impulse: Convergence status of optim for
#' impulse model fit (full model).
#' \item converge_const: Convergence status of optim for
#' constant model fit (reduced model).
#' }
#' Entries only present in case-control DE analysis:
#' \itemize{
#' \item converge_combined: Convergence status of optim for
#' impulse model fit to case and control samples combined (reduced model).
#' \item converge_case: Convergence status of optim for
#' impulse model fit to samples of case condition (full model 1/2).
#' \item converge_control: Convergence status of optim for
#' impulse model fit to samples of control condition (full model 2/2).
#' }
#' Entries only present if boolIdentifyTransients is TRUE:
#' \itemize{
#' \item converge_sigmoid: Convergence status of optim for
#' sigmoid model fit to samples of case condition.
#' \item impulseTOsigmoid_p: P-value of loglikelihood ratio test
#' impulse model fit versus sigmoidal model on samples of case condition.
#' \item impulseTOsigmoid_padj: Benjamini-Hochberg
#' false-discovery rate corrected p-value of loglikelihood ratio test
#' impulse model fit versus sigmoid model on samples of case condition.
#' \item sigmoidTOconst_p: P-value of loglikelihood ratio test
#' sigmoidal model fit versus constant model on samples of case condition.
#' \item sigmoidTOconst_padj: Benjamini-Hochberg
#' false-discovery rate corrected p-value of loglikelihood ratio test
#' sigmoidal model fit versus constant model on samples of case condition.
#' \item isTransient (bool) Whether gene is transiently
#' activated or deactivated and differentially expressed.
#' \item isMonotonous (bool) Whether gene is not transiently
#' activated or deactivated and differentially expressed. This scenario
#' corresponds to a montonous expression level increase or decrease.
#' }
#' @examples
#' lsSimulatedData <- simulateDataSetImpulseDE2(
#' vecTimePointsA = rep(seq(1,8),3),
#' vecTimePointsB = NULL,
#' vecBatchesA = NULL,
#' vecBatchesB = NULL,
#' scaNConst = 0,
#' scaNImp = 50,
#' scaNLin = 0,
#' scaNSig = 50)
#' objectImpulseDE2 <- runImpulseDE2(
#' matCountData = lsSimulatedData$matObservedCounts,
#' dfAnnotation = lsSimulatedData$dfAnnotation,
#' boolCaseCtrl = FALSE,
#' vecConfounders = NULL,
#' boolIdentifyTransients = FALSE,
#' scaNProc = 1 )
#' # You could have used boolIdentifyTransients=TRUE
#' # to avoid the following post wrapper fitting.
#' objectImpulseDE2 <- fitSigmoidModels(
#' objectImpulseDE2 = objectImpulseDE2,
#' vecConfounders = NULL,
#' strCondition = 'case')
#' objectImpulseDE2 <- updateDEAnalysis(
#' objectImpulseDE2=objectImpulseDE2,
#' scaQThresTransients=0.001)
#' head(objectImpulseDE2$dfImpulseDE2Results)
#' # dfImpulseDE2Results now contain 'transients-analysis'.
#' @author David Sebastian Fischer
#' @export
updateDEAnalysis <- function(objectImpulseDE2, scaQThresTransients = 0.001) {
objectImpulseDE2 <- runDEAnalysis(
objectImpulseDE2 = objectImpulseDE2,
boolCaseCtrl = get_boolCaseCtrl(obj=objectImpulseDE2),
boolIdentifyTransients = TRUE, scaQThresTransients = scaQThresTransients)
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