
Defines functions computeNormConst computeSizeFactors

Documented in computeNormConst computeSizeFactors

### Compute normalisation constants

#' Compute a size factor for each sample
#' This function computes size factors for each sample
#' in the dataset and expands them to a matrix of the size
#' of the dataset.
#' Size factors scale the negative binomial likelihood
#' model of a gene to the sequencing depth of each sample.
#' Note that size factors on bulk and single-cell data are 
#' computed differently: Median ratio of data to geometric mean
#' for bul data and normalised relative sequencing depth for
#' single-cell data.
#' @seealso Called by \link{computeNormConst}.
#' @param matCountDataProc (matrix genes x samples)
#'    Read count data.
#' @return vecSizeFactors (numeric vector number of samples) 
#'    Model scaling factors for each sample which take
#'    sequencing depth into account (size factors).
#' @author David Sebastian Fischer
computeSizeFactors <- function(matCountDataProc) {
    # Compute geometric count mean over replicates for genes without zero
    # observations: Samples with more than half zero observations receive
    # size factor =1 otherwise.
    vecboolZeroObs <- apply(matCountDataProc, 1, function(gene) {
        !any(gene == 0)
    # Take geometric mean
    vecGeomMean <- apply(
        matCountDataProc[vecboolZeroObs, ], 1, function(gene) {
    # Chose median of ratios over genes as size factor
    vecSizeFactors <- apply(
        matCountDataProc[vecboolZeroObs, ], 2, function(sample) {
            median(sample/vecGeomMean, na.rm = TRUE)
    if (any(vecSizeFactors == 0)) {
        print("WARNING: Found size factors==0, setting these to 1.")
        vecSizeFactors[vecSizeFactors == 0] <- 1
    names(vecSizeFactors) <- colnames(matCountDataProc)

#' Compute a normalisation constant for each sample
#' The normalisation constant is the median of the ratio 
#' of gene counts versus
#' the geomtric gene count mean. There is one normalisation constant per 
#' replicate. An intuitive alternative would be the sequencing depth, 
#' the median
#' ratio is however less sensitive to highly differentially expressed genes
#' with high counts (ref. DESeq).
#' The normalisation constants are used to scale the mean of the
#' negative binomial model inferred during fitting to the sequencing depth 
#' of the given sample. The normalisation constants therefore replace
#' normalisation at the count data level, which is not supposed to be done 
#' in the framework of ImpulseDE2.
#' There is the option to supply size factors to this function to override
#' its size factor choice.
#' @seealso Called by \link{runImpulseDE2}. 
#' Calls \link{computeSizeFactors}.
#' @param matCountDataProc (matrix genes x samples)
#'    Read count data.
#' @param vecSizeFactorsExternal (vector length number of
#'    cells in matCountData) [Default NULL]
#'    Externally generated list of size factors which override
#'    size factor computation in ImpulseDE2.
#' @return vecSizeFactors (numeric vector number of samples) 
#'    Model scaling factors for each sample which take
#'    sequencing depth into account (size factors).
#' @examples
#' lsSimulatedData <- simulateDataSetImpulseDE2(
#' vecTimePointsA   = rep(seq(1,8),3),
#' vecTimePointsB   = NULL,
#' vecBatchesA      = NULL,
#' vecBatchesB      = NULL,
#' scaNConst        = 100,
#' scaNImp          = 200,
#' scaNLin          = 100,
#' scaNSig          = 200)
#' vecSizeFactors <- computeNormConst(
#' matCountData = lsSimulatedData$matObservedCounts)
#' @author David Sebastian Fischer
#' @export
computeNormConst <- function(
    matCountDataProc, vecSizeFactorsExternal = NULL) {
    # Compute size factors Size factors account for differential sequencing
    # depth.
    if (is.null(vecSizeFactorsExternal)) {
        # Compute size factors if not supplied to ImpulseDE2.
        vecSizeFactors <- computeSizeFactors(
            matCountDataProc = matCountDataProc)
    } else {
        # Chose externally supplied size factors if supplied.
        vecSizeFactors <- vecSizeFactorsExternal[colnames(matCountDataProc)]
YosefLab/ImpulseDE2 documentation built on Sept. 17, 2022, 2:45 a.m.