context("Matrix Wilcox Test")
test_that("Calculation is correct, no NA", {
test_mat <- matrix(runif(5*10), nrow=5)
test_mat_rank <- colRanks(test_mat,
ties.method = "average",
preserveShape = TRUE)
cluster_ii <- c(1, 2, 5)
not_cluster_ii <- which(!(seq(nrow(test_mat)) %in% cluster_ii))
# Our implementation
out <- matrix_wilcox(test_mat_rank, cluster_ii,
check_na = FALSE, check_ties = TRUE)
p_test <- out$pval
stat_test <- out$stat
# Compare vs R's
out <- lapply(seq_len(ncol(test_mat)), function(i){
a <- test_mat[cluster_ii, i]
b <- test_mat[not_cluster_ii, i]
n1 <- sum(!
n2 <- sum(!
test <- wilcox.test(a, b, alternative = "two.sided", exact = FALSE)
AUC <- test$statistic / (n1 * n2)
return(list(pval = test$p.value, stat = AUC))
p_correct <- vapply(out, function(x) x$pval, FUN.VALUE = 0.0)
stat_correct <- vapply(out, function(x) x$stat, FUN.VALUE = 0.0)
expect_equal(p_test, p_correct, tolerance = 1e-8)
expect_equal(stat_test, stat_correct, tolerance = 1e-8)
expect_equal(length(p_test), ncol(test_mat))
expect_equal(length(stat_test), ncol(test_mat))
test_that("Calculation is correct with ties, no NA", {
test_mat <- matrix(runif(5*10), nrow=5)
test_mat[c(2, 3, 4), 5] <- 1 # Add some ties
test_mat_rank <- colRanks(test_mat,
ties.method = "average",
preserveShape = TRUE)
cluster_ii <- c(1, 2, 5)
not_cluster_ii <- which(!(seq(nrow(test_mat)) %in% cluster_ii))
# Our implementation
out <- matrix_wilcox(test_mat_rank, cluster_ii,
check_na = FALSE, check_ties = TRUE)
p_test <- out$pval
stat_test <- out$stat
# Compare vs R's
out <- lapply(seq_len(ncol(test_mat)), function(i){
a <- test_mat[cluster_ii, i]
b <- test_mat[not_cluster_ii, i]
n1 <- sum(!
n2 <- sum(!
test <- wilcox.test(a, b, alternative = "two.sided", exact = FALSE)
AUC <- test$statistic / (n1 * n2)
return(list(pval = test$p.value, stat = AUC))
p_correct <- vapply(out, function(x) x$pval, FUN.VALUE = 0.0)
stat_correct <- vapply(out, function(x) x$stat, FUN.VALUE = 0.0)
expect_equal(p_test, p_correct, tolerance = 1e-8)
expect_equal(stat_test, stat_correct, tolerance = 1e-8)
test_that("Calculation is correct with NAs", {
test_mat <- matrix(runif(5*10), nrow=5)
# Add some NAs
test_mat[1, 1] <- NA
test_mat[1, 2] <- NA
test_mat[3, 2] <- NA
test_mat[3, 3] <- NA
test_mat_rank <- colRanks(test_mat,
ties.method = "average",
preserveShape = TRUE)
cluster_ii <- c(1, 2, 5)
not_cluster_ii <- which(!(seq(nrow(test_mat)) %in% cluster_ii))
# Our implementation
out <- matrix_wilcox(test_mat_rank, cluster_ii,
check_na = TRUE, check_ties = TRUE)
p_test <- out$pval
stat_test <- out$stat
# Compare vs R's
out <- lapply(seq_len(ncol(test_mat)), function(i){
a <- test_mat[cluster_ii, i]
b <- test_mat[not_cluster_ii, i]
n1 <- sum(!
n2 <- sum(!
test <- wilcox.test(a, b, alternative = "two.sided", exact = FALSE)
AUC <- test$statistic / (n1 * n2)
return(list(pval = test$p.value, stat = AUC))
p_correct <- vapply(out, function(x) x$pval, FUN.VALUE = 0.0)
stat_correct <- vapply(out, function(x) x$stat, FUN.VALUE = 0.0)
expect_equal(p_test, p_correct, tolerance = 1e-8)
expect_equal(stat_test, stat_correct, tolerance = 1e-8)
expect_equal(length(p_test), ncol(test_mat))
expect_equal(length(stat_test), ncol(test_mat))
test_that("Edge cases produce expected outputs", {
# single col
single_col <- matrix(seq_len(5), ncol = 1)
cluster_ii <- c(1, 2, 3)
out <- matrix_wilcox(single_col, cluster_ii,
check_na = FALSE, check_ties = FALSE)
expect_equal(length(out$pval), 1)
expect_equal(length(out$stat), 1)
out <- matrix_wilcox(single_col, cluster_ii,
check_na = TRUE, check_ties = TRUE)
expect_equal(length(out$pval), 1)
expect_equal(length(out$stat), 1)
# zero columns
zero_col <- matrix(nrow = 5, ncol = 0)
out <- matrix_wilcox(zero_col, cluster_ii,
check_na = FALSE, check_ties = FALSE)
expect_equal(length(out$pval), 0)
expect_equal(length(out$stat), 0)
out <- matrix_wilcox(zero_col, cluster_ii,
check_na = TRUE, check_ties = TRUE)
expect_equal(length(out$pval), 0)
expect_equal(length(out$stat), 0)
# empty cluster_ii
test_mat <- matrix(runif(5*10), nrow=5)
test_mat_rank <- colRanks(test_mat,
ties.method = "average",
preserveShape = TRUE)
cluster_ii <- c()
out <- matrix_wilcox(test_mat_rank, cluster_ii,
check_na = FALSE, check_ties = FALSE)
expect_equal(out$pval, rep(1, 10))
expect_equal(out$stat, rep(0.5, 10))
out <- matrix_wilcox(test_mat_rank, cluster_ii,
check_na = TRUE, check_ties = TRUE)
expect_equal(out$pval, rep(1, 10))
expect_equal(out$stat, rep(0.5, 10))
# full cluster_ii
cluster_ii <- seq(5)
out <- matrix_wilcox(test_mat_rank, cluster_ii,
check_na = FALSE, check_ties = FALSE)
expect_equal(out$pval, rep(1, 10))
expect_equal(out$stat, rep(0.5, 10))
out <- matrix_wilcox(test_mat_rank, cluster_ii,
check_na = TRUE, check_ties = TRUE)
expect_equal(out$pval, rep(1, 10))
expect_equal(out$stat, rep(0.5, 10))
test_that("CPP Wilcox is Correct", {
test_mat <- matrix(runif(5 * 10), nrow = 5)
test_mat[3, c(3, 4, 7)] <- 1 # Add some ties
test_mat[4, c(1, 2, 4)] <- 1 # Add some ties
test_mat[5, c(2, 3, 4)] <- 1 # Add some ties
cluster_ii <- c(1, 2, 5)
not_cluster_ii <- which(!(seq(ncol(test_mat)) %in% cluster_ii))
res <- matrix_wilcox_cpp(test_mat, cluster_ii, not_cluster_ii)
# Compare with R implementation
ref <-,
lapply(seq_len(nrow(test_mat)), function(i){
x <- test_mat[i, cluster_ii]
y <- test_mat[i, not_cluster_ii]
ref_i <- wilcox.test(x, y, exact = FALSE, alternative = "two.sided")
return(c(U = unname(ref_i$statistic), pval = ref_i$p.value))
ref <-
expect_equal(ref$U, res$U)
expect_equal(ref$pval, res$pval, tolerance = 1e-8)
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