#' @title Estimate capture efficiency for cells
#' @description This function estimates cell specific
#' capture efficiencies (\code{BETA_vec}) using mean raw counts of
#' a subset of genes that is an input for bayNorm. A specific
#' method is used to exclude genes with high expression or high
#' drop-out are excluded.
#' @param Data A matrix of single-cell expression where rows
#' are genes and columns are samples (cells). \code{Data}
#' can be of class \code{SummarizedExperiment} (the
#' assays slot contains the expression matrix,
#' is named "Counts"), just \code{matrix} or sparse matrix.
#' @param MeanBETA Mean capture efficiency of the scRNAseq data.
#' This can be estimated via spike-ins or other methods.
#' @return List containing: \code{BETA}: a vector of capture efficiencies,
#' which is of length number of cells;
#' \code{Selected_genes}: a subset of
#' genes that are used for estimating BETA.
#' @examples
#' data('EXAMPLE_DATA_list')
#' BETA_out<-BetaFun(Data=EXAMPLE_DATA_list$inputdata,
#' MeanBETA=0.06)
#' @importFrom Matrix colSums rowMeans t
#' @importFrom SingleCellExperiment SingleCellExperiment
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment SummarizedExperiment
#' assayNames assays colData
#' @export
BetaFun <- function(Data, MeanBETA) {
##@ #importFrom Matrix colSums rowMeans
#Set matrix as object for input data
#Normcount <- t_sp(t_sp(Data)/xx) * mean(xx)
Normcount <- Matrix::t(Matrix::t(Data)/xx) * mean(xx)
means <- Matrix::rowMeans(Normcount)
lmeans <- log(means)
med <- apply(log(Normcount + 1), 1, function(x) {
mad <- apply(log(Normcount + 1), 1, function(x) {
bound <- med + 3 * mad
maxlogGene <- apply(log(Normcount + 1), 1, max)
ind <- which(maxlogGene < bound)
dropout = apply(Data, 1, function(x) {
length(which(x == 0))/length(x)
Select_ind <- intersect(ind, which(dropout < 0.35))
Selected_genes <- rownames(Data)[Select_ind]
temppp <- Matrix::colSums(Data[Select_ind, ])
BETA <- temppp/mean(temppp) * MeanBETA
if (length(which(BETA >= 1)) > 0) {
BETA[BETA >= 1] = max(BETA[BETA < 1])
if (length(which(BETA <= 0)) > 0) {
BETA[BETA <= 0] = min(BETA[BETA > 0])
names(BETA) <- colnames(Data)
return(list(BETA = BETA, Selected_genes = Selected_genes))
#' @title Estimate size and mu for Negative Binomial distribution
#' for each gene using MME method
#' @description Input raw data and return
#' estimated size and mu for each gene using the MME method.
#' @param Data A matrix of single-cell expression where rows
#' are genes and columns are samples (cells). \code{Data}
#' can be of class \code{SummarizedExperiment} (the
#' assays slot contains the expression matrix,
#' is named "Counts"), just \code{matrix} or sparse matrix.
#' @param verbose print out status messages. Default is TRUE.
#' @details mu and size are two parameters of the prior that
#' need to be specified for each gene in bayNorm.
#' They are parameters of negative binomial distribution.
#' The variance is \eqn{mu + mu^2/size} in this parametrization.
#' @return List containing estimated mu and
#' size for each gene.
#' @examples
#' data('EXAMPLE_DATA_list')
#' #Return estimated mu and size for each gene using MME method.
#' MME_est<-EstPrior(Data=EXAMPLE_DATA_list$inputdata[,seq(1,30)],
#' verbose=TRUE)
#' @import fitdistrplus
#' @import BiocParallel
#' @importFrom Matrix colSums rowSums rowMeans t
#' @importFrom SingleCellExperiment SingleCellExperiment
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment SummarizedExperiment
#' assayNames assays colData
#' @export
EstPrior <- function(Data,verbose = TRUE) {
#Set matrix as object for input data
# FUNN_fitdistrplus<-function(x,Data=Data){
# suppressWarnings(fitre<- fitdistrplus::fitdist(
# Data[x,], "nbinom",
# method = "mme",
# keepdata = FALSE))
# return(coef(fitre))
# }
# workers=ifelse(parallel,NCores,1)
# BPPARAM=SnowParam(workers=workers,progressbar=TRUE,type='SOCK')
# suppressWarnings(temp_result<-bplapply(seq(1,dim(Data)[1]),
# FUNN_fitdistrplus,Data=Data,BPPARAM=BPPARAM))
# CoefDat<-do.call(rbind,temp_result)
# rownames(CoefDat) <- rownames(Data)
# M_ave_ori <- CoefDat[, 2]
# size_est <- CoefDat[, 1]
#Vectorization make computation faster
# n=dim(Data)[2];
# m = Matrix::rowMeans(Data)
# #v = (n - 1) / n * apply(Data,1,var);
# v = (n - 1) / n * (Matrix::rowSums((Data-m)^2)/(n-1));
# mme_size= m^2/(v - m);
# mme_size[v<=m] =NaN;
# M_ave_ori <- m
# size_est <- mme_size
# names(M_ave_ori)<-rownames(Data)
# names(size_est)<-rownames(Data)
# if (verbose) {
# message("Priors estimation based on MME method has completed.")
# }
# return(list(MU = M_ave_ori, SIZE = size_est))
#Rcpp version
rout[[2]][rout[[3]]<=rout[[1]]] =NaN;
if (verbose) {
message("Priors estimation based on MME method has completed.")
return(list(MU = M_ave_ori, SIZE = size_est))
#' @title A wrapper function of \code{EstPrior}
#' and \code{AdjustSIZE_fun}
#' @description A wrapper function for estimating the parameters
#' of prior using the hybrid method adjusted MME estimates based
#' on maximization of marginal likelihood. Input raw data and a
#' vector of capture efficiencies of cells.
#' @param Data A matrix of single-cell expression where rows
#' are genes and columns are samples (cells). \code{Data}
#' can be of class \code{SummarizedExperiment} (the
#' assays slot contains the expression matrix,
#' is named "Counts"), just \code{matrix} or sparse matrix.
#' @param BETA_vec A vector of capture efficiencies of cells.
#' @param parallel If TRUE, 5 cores will be used for
#' parallelization. Default is TRUE.
#' @param NCores number of cores to use, default is 5.
#' This will be used to set up a parallel environment
#' using either MulticoreParam (Linux, Mac) or
#' SnowParam (Windows) with \code{NCores} using the
#' package \code{BiocParallel}.
#' @param FIX_MU If TRUE, then 1D optimization, otherwise
#' 2D optimization (slow). Default is TRUE.
#' @param GR If TRUE, the gradient function will be used
#' in optimization. However since the gradient function
#' itself is very complicated, it does not help too much
#' in speeding up. Default is FALSE.
#' @param BB_SIZE If TRUE, estimate BB size, and then use
#' it for adjusting MME SIZE. Use the adjusted MME size
#' for bayNorm. Default is TRUE.
#' @param verbose Print out status messages. Default is TRUE.
#' @details By Default, this function will estimate mu and
#' size for each gene using MME method. If \code{BB_size}
#' is enable, spectral projected gradient method from BB
#' package will be implemented to estimate 'BB size' by
#' maximizing marginal likelihood function. MME estimated
#' size will be adjusted according to BB size. BB size itself
#' will not be used in bayNorm this is because that in
#' our simulation we found that MME estimated mu and size
#' have more accurate relationship, but MME estimated
#' size deviates from the true value. BB size is overall
#' more close to the true size but it does not possess a
#' reasonable relationship with either MME estimated mu or
#' BB estimated mu.
#' @return List of estimated parameters: mean
#' expression of genes
#' and size of each gene.
#' @examples
#' data('EXAMPLE_DATA_list')
#' BETA_vec = EXAMPLE_DATA_list$inputbeta[seq(1,30)],parallel=FALSE,
#' @import parallel
#' @import foreach
#' @importFrom SingleCellExperiment SingleCellExperiment
#' @import doSNOW
#' @importFrom Matrix colSums rowSums t
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment SummarizedExperiment
#' assayNames assays colData
#' @export
Prior_fun <- function(
##@ importFrom Matrix colSums
Data, BETA_vec, parallel = TRUE,
NCores = 5, FIX_MU = TRUE,GR = FALSE,
BB_SIZE = TRUE, verbose = TRUE) {
#Set matrix as object for input data
#normcount_N <- t(t(Data)/colSums(Data)) * mean(colSums(Data)/BETA_vec)
#normcount_N <- t_sp(t_sp(Data)/BETA_vec)
normcount_N <- Matrix::t(Matrix::t(Data)/BETA_vec)
Priors <- EstPrior(normcount_N, verbose = verbose)
M_ave_ori <- Priors$MU
size_est <- Priors$SIZE
size_est[is.na(size_est)] <- min(size_est[!is.na(size_est)])
MME_prior <- cbind(M_ave_ori, size_est)
MME_prior <- as.data.frame(MME_prior)
rownames(MME_prior) <- rownames(Data)
colnames(MME_prior) <- c("MME_MU", "MME_SIZE")
if (BB_SIZE) {
if (verbose) {
message("Start optimization using spg from BB package.
This part may be time-consuming.")
BB_size <- BB_Fun(
Data, BETA_vec,
INITIAL_MU_vec = MME_prior$MME_MU,
MU_lower = min(MME_prior$MME_MU),
MU_upper = max(MME_prior$MME_MU),
SIZE_lower = min(MME_prior$MME_SIZE),
SIZE_upper = ceiling(
parallel = parallel,
NCores = NCores,
GR = GR)
BB_prior <- BB_size
if (FIX_MU) {
BB_prior <- cbind(BB_prior, MME_prior$MME_MU)
colnames(BB_prior) <- c("BB_SIZE", "MME_MU")
vec <- BB_prior[,1]
MME_SIZE_adjust <- AdjustSIZE_fun(
if (verbose) {
message("Prior estimation has completed!")
MME_prior = MME_prior, BB_prior = BB_prior,
MME_SIZE_adjust = MME_SIZE_adjust,BETA_vec=BETA_vec))
return(list(MME_prior = MME_prior,BETA_vec=BETA_vec))
#' @title Estimating size for each gene by
#' either 1D or 2D maximization of marginal distribution
#' @description Estimating parameters of the prior distribution
#' for each gene by maximizing marginal distribution: 1D
#' (optimize with respect to size using MME estimate of mu,
#' 2D (optimize with respect to both mu and size)
#' @param Data A matrix of single-cell expression where rows
#' are genes and columns are samples (cells). \code{Data}
#' can be of class \code{SummarizedExperiment} (the
#' assays slot contains the expression matrix,
#' is named "Counts"), just \code{matrix} or sparse matrix.
#' @param BETA_vec A vector of capture efficiencies
#' (probabilities) of cells.
#' @param INITIAL_MU_vec Mean expression of genes,
#' can be estimated from \code{EstPrior}.
#' @param INITIAL_SIZE_vec size of genes (size is a parameter in
#' NB distribution), can come from EstPrior.
#' @param MU_lower The lower bound for the mu.(Only need it when
#' you want to do 2D optimization). Default is 0.01.
#' @param MU_upper The upper bound for the mu.(Only need it when
#' you want to do 2D optimization). Default is 500.
#' @param SIZE_lower The lower bound for the size. Default is 0.01.
#' @param SIZE_upper The upper bound for the size. Default is 30.
#' @param parallel If TRUE, \code{NCores} cores
#' will be used for parallelization. Default is TRUE.
#' @param NCores number of cores to use, default is 5. This will
#' be used to set up a parallel environment using either
#' MulticoreParam (Linux, Mac) or SnowParam (Windows) with NCores
#' using the package BiocParallel.
#' @param FIX_MU If TRUE, then 1D optimization, otherwise 2D
#' optimization (slow).
#' @param GR If TRUE, the gradient function will be used in
#' optimization. However since the gradient function itself is
#' very complicated, it does not help too much in speeding up.
#' Default is FALSE.
#' @return BB estimated size (1D optimization) or size and mu (2D optimization).
#' @examples
#' data('EXAMPLE_DATA_list')
#' BB_RESULT<-BB_Fun(Data=EXAMPLE_DATA_list$inputdata[,seq(1,30)],
#' BETA_vec = EXAMPLE_DATA_list$inputbeta[seq(1,30)],
#' MU_lower=0.01,MU_upper=500,SIZE_lower=0.01,
#' SIZE_upper=30,parallel=FALSE,NCores=5,FIX_MU=TRUE,GR=FALSE)
#' @import parallel
#' @import foreach
#' @import doSNOW
#' @import utils
#' @import iterators
#' @import methods
#' @import BiocParallel
#' @importFrom SingleCellExperiment SingleCellExperiment
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment SummarizedExperiment
#' assayNames assays colData
#' @useDynLib bayNorm
#' @importFrom Rcpp sourceCpp
#' @export
BB_Fun <- function(
MU_lower = 0.01, MU_upper = 500, SIZE_lower = 0.01,
SIZE_upper = 30,parallel = FALSE, NCores = 5,
# if(!is(Data, 'sparseMatrix')){
# if (!(methods::is(Data, "SummarizedExperiment")) &
# !(methods::is(Data, "SingleCellExperiment"))) {
# Data <- as(as.matrix(Data), "dgCMatrix")
# }
# }
#matrix object: faster access to the row than dgCMatrix
#Set matrix as object for input data
Geneind <- NULL
} else if(GR){
} else{
lower_input <- SIZE_lower
upper_input <- SIZE_upper
fn_input <- MarginalF_NB_1D
} else{
lower_input <- c(SIZE_lower, MU_lower)
upper_input <- c(SIZE_upper, MU_upper)
fn_input <- MarginalF_NB_2D
if (parallel) {
cluster <- makeCluster(NCores, type = "SOCK")
iterations <- dim(Data)[1]
pb <- txtProgressBar(max = iterations, style = 3)
progress <- function(n) setTxtProgressBar(pb, n)
opts <- list(progress = progress)
BB_parmat <- foreach(
Geneind = seq_len(dim(Data)[1]),
.combine = combinee,
.options.snow = opts) %dopar% {
# print(Geneind)
mu <- INITIAL_MU_vec[Geneind]
size <- INITIAL_SIZE_vec[Geneind]
m_observed = Data[Geneind, ]
BB_opt <- BB::spg(
par = par_input, fn = fn_input,
gr = GR_pass,MU = mu,
m_observed = m_observed,
BETA = BETA_vec,
control = list(
maximize = TRUE,
trace = FALSE,
maxfeval = 500),
lower = lower_input,
upper = upper_input)
} else{
par_input<-c(size, mu)
BB_opt <- BB::spg(
par = par_input, fn = fn_input,
gr = GR_pass,
m_observed = m_observed,
BETA = BETA_vec,
control = list(
maximize = TRUE,
trace = FALSE,
maxfeval = 500),
lower = lower_input,
upper = upper_input)
optimal_par <- BB_opt$par
} else {
iterations <- dim(Data)[1]
pb <- txtProgressBar(max = iterations, style = 3)
progress <- function(n) setTxtProgressBar(pb, n)
opts <- list(progress = progress)
BB_parmat <- foreach(
Geneind = seq_len(dim(Data)[1]),
.combine = combinee,.options.snow = opts) %do% {
setTxtProgressBar(pb, Geneind)
mu <- INITIAL_MU_vec[Geneind]
size <- INITIAL_SIZE_vec[Geneind]
m_observed = Data[Geneind, ]
BB_opt <- BB::spg(
par = par_input, fn = fn_input,
gr = GR_pass,MU = mu,
m_observed = m_observed,
BETA = BETA_vec,
control = list(
maximize = TRUE,
trace = FALSE,
maxfeval = 500),
lower = SIZE_lower,
upper = SIZE_upper)
} else{
par_input<-c(size, mu)
BB_opt <- BB::spg(
par = par_input, fn = fn_input,
gr = GR_pass,
m_observed = m_observed,
BETA = BETA_vec,
control = list(
maximize = TRUE,
trace = FALSE,
maxfeval = 500),
lower = SIZE_lower,
upper = SIZE_upper)
optimal_par <- BB_opt$par
names(BB_parmat) <- rownames(Data)
} else{
rownames(BB_parmat) <- rownames(Data)
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