#' Reads probe alignment files and creates an \code{Alignments} object
#' This funtion reads genomic alignment file (\code{Aligned.out.sam} postfix
#' required)
#' and transcriptomic alignment file (\code{Aligned.toTranscriptome.out.bam}
#' postfix requires)
#' and generated an object of class \code{"Alignments"}
#' @title Read probe alignments from a directory
#' @param alignment.dir the path to a directory that contains genomic
#' and transcriptomic alignments
#' @return a \code{"Alignments"}.
#' @author Vladislava Milchevskaya \email{milchv@gmail.com}
#' @examples
#' sam_file <-
#' dir(system.file("extdata",package="pdProbeRemap"),
#' pattern="example_drosophila.Aligned.out.sam",full.names=TRUE)
#' alignment_dir <-
#' strsplit(sam_file, split = "example_drosophila.Aligned.out.sam")[[1]]
#' Als <- processAlignments(alignment_dir)
#' @include 0_DataClasses.R
#' @export
#' @importFrom reshape2 melt
#' @importFrom Rsamtools asSam
### 2nd function ####
processAlignments <- function(alignment.dir = NA)
#if (is.na(alignment.dir) & (!(is.na(outputDir))))
#{alignment.dir = file.path(outputDir, "Alignments")}
alignment.to.genome.path = list.files(path = alignment.dir,
pattern = "Aligned.out.sam",
ignore.case = TRUE,
full.names = TRUE)
alignment.to.transcriptome.path =
list.files(path = alignment.dir,
pattern = "Aligned.toTranscriptome.out.bam",
ignore.case = TRUE,
full.names = TRUE)
alignment.to.transcriptome.name =
list.files(path = alignment.dir,
pattern = "Aligned.toTranscriptome.out.bam",
ignore.case = TRUE,
full.names = FALSE)
if (!all(length(alignment.to.genome.path) == 1 ,
length(alignment.to.transcriptome.path) == 1,
length(alignment.to.transcriptome.name) == 1,
length(alignment.dir) == 1))
message =
paste('Wrong alignment directory path or not all alignment files found.')
stop(message = message)
alignment.to.transcriptome.name.woBAM =
unlist(strsplit(alignment.to.transcriptome.name, split = ".bam"))
Als <- new("Alignments")
Als@path_AlignmentToGenome_Sam <- alignment.to.genome.path
Als@path_AlignmentToTranscriptome_Bam <- alignment.to.transcriptome.path
Als@path_AlignmentsDir <- alignment.dir
samGenome <- read.sam(alignment.to.genome.path)
samFileTranscriptome <-
destination = file.path(alignment.dir,
overwrite = TRUE)
samTranscriptome <- read.sam(samFileTranscriptome)
# check that the alignments are OK #
g25 = reshape2::melt(table(samGenome$x$CIGAR == "25M"))
if ( all(c("TRUE", "FALSE") %in% g25$Var1))
if (g25[which(g25$Var1 == TRUE),"value"] <= 10*g25[which(g25$Var1 == FALSE),
warning("Most of the probe mappings in the Genomic Alignment
should have CIGAR = 25M.
Now >10% of the mappings have different CIGAR string! \n")}
t25 = reshape2::melt(table(samTranscriptome$x$CIGAR == "25M"))
if (nrow(t25) > 1)
if(t25[which(g25$Var1 == TRUE),"value"] <= 10*t25[which(g25$Var1 == FALSE),
warning("Most of the probe mappings in the
Genomic Alignment should have CIGAR = 25M.
Now >10% of the mappings have different CIGAR string! \n")
if (nrow(t25) == 1 & t25[1,1] == FALSE)
{stop("Not even a single mapping in Transcriptome ALignment
with CIGAR = 25M. Corrupted input file? \n")}
Als@samGenome <- samGenome
Als@samTranscriptome <- samTranscriptome
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